luang pu boonsong

《泰國Wat Santiwanaram寺聖僧——文頌大長老略傳》




者父名 Khimseng,母名 Chamlong Chamlongrak,父母均來自 Chachengsao 地區. 父母於連接Chaopraya運河和Bang Oakington的運河處以貿易為生。

文頌大長老的童年大部分時間都在兩條運河之間和船上度過,如今此地已改名稱為 Pratunam Thatua。



孩提之時,尊者在一次溺水事故中奇蹟般地死裡逃生。由於當時正在船上玩耍嬉戲,尊者一不小心掉進了Bang Pakong 運河。令人深感不安的寂靜引起了父母的注意。發現孩子不在時,父母到處尋找。在船邊彎身一看,只見尊者的身軀漂泊在水面之上,皮膚在月光下閃閃發光。這一次倖存事件說明了尊者並非如同一般凡夫。




行人不僅曾是Luang Por Sothorn寺門前不起眼的三輪人力車推手、更做過魚販、查票








Muang, Rayong 省的Wat Threeratanaram 寺正式剃度,披了僧寶的無上福田衣。

受戒師為Pra-wara-prot-punya-jarn (來自 Wat Pa Aranyigawas 寺的龍普 Fam Apirato




三師賜名Thitasaro “接受與執持佛陀所宣之戒律者”

文頌大長老在龍普 Waen Sujinno ( Doi-Maepang, Praw, 清邁)及諸多偉大的禪修導師與業處導師座下學習佛法、禪修。



龍普 Khamdee Paphaso

( Wat Tham Pha Pu, Loei)、

龍普Srichan Wannapho (Wat Loei Lonk, Loei)、

龍普 Chob Thansamo (Wat Pa Sammanusorn, Loei)、

龍普Lui Chanthasaro ( Wat Tham Pha bing, Loei)、

龍普Orn Yanasiri (Wat Pha Nikrotharam, Loei)、

帕阿姜Juan Kullachetto (Wat Phu Tok, Bueng Kan)、

龍普Tesk Tesranksi (Wat Hin Mark Peng, Nong Khai)、

龍普 Rian Waralapho (Wat Aranbanphot, Nong Khai)、

龍普 Sim Buddhajaro (Wat Tham Pha Plong, Chiang Mai)

龍普Lah Khempatto (Wat Banphot  Khiri (Phu Jor Kor), Mukdahan )、

隆達 Maha Bua Yanasampanno (Wat Pa Ban Tat, Udornthani)、

龍普 Chantha Thawaro (Wat Pa Khao Noi, Pichit)、

龍普Khampong Tisso (Wat Tham Kok Du, Udornthani)、

帕阿姜 One Utamo (Wat Tham Apai Damrongtham, Sakhonakhon)



後康復。然而,當時文頌大長老並不認識帕阿姜One尊者。 )


此外,文頌大長老亦有諸多善知識(同持戒者)如:龍普 Ton Yanatharo (Wat Sri

Apaiwan, Loei )(文頌大長老極為讚歎此尊者)、

龍普Boonpeng Kappako ( Wat Pa

Thamma Wiwek, Khonkean)、

龍普 Boonpeng Khemaphirato (Wat Tham Kong Pen,

Nong Bua Lamphu)、

龍普 Plien Panyapathipo (Wat Aranwiwek, Chiang Mai)。


文頌大長老經常與以下的尊者們一同朝聖,如:隆波 Prasit Poonyamakaro (Wat Pa Moo

Mai, Chiang Mai)、

龍普 Kuang Kosalo ( Wat Pa Na Boon, Chiang Mai)、


Prasong Sutanto ( Wat Pa Prachongchit, Chaiyaphum)。





旦照坤 Pra Wimonmettajarn 或稱 龍普 Supoj Thitapato (Wat Huang Pattana, Khao

Sming, Trat) (此長老被譽為Trat地方比丘僧眾之領導者)、

隆波Prasit Nemiyo (Wat

Maha Jeri (Klai Kang Won), Soi Dao, Chanthaburi)、

龍普Vichai Khemiyo (Wat Tham Pha Chom, Maesai, Chiang Rai)等諸多高僧大德,在此不一一列舉。


文頌大長老提到:在龍普Waen Sujinno 座下的學習是最充實的一段時間,令他在修行方面得到了極大進展,是一段非常愉快的時光。在龍普Waen Sujinno處,文頌大長老感到非常溫暖。弟子們都任勞任怨地在服侍龍普Waen,不曾有一絲一毫的抱怨。


朝聖後,文頌大長老常住在 Wat Santiwanaram 寺 (Kaenghangmeao, Chanthaburi地方)。當時,此處僅僅是一塊非常小的棲身之地。但恰恰就在這小小的修行場所,居住著龍普Chob Tansamo、龍普 Sim Buddhajaro, 龍普 Chantha Thawaro 、龍普 Ton Yanatharo,

龍普 Prasit Poonyamakaro等許多著名的禪修者、比丘僧伽,不可不謂臥虎藏龍。

文頌大長老提到:在Wat Santiwanaram 寺的日子極其艱苦。有好幾次,尊者只有白米飯可食用,甚至有時需要挨餓。這讓尊者明白:通往解脫涅盤的道路從不平坦,解脫成就不是一帆風順的事情。






不久前,尊者在獨自修行了數十年後,終於開始攝受廣大的信眾,並準備建立一8000平方米大德戒堂。佛歷2553年11月初6日(2009年10月14日星期四),尊者被任為Wat Santiwanaram 寺的住持。

寫此文時(2020年),尊者已82高齡,僧臘52年,常駐於泰國Chantaburi地區的 Wat Santiwanaram 寺。


Luang Pu Boonsong mentioned that in the past he ordained, he passed away. After he woke up, he was very thirsty. 

文颂大老提到他以往出家就去世。 但他睡醒,他很渴。

So I asked if Luang Pu had died and then resurrected.


Luang Pu said that he had not ordained yet then. Died because of love. He was heartbroken and took medicine to kill himself. 555. It was good that he didn’t die yet. So he managed to ordain. After he was ordained, he saw the drawbacks of love. It is Dukkha. 

长老说当时他还没出家。 他死是因为爱。他很心碎和服药自杀。还好没死。所以才可以出家。但他出家后, 他看到爱带来的后果。那是苦。

Luang Pu reiterated to me that "Novice, don't think that you can't do it. It's not too difficult for us. But it's not easy either. Nevertheless, don't think that it is excessively hard.”

长老重申, 小师父不要想你不能做到。对我们来说不难也不容易。 不管怎样, 别想太紧。

Luang Pu said that “I used to be in love. Was friends/together for 4 years. I never offended her. At first I was going to be ordained for 3 months. She came to ask every day. We broke up. After breaking up also never disturb one another. Breaking up also didn’t frown too much, no more than 2 days. As a result, gave myself up to the Buddha. Worldly life is really full of suffering.”

长老说; 我恋爱过,是朋友在一起四年。我没得罪她。当初, 我是要出家三个月。她每天来问。我们就分开。分开后,也没去打扰对方。分手后, 我也没不满太多,不多过两天。最后, 我把自己奉献给佛陀。世间生活真的是苦海。

“Not long after ordaining, I went to the North. Went to live with Luang Pu Waen at Doi Mae Pang. At that time, there weren’t many people yet. As soon as there were attendants, we withdrew.”

在出家不久, 我去北上。 去和隆普元在Doi Mae Pang。当时不是很多人。 只要有扶持者,我们就退下。

Me: Which year did Luang Pu go meet Luang Pu Waen?

问: 那年长老去见隆普元?

LP: Let me think about it…Ordained for 4 phansa…25XX…I forgot. 

长老: 让我想, 我出家第四年。。25XX 我忘了。

Also visited many old generation. Luang Pu Khao…we were quite close. Know Luang Pu Boonpeng, Ajaan Jan Ta, Luang Pu Juan, Luang Pu Wan etc. 

我们也拜访许多老一辈。 隆普考,我们很接近。 也认识隆普Boonpeng, Ajaan Jan Ta, Luang Pu Juan, Luang Pu Wan 等等。

I’ve ever been to stay at Pha Noi. 

我有住过Pha Noi

Me: Luang Pu ever went to stay with Luang Pu Chob?

问: 长老有和隆普卓住过吗?

Luang Pu: Once went. On top of the mountain looking down also saw Khok Mon. Not far from Luang Pu Chob. 

长老: 一次。在山上往下看到Khok Mon。 和隆普卓不远。

Me: In the era Luang Pu visited Luang Pu Chop, can walk or not?

问: 当时,隆普卓还能行走吗? 

Luang Pu: At the start not really able to liao. 

长老: 一开始不什么可以。

In the past when going to the forest, must struggle na Novice. Night time comes and it is quiet. Some night is peaceful seclusion, some nights are scary and frightening. 

以往去丛林, 要挣扎。 到了晚间,是很安静。一些晚上是很平静,一些晚是很恐怖和怕人。

4 or 5 days, will come to people’s houses. Time to leave the forest, come to people’s house is as if entering a palace. Once a while hold a religious service. If get stuck in the Ban Muang, also scared. But after a long time, will get used to it. Go back again after stuck in the city, must struggle a lot. 

四或五天来人家。但离开丛林到人的家,好像似去皇宫。 有时,做些宗教仪式。如卡在Ban Muang也怕。 因为久了会习惯。如卡在城市,再回去,要挣扎许多。

In the past I would go alone and be by myself. Not really with the group. Alone one person will speak with the animals, with birds, with chickens, not insane na. Only there’s no person to speak with. Lonely as a result, and speak with animals. But I know I am not crazy. 

过去, 我会一个人。不是真的和组群。 独自一人会和动物,鸟,鸡说话,不是精神病。 因为没人说话。因为寂寞所以才和动物说话。 可是我知道我没发疯。

Going around the forest and feeling lonely. By myself in the forest, almost insane. Used to lie flat on the floor. 

在森林走会寂寞。 我一人在森林 差不多发疯。 我习惯躺在地上。

Me: How did Luang Pu get through this period? What technique did you use?

问;长老怎么度过这时期。 你用什么方法?

LP: I asked myself, what did I ordain for? I ordained to have company or ordained for the Dhamma? It is important to have sati na Novice.

长老: 我问自己我出家是为了什么? 我出家是要有伴或为法而出家? 正念是很重要。

Me: Does Luang Pu know Luang Pu Kuang?

问: 长老认识隆普光吗?

LP: Know. We are the same generation.

长老; 認識。我们是同辈。

Me: How about Luang Pu Prasit?

问: 那隆普帕习?

LP: Tahn is a bit older. In the past used to go around the forest. There were Prasit, Kuang, and me, and another monk I cannot remember his name. We went together, 4 monks. In the past Kruba Ajaans patibat very seriously na Novice.

长老: 长老比较老。 以往去森林。 有帕习, 有光和我。还有多一位师父, 我忘记他的名。我们一起4位。 以前, 祖师大德很认真。

The Boht has been built for 10 years and has never been in debt. We tell the tewada, if in debt we will flee to the forest, we built and always got, never owing. 


Luang Pu Sim let us stay here. This is the most evil in the country. There were people coming to find us, to shoot at us. But it was fine. Shoot and nearly reach us but fell down. We have been practicing for many years. The persons who wanted to attack us, they all died. We didn’t curse them or anything. They died by themselves. Their kamma. At first 5 people died, then later 3. 

隆普Sim 让我们在这里住。 这是国家最险恶。 有人来找我们和对我们开枪。但还好, 没事。差点射中我们可是没有。我们没诅咒他们或者什么。他们自己往生。他们的业。 首五个先往生再三位。

Luang Pu Sim said that go ahead, stay here. It is a practice in itself. Once you build this and build that, even if you want to go, you can't go. Person here person there have come to build this boht since 2012, this year is exactly 10 years.

隆普Sim 说住这里。 这是修行本身。 但您建这建那,如你要走都不能。 人来人来建这戒堂从2012年。,今年准准十年了。

Luang Ta Maha Bua..Tahn has never been fierce to us. When go to meet him, he will only encourage. But he was fierce to other monk.

隆达Maha Bua.从没对我们凶。当我们见他,他只是鼓励可是对其他师父凶。



弟子們接著請求隆普給予機會與允許,以便他們能帶走這些頭髮以作供奉,以及拍照留念。隆普沒有明言拒絕,僅說,“你要帶走的話,那就隨你意吧。” 雖然如此,隆普仁慈地勸導弟子說,“何必要對一團頭髮如此激動?既然你相信我的頭髮可以轉化成舍利子,那不如也把你自己的頭髮轉化成舍利子,如此這般豈不是更好、更值得被讚嘆?你應當

常常如此思維。 ”



(por khao wanchart yimme 的説法是,只有阿羅漢才能在活著時把體物化成舍利,三果聖者還不能)

Why are you so excited about mere strands of hair?

In the past, Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro shaved his head by himself. Luang Pu held a mirror in one hand and held a razor in another. Luang Pu looked into the mirror and shaved at the same time. And once Luang Pu put the razor down, Luang Pu threw his hair on the ground. It was like this for many years.

Then, a miracle happened when one of his pupils went by the mangosteen tree where Luang Pu always shaved his hair.

He saw something black and round in shape under the mangosteen tree. Looking closer, he found that this was a mass of hair clumped together into a ball with white solid objects scattered all over.

Who does this hair belong to? It definitely belongs to Luang Pu Boonsong; the hair that Luang Pu scattered all over the ground. They were miraculously combined.

The pupil was so excited and conveyed the news to Luang Pu. After Luang Pu learnt of the story, Luang Pu calmly replied, “It is merely hair."

The pupil, therefore, asked for an opportunity and permission from Luang Pu to keep the hair to pay homage to and took a picture.

Luang Pu didn’t say no.

He also told the disciple that if he wanted to keep the hair, he could go ahead.

Luang Pu still mercifully taught the disciple:

" Why are you so excited about a mass of hair?

If you believe that my hair transformed into relics,

Then you’d better make your hair transform into relics too. This would be even better.

Consider this frequently. "

Luang pu Boonsong

The below pics on the hairs that kept by disciples had turn into relics

[NP Translate]

Credit วิโรจน์ วงศ์นิสากร

Edited: Aaron chia

中文: Ted







曾經,另一位高僧 luang pu Noi 也提出過質疑。



在佈施分別經裡, 佛陀說 “ 對動物施與布施後,有一百功德供養應該可以被預期;對無德的一般人施與布施後,有一千功德供養應該可以被預期;對有德的一般人施與布施後,有十萬功德供養應該可以被預期;對外教在欲上離貪者施與布施後,有萬億功德供養應該可以被預期;對為了入流果的作證之行者施與布施後,有不能計算、不能計量的供養應該可以被預期,何況說對入流者、對為了一來果的作證之行者、對一來者、對為了不還果的作證之行者、對不還者、對為了阿羅漢果的作證之行者、對如來弟子阿羅漢、對辟支佛、對如來、阿羅漢、遍正覺者!”


務必把握機會 !

寺名 : Wat Santiwanaram

地點 : Chanthaburi


Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro Dhamma - 文颂大长老  facebook 專頁


The Construction of the Sima Hall

Originally, I did not have that intention to establish such a large Sima Hall. But when we started building it, it just turned out that way. However, I do not feel it will burden the lay people.

But it is a good opportunity for them to establish a field of merit, and to make goodness. Instead of using the money to do evil deeds or just wasting it away.

At least upon seeing the results of this merit (i.e. the Sima Hall being built), his heart will rejoice at the merit made.

This is like taking worldly material things (wealth) and converting it into noble treasure for himself (merit).

When he dies, if the power of his merit power is not enough to send him to heaven,

at least, the virtue of this merit will prevent him from falling into the lower realms of woe [hell, animal kingdom, hungry ghost, or demon realm]. "

In a firm and stern manner, Luang Pu Boonsong explained to Luang Pu Noi about the reasons for building this Sima Hall and the result of contributing to this immensely meritorious act.

But still with the submissive act.

In other words, he showed his real intention and his fortune destiny that he performed.

After that, both Luang Pu Boonsong and Luang Pu Noi debated vigorously with each other.

Their disciples in the area at that time

sat silently as if they were restrained by some spell.

They did not even try to move.

Even their sound of their breathing could not be discerned. This is because all their attention was enraptured by their two “Por Mae Kruba Ajahn”, who were debating fiercely with one another.


Luang Pu Noi is strict with the Dhamma practice

and fearless as a tiger.

And Luang Pu Boonsong is noble and respectable like a lion.

How the two “Por Mae Kruba Ajahn” debated with one another thrilled all their disciples witnessing this scene.

If you heard the loud conversation but did not appreciate the content of the debate between the two respected teachers,

You would think that this is a routine argument between two stubborn old men.

No one gave in

The debate continued as the two respected Ajahns threw questions at one other.

Until one part of the conversation,

When Luang Pu Boonsong tried to come to a conclusion,

Luang Pu Noi immediately mentioned

The great size of this chapel again.

"Why do you want to make it so extensive?

... Who will take care of it?"

Luang Pu Boonsong immediately responded to Luang Pu Noi with his powerful voice as well that

["] A person who has not seen anything bigger than a mountain,

will say that this chapel is big.

A person who has never seen anything smaller than a pinhole,

will say that this chapel is big.

If I could build a chapel as big as a mountain, ... I will go ahead to build anyway.

This chapel is very small.

Compared to the greatest of the Buddha Sasana

That has existed for 2500 years.

I don't think I'm great.

The chapel is not great.

But the Sasana is greater.

This chapel comes from the people whose faith is firmly established in Buddhism.

It does not reflect the amount of faith they have in me.

But it shows that they still believe in Buddhism.

That they understand that merit and sin truly exists.

I see it as a good thing that they are keen to make such merit.

And after the construction is completed,

Do not worry about who will take care of the hall after I die ...

A religious place that is as great and important like this.

When the time comes, there will be someone taking care of it.

I never worry ...

At least, the people who will come to take care of it

are certainly those who are interested in the making of this merit.

They will not leave it to deteriorate or ignore it ... I believe so. "

Luang Pu Boonsong ended with a firm proclamation.

As soon as he finished, Luang Pu Noi smiled immediately

and said “Sadhu” in appreciation of Luang Pu Boonsong’s explanation.

At that moment, the disciples overhearing the debate thought that Luang Pu Noi would rebut the arguments and continue the debate.

But things did not happen that way.

As soon as Luang Pu Boonsong finished,

They saw the smile at the corner of Luang Pu Noi’s mouth. And he instantly blessed and proclaimed “Sadhu”.

Luang Pu Boonsong stood up and went down on his knees and said to Luang Pu Noi respectfully:

"I would like to apologize to Pu [meaning Grandfather] for speaking frankly and with a rough tone.

If I said anything that isn’t appropriate to be mentioned to an elder, I would like to beg your forgiveness. I had no intention to be rude, I was speaking from a pure heart... "

Luang Pu Boonsong hadn't finished when Luang Pu Noi answered back instantly with a reverberating voice:

"To be frank like this is good, like a nak leng [tough man].

I like this and enjoy talking with you. We speak with understanding, using the same language.


What Luang Phor (meaning Luang Pu Boonsong) is setting out to do, I'd like to exclaim my appreciation and support in all aspects. "

After this utterance, Luang Pu Noi went looking for something but could not find it.

Then he saw his large set of teeth cleaning twigs or “Mai Jiea Fun".

And picked it up.

And said to Luang Pu Boonsong with his face and eyes full of Metta:

"I would like to give this to Luang Phor.

And I’d like to express my support and appreciate for him."

The disciples sitting there were full of joy as they replied in unison “Anumodana Sadhu”.

The conversation continued but ended shortly afterwards.

Luang Pu Boonsong respectfully said goodbye to Luang Pu Noi because they had to part.

Both the “Por Mae Kruba Ajahns” formally paid their respects to each other as per the Buddhist monastic tradition before they both parted to carry out their duties.


原来,我并没有想要建如此雄伟壮观的戒律堂的想法。只不过,当我们开始筹建以后 ,却成了现今(如此大)的样子。尽管如此,我并不觉得这会给在家居士们带来负担。这是一个让在家居士们行持善业、累积福德资粮田的善妙缘起。与其将钱用来作恶业或浪费钱财,不如去行善。至少,当他们看到戒律堂建成之后,心里会因为这是自己所累积的善业的善果而欢喜随喜。这就如同将世俗的财物转换成功德的圣财道理是一样的。



文颂长老说毕,龙普Noi立即会心一笑,称赞道:“善哉!”以感恩文颂长老的解释。当时,众弟子一位龙普Noi会继续反驳文颂长老的观点并继续辩论。 但是,这样的事情没有发生。文颂长老一说完,龙普Noi的嘴角处便露出了灿烂的笑容。他立即赐予加持并称赞道“萨度!”文颂长老立即站了起来并向龙普Noi下跪,恭敬地说:“我想向普(祖父)忏悔。我说的话毫无修饰,直言不讳。如果我说了不太适合、对长老不恭敬的话,请长老原谅我!我没有任何不恭敬的意图,完全是以清净心而说。“

文颂长老尚未言毕,龙普Noi立刻回道:“像一个粗俗的人一样说话干脆直接挺好的。我喜欢你这样的风格,跟你说话很开心。我们对话的时候,都有共同的语言、共同的见解。至于龙普想要去做的事,我表示认同与感恩,全方面支持龙普。如是说已,龙普Noi便去寻找一样东西,却遍寻不得。这时,他瞥见他的一大套用以刷牙的树枝“Mai JieaFun",便拿了起来。眼中流露出慈心的龙普Noi对文颂长老说道:“我想将此供养给龙普,以表示我对龙普的全力支持与感恩。”众弟子听后,异口同音地回答道:“善哉随喜!萨度!” 两人的对话又了一段时间,但稍后便结束了。由于来到了离别的时刻,文颂长老恭敬地向龙普Noi道别。两位“PorMae古巴阿姜”按照佛制相互顶礼道别,并继续行持他们各自的佛行事业。

《供養Luang pu boonsong 大長老戒堂的會有屋住》



---luang pu boonsong

《供養Luang pu boonsong 大長老戒璮的功德》










昨天跟Luang Ta Siri與其弟子信徒去頂禮Luang Pu Boonsong,

感謝Luang Pu Boonsong說起他起此建寺院的經歷,是他出家以來遇到最艱難地方,包括人事問題,那些有權力與流氓來阻礙擾亂,最終用了三十年來平靜,而那些有權力與流氓來擾亂的那5位也死了,當中包括有拿槍想來射殺,最終殺不了,自己被人射殺。



Luang Pu很慈祥地跟我們談了很久。

AJh 6-3-2021 


People who have had a relationship with me still circle around in the cycle of birth and death.

I built this Sima Building for those who come to perfect their parami and for returning their merit.

So, I made a determination (athithan).

Those, who has had a relationship with me in the past,

please come and help me.

Come and create parami once again.

It is a chance to create merit for those who have had a relationship with me.

I have sympathy for all of you who still circle around in Samsara.

At least, it will be good if I can take and leave you all in the heavenly realm.

Then, we can go and continue to make merit up there in heaven.

Take building this Sima Building as a cause of rebirth in a fortunate realm. "



I am going to take my hands... pull you to there

I will take you guys... as much as I can.

Don't you jump away...

Leave you there... at heaven... it’s still good.

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro, Santiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand



NP Translate]

Credit @วิโรจน์ วงศ์นิสากร


People who help to build this ordination hall with Luang Pu, they are Deva or assumed Deva ( they was in the heaven and reborn as human being to build parami)

They are yourself who already have the palace in heaven , waiting your guy to stay there. No need to sweep or cleaning like human realm. Thus behave yourself like deva who better than assumed deva , ready to reincarnated as Visutti Deva in heaven realm. Some people has very strong effort, Sati, wisdom, parami and able to cut all kilesa and enlighten to nibbana.

** Admin add on**

Nandiya was a rich man from Baranasi. After listening to the Buddha's discourse on the benefits of building monasteries for bhikkhus, Nandiya built the Mahavihara monastery at Isipatana. The building was pinnacled and fully furnished. As soon as the monastery was offered to the Buddha, a mansion came up for Nandiya at the Tavatimsa deva world.

One day, when Thera Maha Moggalana visited the Tavatimsa deva world he saw the mansion which was meant for the donor of the Mahavihara monastery at Isipatana. On his return from the Tavatimsa deva world, Thera Maha Moggalana asked the Buddha, "Venerable Sir! For those who perform meritorious deeds, do they have mansions and other riches prepared in the deva world even while they are still living in this world ?" To him the Buddha said, "My son, why do you ask? Have you not yourself seen the mansion and riches waiting for Nandiya in the Tavatimsa deva world? The devas await the coming of the good and generous ones, as relatives await the return of one who is long absent. When the good ones die, they are welcomed joyously to the abode of the devas."

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 219: A man who has long been absent and has returned home safely from a distance is welcomed with joy by relatives, friends and well-wishers on his return.

Verse 220: In the same way, his good deeds will receive him who has done good when he goes from this world to the other, as relatives receive a dear one on his return.




** 管理加**

难提是波罗奈的富翁。他有⼀次听佛陀说兴建 精舍给⽐丘是很⼤的福业,于是就在⿅野苑处 兴建尖顶、布置良好的⼤精舍。当他把这精舍 供养给佛陀时,忉利天顿时化现出了⼀栋华美 的宅第。





《法句经 219-220》


In former times, Dhamma led us into the forest

But now, Boht (Sima Hall) brings us to the city

Before we commenced

He was in the forest

But when the time was ripe

It was time to enter the city

To give the community a cause

To make merit together with each other

Tiring, it is tiring

But its only for a while and not a long time

We know that we have the strength

We know it clearly

The things we do are for the Sasana

And for the community and everyone

It is not for ourselves alone

We have good intentions and

We are committed

I ask that you believe in us

But don’t worry about us

Just be concerned for yourself

You don’t have to worry about us

But should believe in us













我们所做的一切都是为了 佛教










CR: Aaron


If you donate or dana( Giving or generosity) to monks who have no debt, all of you will have no debt too. I wish all of you out of debt and have no debt.

Luang pu Boonsong.

The below photograph was taken when devotee transfer the fund and the temple manage to gap the shortfall and tide over the construction payment due on 5th July.  Luang pu also expressed very happy. May we share the goodness to all whom seen this post and those who share and contribute to the construction. Anumodana to you. May all be debt free




At least upon seeing the results of this merit (i.e. the Sima Hall being built), his heart will rejoice at the merit made.

This is like taking worldly material things (wealth) and converting it into noble treasure for himself (merit).














I don't want anyone to know me.

Whoever asked about my temple, I don't want to tell.


I told that it is far away.

Do not go, the way is too difficult.

Because I want to stay quiet and peaceful.

Until I thought to build the chaple.

Actually, I do not want to do this.

# But he came and asked to build????

So, I had to build.

(This church, Indra requested Luang Pu to build)


This Ubosot (ordination hall) will be a monument , remembrance of birth whom i am once born in this world, but does not build it for my name.

I am already old, not living too long. This Ubosot will be of benefit to the next generation people.

By Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro, Abbot of Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi.




อุโบสถ์นี้ เป็นอนุสรณ์ การเกิดของเรา ไม่ได้สร้างเพื่อเรา เราแก่แล้ว เราอยู่อีกไม่นาน แต่จะเกิดประโยชน์ สำหรับคนรุ่นหลัง

โอวาท : หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี


If it was not for this Ubosot here, you will never have a chance to meet me.

The Dhamma lead me to the forest, but this Ubosot here brought me to the City.

I created a cause, the rest it’s up to you whether you will continue or not.

Luang pu Boonsong



"... ถ้าไม่ใช่อุโบสถหลังนี้อย่าคิดว่าจะได้เจอเรา​ ธรรมะพาเราเข้าป่า​ แต่ว่าโบสถ์หลังนี้พาเราเข้าเมือง​         เราสร้างเหตุไว้ให้​ ส่วนที่เหลือใครจะทำหรือไม่ทำนั่นก็แล้วแต่จะพิจารณากัน​..."

#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม​ จ.จันทบุรี​


The guardian spirit at this temple has great power.

There are many different classes of spirits.

There are ordinary ghosts.

Low level theps (devas) up to the highest Brahmas.

Some are as big as hills and mountains.

When they walk the land shakes.

With a thundering noise and yet,

They do no harm to others.

If they come to practice the Dhamma.

And also to make merit.

Or they could be child spirits from ancient times

There are also adult ghosts from the historic past.

In the past when [I was] meditating

Used to see them very often.

When I first came to this place.

After I started to build this Ubosot*.

All the different spirits in this area

Floating around or trapped here

Many of them have gone to a better world.

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitsaro

Wat Santi Wattanaram

Chanthaburi Province

*LP Boonsong is embarking on an ambitious project to construct a gigantic Ubosot (ordination hall). This will remain part of LP's legacy and offers an opportunity for his devotees to tamboon (make merit).



有些(天神)的身体像山一样大。 当他们走路时,土地在震动,声音如同打雷一般。然而,他们不会伤害他人。他们懂得修学佛法,懂得累积功德。

有些是来自远古时代的儿童灵魂、 也有些是远古时代的幽魂。

过去,在我刚来到这里的时候,每当我禪修时,经常会看到他们。 但在我开始建此戒堂之后。很多在这里漂浮或受困的鬼魂,已经投生到了善趣。


Cr LP Doo FB admin and Ted for the translation


# Anumodana Rejoice in the merits of everyone

Whoever assists me  either through physical labour or donating monetary offerings ( or both) with good intentions.

Although I don’t discuss these openly, these things are in my citta (mind) all the time.

I just don’t express these matters openly. Whoever assists me, please inform them that I Anumodana (rejoice) in the efforts of everyone (who assists me).

# Venerable Luang Pu Boonsong Thittasaro





Remember na...the people from all over, who helped us to build this sima hall. You can adhiṭṭhāna (make a wish, or determination). Everything will succeed according to your long as it is not beyond the law of kamma to do so.

Luang pu Boonsong



#จำไว้นะ คนทั้งหลาย...ที่มาช่วยเราสร้างโบสถ์หลังนี้




Cr: Ted, Nina and Aaron


You should cultivate more good deeds by using this human body before leaving to the deva realm, brahma realm or higher realm. You must be a moral human, keeping the pure five precepts and once, you can develop your mind to the higher level of dhamma, then you will be able to solve problem by yourself, no need to copy the solution from anyone and get cheated by other. 

The passing of time, we cannot go back to the past, so put more effort to train yourself. Buddhist laypeople life must be wise. The making merit must be reasonable. Giving generosity also must be reasonable. Do not be like an idiom “"The blind leading the blind" (it is used to describe a situation where a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another person who knows almost nothing.)

Since being ordained, I have tried to create public benefit. I have been constructed this biggest Phra Ubosot (ordination hall) for nine years, the cost around 1,000 million Thai baht without debt because of supporting from both local and oversea devotees.

You can gain three rewards with great fruit and great benefit from constructed this multi-purpose building 1. Vihara 2. Chedi 3. Ubosot (ordination hall), all in one place. You won’t forget your good deeds and being proud of yourself. It’s not fake. Good deeds never lost. Not spending on those unnecessary things. Take refuge in the triple gems and you can use the body to practice. Use eyes, ear, nose use all in the right path.

Extract from Luang pu Boonsong Dhamma talk

去天界、梵界或更高界之前,你应该利用这个肉体多修善业。你必须是一个有道德的人,持守清净的五戒. 当你可以把你的心发展到更高层次的法,然后你就能自己解决问题,不需要从任何人那里抄袭别人的方法而被他人欺骗。


出家以来,我一直努力创造公益。我已经建造了这个最大的 Phra Ubosot(戒堂)九年,由于当地和海外信徒的支持,我在没有债务的情况下花费了大约 10 亿泰铢。

建造这座多功能建筑,您可以获得三项果报和巨大获益-1。 寺庙2. 舍利塔3.戒堂),都在一处。你不会忘记你的善行,并为自己感到自豪。这不是假的。善行永不丢失。不要在那些不必要的事情上花钱。皈依三宝,就可以用身来修行。眼、耳、鼻都用在正确的道路上。


Luang pu insists not using supernatural power

" Use the power that the Buddha gave only."


Once, pupil has asked Luang Pu Boonsong.


" It is said that Luang Pu has supernatural power (Ittirit) and higher knowledge (Apinya). But the chapel's size is this big (Over 5 rai or approximately 2 acre),

Why doesn't Luang Pu use the power to help build the chapel to complete sooner? So, we don't have to be tired. And because Luang Pu has lots of ages.. "


Luang Pu responded to that.


" Do not use anything but only the merit and power that the Buddha gave and the teaching of the Buddha only.

[ I ] will use only these to make the chapel completed.

[ I ] will not use anything beyond these.


Beside, I want everyone to help.

So, they will have merit, charity and prestige as well. It may be completed later, but it doesn't matter. Because I'm leading you all to create glory and prestige (Baaramee) ... "






"If this chapel was finished,...

you all will be comfortable [happy]. You will see the virtue [result] by yourselves... "


"For about 4 years, (Said in the year 2560 B.E. or 2017 A.D.)

this chapel will be finished.

And [this] will become a memorial of everyone's goodness.

A memorial of merit for everyone that helps carry on the age of Buddism.



I'm not great.

The chapel is not great.

[The Buddism] The Religion is bigger.


And I'm not do this for myself.

I do for all of you ... "



" People who had a relation with me still circle around [in birth and death].

I built this chapel for those whom comes to continue prestige creation and for returning his merit.



So, I athithan. [ like " Hope " or " Pray " but this is not the same thing]



Those, who has had a relationship with me in the past [ past or past life ],

please come and help me.

Come and create the prestige once again.

It is a merit to those who have relationships with me.




[I'm] pity all of you whom still circle around.

At least, it will be good that [ I ] can take and leave you all in the heaven.

Then, [we can] go and continue [making merit or prestige] up there [in heaven].

Take this chapel as a cause to do. "




" I have lot of children and grand children. [ This should mention and imply as " children and grand children in past life" and " those who relate to Luang Pu in this life"]

As you saw, there is not over.

There are not less still to meet me.

Though, whoever has ever had a connection and relation.

They are all related [with me].

Those who surrounded both in the front or in the back or joined making merit together.



"I has a strong commitment.

It is a insisted desire in my minds, in my inner heart ...



I circle in birth and death for unknown number of lives and worlds,

for unknown number of eternal, for unknow number of eternity.

[ I ] performed meritorious act [ prestige collect] for long time.

[Long] beyond than calculation.



My heart is concentrate [with mercy].

Whatever come into my sight that has difficulties or hard to get,

I will help instantly.



I won't let it pass by.

Heavy [difficulty] will be light. Moderate [difficulty] will disappear.

Then, good thing will become for him [you]...



This is my duty that I've done for a long time

and still doing this nowadays. "



"My chapel is big ...

But it is not big as the [Buddha] religion which is big [and great] for over 2000 year ago.



"If I did not build the chapel,

you all will not meet me...

and I will travel [or pilgrim] around


Before the chapel was built ...

For Kathin, [temple] got 2-3 hundredthounsand [baht] each year.

The temple was not in any trouble. Living in a simple and easy way.


I lived quietly.

"seem to do nothing.

But I got "dhamma" for my own... "



Above Statement of Luang Pu Boonsong

accompany with statement of [respected as father, mother, and teacher ] Supatipanno Monk that.




"[Luang Pu Boonsong's] his chapel, If he used supernatural power,

take only 3 years to complete.



But he's not using.

He likes to make something difficult.


Because thing that hard to build is more valuable than that is made with ease.

The prestige will be great.



He build this for his followers to create prestige.



This is the teacher.

He did not make only himself survive.

But he took his disciples too. "



One of Monks who is respected as Parents, teachers with high dhamma states about

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro of

Wat Santi Wanaram, Chanthaburi.



[NP translate]


Anger is a disease

Anger is like a fatal disease. If we do not know how to destroy it, it will destroy us. When a husband quarrels with his spouse, it is because both parties are overwhelmed by anger. Sometimes, they will smash objects, break the pots and pans and so forth, only to spend money to purchase new items after their anger has dissolved. And this anger, is the main culprit behind all of these. Do you see how evil it is? If we do not know how to reduce our anger, then it will continuously harm us. Everytime our anger disappears, we will be upset over everything that we destroyed, and be disappointed with whatever that's left over. That's all because we lost to anger...

Luang pu Boonsong

“......嗔恨就是一種惡疾, 如果我們不知道如何摧毀它,它便會摧毀我們;例如夫妻吵起架來是因為被嗔心覆蓋, 有時會破壞東西 ,打碎飯鍋,打爛水煲, 等怒氣消散後,又要花錢買新的東西。 而這個憤怒,這個嗔心就是主謀, 見到它的惡毒了嗎? 如果不懂得減輕它,它便會不斷緊隨著傷害我們,每當我們的憤怒消失後,我們會坐著傷心已被破壞到所剩無己的一切。這全因為输給了憤怒...... ”


CR: Ted

Ghost story

*** The ghost... wants... Merit ***

During his 10th year as a monk, Luang Pu Boonsong was involved with the ordination of another aspirant. They intended to tailor-make the robe at Asokaram temple, Samutprakarn, which was famous for its fabric. So, Luang Pu had to travel to Samutprakarn along with the person intending to ordain.

Luang Pu asked the aspirant to wait at Pongploywiriyaram temple as he had certain errands to complete. After he was done, Luang Pu came back to meet with the aspirant to travel back to Arunyigawas temple at Chonburi.

But the sun rose and set and still the aspirant had not returned. Luang Pu felt that it was unlikely that he would come back soon. Therefore, Luang Pu settled his mind in concentration and used his power to determine where that person traveled to. Luang Pu saw the number ‘999’ in his meditation.

So Luang Pu left the state of samadhi and was aware that this guy was traveling to a hotel for a call girl. As the sun was setting, Luang Pu decided not to wait and thought about walking back to Chonburi that night, which was about 60 kilometres away.

So, he began to walk from Asokaram temple.

" I will not hitchhike or ask anyone to give me a ride, except if someone were to invite me to do so.” Luang Pu thought.

After Luang Pu walked for a while, an old vintage car came along. The car was shaking so badly that it could be seen wobbling from far away. The car stopped by the edge of the road.

In the darkness, Luang Pu could barely make out the driver's face and the man sitting next to the driver. The driver said to Luang Pu “ Master, where would you like to go? May I offer you a ride?”

Luang pu replied, “ I’m going to go to Chonburi. I don't have any money to pay for the ride. I’d better walk.”

The driver said “ I won’t ask for any money. Please get in.”

So, Luang Pu got in the car by invitation, not to let them lose determination, Luang Pu sat in the back. The car had a pungent smell as if there was a decomposing animal in there. And when the car approached a street lamp, Luang Pu saw cobwebs and dust everywhere.

On the way, Luang Pu observed the driver and the person sitting next to him. Luang Pu saw that the one sitting next to the driver sat with his head tilted as though it would be hanging out the window. And the driver was driving with one hand while using the other hand to cover his face to shield himself from the street lights.

The street lamp also revealed an unusual and untidy face, with many holes on it. So, Luang Pu instinctively realized that these two beings were definitely not human.

Luang Pu said that he tried to start a conversation with the driver. And when Luang Pu thought about something, the driver instantly knew his own thoughts.

Under the cover of darkness, the car arrived at the Klongdan Canal, Samut Prakan (Old Sukhumvit Rd.) which was a deserted road. The driver told Luang Pu that he could only send the master this far and couldn’t proceed any further. But he would try to ask an approaching vehicle to take Luang Pu to his intended destination.

Luang Pu thought that with his strange face, nobody would stop his vehicle for him. So, Luang Pu replied that it was fine, he would continue the journey on foot. The driver reassured Luang Pu that whatever car he raised his hand towards, would stop for him. And he also added that the remaining distance was still quite far, so even if Luang Pu walked throughout the night, he would not arrive by dawn. The driver added that he occasionally picked up monks like Luang Pu.

(Luang PU told his pupils that the man claimed he was like an elder brother)

After the driver had finished talking, it wasn’t too long before a 6-wheel lorry was approaching. They could tell because its headlights were considerably raised.

When the lorry came into closer range, Luang Pu saw that the driver covered his face to avoid the headlight and then waved to the lorry. The lorry stopped right away, as the driver had claimed it would. He told the lorry driver to help send the master to Chonburi.

So, Luang Pu got in the lorry. It was a brand new lorry and the driver was a normal person. The lorry driver sent Luang Pu to his destination at Aranyikawas temple.

Finally, Luang Pu extended loving kindness to the two spirits. They wanted to be free from their suffering and wanted to make merit. They might have died at the canal. So, they were able to send passengers no further from the place of their death.

Cr: Aaron for editing and photo

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro Dhamma - 文颂大长老

nothing is good all around

“ For All things in this world, nothing is good all around.


It’s good and bad that come to compete each other.


For Bad thing, those who has intelligence (or wisdom) can bring to be a Good thing.


But for Good thing, those who lacks of intelligence (or wisdom) will see [that it’s] no value.”



Dhamma of Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro,

Santiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand,

[NP Translate]

[Picture credit @ศร จันทบุรี]


Dont insult other's 'small' merits

*** When ready,... The requisite [money]... comes by itself ***

" Merit... it never choose someone...


even one or two baht... do not insult...


a hundred million start from this one or two baht...


It can't even be insulted.

Even if... there is no any requisite [money]...


Let [you] use [your] heart...


Let [you] Anumothana ...


Collect charity to be ready...


When ready,...

The requisite [money]...  comes by itself "

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro, Santiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand

[NP Translate]

Credit @วิโรจน์ วงศ์นิสากร

dont rely on rituals

Theme: Eliminating misfortunes

Rituals held to eliminate bad luck/misfortunes is not able to remove the results of (negative) karma. If negative karma and effects due to non-virtuous actions in this world can be eliminated through performing rituals, then hell should not exist. Because if performing rituals can remove all misfortune, and truly eliminate negative results from the fruition of bad karma, then it is already Nirvana.

But if you stop creating negative karma, stop performing non-virtuous deeds, when you have sati(right mindfulness) and you will stop performing non-virtuous deeds (creating bad karma) and continuously accumulate more virtuous deeds (good karma). When you are only performing virtuous deeds (creating good karma), then the power of the fruition of the good karma would enable you to escape from the result of bad karma.

When your mind stops creating bad karma, the results of bad karma created previously will not be able to catch up with us. Even if it catches up with us, we have become rich already.Just like we owe other people  money and  we are able to repay all of it.

Don't go believe in the rituals of eliminating bad luck. The only way is to stop all non-virtuous deeds and continuously accumulating virtuous deeds (good karma).

If you don't create bad karma, then how can there be results from the fruition of bad karma?

Luang Pu Boonsong

Don't let evil settle!

Making Merit until there is no space the heart (full of merit).

Don’t let the evil...settle...

Or our heart

If you want to go to Nirvana, there should not even be a tiny bit of Kilesa.

Gold ore can be purified [if] you take away all sediments.”

The Base of success, the Path, the Result, and the Nibbana, has goodness as a foundation.”

There is nothing in the world that is pure good.

Good and bad are always in opposition to one another

Those with intelligence and wisdom can purify an evil thing and turn it good. 

Those who lack intelligence and wisdom are unable to discern goodness when they see it.

Luang pu Boonsong



hallmark of a good person

Gratitude is supreme because it brings out the elegance and fundamental goodness within people. It is the hallmark of us as human beings. Hence, gratitude is the symbol of a good person.

Luang pu Boonsong

" กตัญญูกตเวทีแสนดีเลิศ



เป็นสักขีชี้ให้เห็นว่าเป็นคนฯ "

How do we know that his past life is a god?

How do we tell if someone was a deva or divine being in their past life?

A person or child who was previously a thep, tewada or nang faa (divine being, angel, fairy) who lived in heaven and then passed away, and took rebirth as a human. When they see a Phra (monk) walking past, they will lift their hands to wai in respect. They will do that, be respectful and polite without an elder telling them what to do. They like to go to temples to practice, continuing their same good behaviour as they were when they were tewadas and nang faas.

This group of people are well-mannered and respect the Triple Gems. As they were living in heaven before they took rebirth as humans, when they are born as humans they would like to continue to make merit (สร้างบุญ, saang boon). Even as a child, they may be able to persuade their parents or grandparents to go to the temple to practice or listen to Dhamma sermons, and their relatives are able to do good deeds because of them.

Phra Ajaan Plien Panyapatipo

Wat Aranyawiwake, Mae Taeng District

Chiang Mai

Ps: Luang pu Boonsong and Phra Ajahn Plien knew each other well. You can find in our previous post on the relationship between both great ajahn in Luang pu Boonsong biography.


สังเกตุง่ายๆ คือ เวลาเขาเจอพระเดินมา เขาจะมีการยกมือไหว้เรียบร้อย โดยไม่มีผู้ใหญ่ คอยบอก คอยกล่าวให้ทำ

เขาจะทำของเขาเอง ชอบเข้าวัดเข้าวา นี่ก็นิสัยเดิมๆของเขา เขาเคยเป็นเทพ เป็นเทวดา เป็นนางฟ้ามา

พวกนี้ นิสัยเขาจะดูเรียบร้อย เคารพในพระเจ้า พระสงฆ์ เคารพในหมู่คณะ

เขาเป็นตั้งแต่อยู่บนสวรรค์ พอมาเกิดเป็นมนุษย์ เขาตั้งใจอยู่แล้วว่า จะมาสร้างบุญ สร้างกุศลต่อ

เด็กบางคน ถึงกับชวน คุณตาคุณยาย คุณปู่คุณย่า พ่อแม่ เข้าวัด ฟังธรรมก็มี ผู้ใหญ่ได้ดี เพราะเด็ก

โอวาทธรรม : หลวงปู่เปลี่ยน ปัญญาปทีโป


Translated: Thanyakarn

Edited: Aaron

Hurry up making merits!

"Let’s hurry up. Don't be careless. Don't think we're [too] young [to die]. Children dies everyday. No matter how we’re going to die, let it die. But die in honor as we are Buddhists. 

For people who die with smile and no regret will go to Sugati (a good bourn).

But those who die with buldge eye or scream like cow or buffalo will go to Duggati (woeful existences) or Vinipāta (birth of demons). So, hurry make merit for them and continually make merit for them because they definitely starve for merit.

Don't think that you’re too old to make merit. Making merit is not an intensive work like carrying 50 or 100 Kg. Making merit uses only the mind to sacrifice laziness and weakness. Even you’re old, make merit with the old man power. Because, that is the only strength you have.

When you’re dead, importantly, the Citta (mind) is not dead along.

If you have the Kilesa (defilements) attached to the heart whether Lobha (Greed), Kodha (Anger), or Diffuseness then you go to Apāya (sorrowful ways), Duggati (woeful existences), Vinipata (birth of demons), Naraka (hell)

If you have 5 Sīla (5 precepts)or 10 Kusalakammapatha ( the tenfold wholesome course of action), then you can return to the human world.

If you have 4 Brahmavihāra (the four divine states of mind), the Hiri (Moral shame) & Ottappa (Moral fear), Mettā (loving-kindness), Bhāvanā (meditation), and continually dharma practice, then you will be able to go to Devaloka (heaven) or Brahmaloka (the Brahma world).

Then, it will quickly be able to change the world like passing the promotion exam from human to deva.

At least, with our wisdom, won’t you be able to be Sotāpanna (one who’s attained the first stage of holiness - the Stream-Enterer)? will you? Think about it.

Sotāpanna is not know much in dharma. Just knowing the cause and knowing the effect. Knowing that all the dharma only come from cause.

Being Sotāpanna will be enlightening through that everything is coming from the cause. Good comes from the cause. Bad comes from the cause.

Good and Bad are born in the same place.

Don't let Kilesa dominate that same place. If it could rule that place, goodness can't be in now.

It's in the same place! Good and evil are in the same place. Do not let Kilesa conquer and collect you taxes from the income that you make everyday.

What is the tax? Taxation from liquor and cigarette. Useless things that we collect and put in body.

Body don't need it. But when the mind is not smart, it took these thing as Sarana (refuge). It won’t take Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as Sarana (refuge).

Taking cigarette as Sarana (refuge).

Taking liquor as Sarana (refuge).

Then, you will struggle throughout your whole life.

At the very least, even it’s not cause difficult to anyone but it causes difficult to the owner. It causes disease to the owner. It will cause suffering before death. If you get hurts, can't tolerate, and lose Sati (mindfulness) then go to hell. At that time, it is important ... "

Dharma from Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Watsantiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi,  Thailand

Thai version from

Piriya Jord Chukeawngam

Translated by

Nattawut Prohdeengam

true buddhist monk

The True Buddhist Monk is not only by shaved hair and wearing yellow robe. It’s meant to have to practice or conduct in a good and right way as well.

Shaved hair and wearing yellow robe are easy things. Everyone can do.

But making the heart and mind to be clear and clean is harder.

Dhamma of Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro,

Santiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand

you can practise at anytime

No matter where your are,

Whether it is day or night time,

You can practice every minute and every second,

Maintain mindfulness and let your heart be peaceful.

You just need to place your attention on your breath,

Feel the breath coming in, and mentally recite "Budd~~~" in your heart,

Experience the moment of stillness between inhalation and exhalation;

Feel the breath going out, and mentally recite "dho~~~" in your heart,

Experience the moment of stillness between exhalation and inhalation.

Even with only a few minutes of practice,

it can also bring you peace.

Luangpu Boonsong

CR Bhante Yong Jun

dont play with defilements

The Kilesas fear true practitioners. If one is a true practitioner, mental afflictions will be afraid of them. If we get involved with these mental afflictions, we will become a slave of these defilements, and become their toy.

An analogy is that of adults playing with children. When we initiate play with children, they will also react accordingly and continue to engage us. Defilements are akin to children in that respect. 

Hence, if one is a real practitioner, one has to overcome their attachment to the defilements. Mental afflictions fear real practitioners. However, if one is not a true practitioner, they will be fooled by their Defilements. "

Luang Pu Boonsong

CR : Jord Chukeawngam

Translated:Khun Surasak

everything must take time

*** But everything ... must ... take time ***

Each person's life - [whether] will be good or bad - depends on the old merit [and] the old karma of each person.


Which is a matter of the past.

But [I] want everyone [just] look at the present.


Because our past cannot be fixed.

The old merit [and] old karma of each one are not equal.


So, be with the present.

Try to continue making merit.

Accumulate more additional prestige.

Keep doing goodness [and] refrain from evil.


In everyday living, if there is a time, Offer Alms, Pray [or chant], Meditate and Pray occasionally. Keeping the 5 precepts.


Importantly, live a life consciously.

And better keep trying to watch our mind and soul.


Look to our mind’s mistakes. Try not to have bad things to refine our mind.


Don't looking for wrong of other people's mind.


If you can do as follows ...


[whether] slow or fast ...


[Your] life will have to be improved.


But everything ... must take time.

#Dhamma of Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santiwanaram Temple, Kaeng Hang Maeo District, Chanthaburi Province, Thailand

[NP Translate]

Credit วิโรจน์ วงศ์นิสากร

having mindfulness you won't cry

A person who has sati will not cry out or lament. You must use wise consideration to see that pain and ageing arises because of the body, this is normal. Are you tired of this? As long as you come to take birth, you will have to swim around suffering in every life. You must be weary and tired of the pain that comes from having a body and not come to take birth again. This is a person with sati. A person who practices the Dhamma. You don’t have to go far. Tamboon at the heart. Our body can’t carry much anymore. But the heart of ours can carry a vast amount of boon. It can carry boon across lives. Let us make merit to store at our hearts. And not come back to be born again. 

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro



Cr Ted/Aaron

Real coward

Remember, for me, I perceive those who harm others as weak and cowardly people.

A coward’s heart is full of fear. A really brave person won't hurt anyone.

He will practice patience. Keep patiently enduring to his utmost...

You know what. The one who keeps silent and a low profile is not a weak person..

But the one who keeps silent and stays low is full of strength and courage...

And this strength of endurance and tolerance, that is full of the most powerful parami..

That will help to burn the weakness away..

This is a really strong person.

The real brave person must be like this.”

Luang pu Boonsong



CR: Ted

Don't be attached to dharma

Be with Dhamma, eat with "Dhamma", sleep with Dhamma. But not to be attached to Dhamma

LP Boonsong, Wat Santi-wanaram, Chantaburi

与法同在,与“法”一起吃,与法同睡。 但不要执着于法



去做善事吧 Go make merits

Just go make merits, it's the thing that can support ourselves.

It does not matter how bad our lives get. Other than the effort that we put in, merits is the other thing that can help improve ourselves (our lives).

Teachings of Luang Pu Boonsong, Wat Santiwanaram



— 文頌長老

If they dont insult us 如果他們不辱罵我們

If he doesn't insult us, will we know how patient we can be?

If he doesn't insult us, will we know how persistent we are in persevering against anger?

If he doesn't insult us, will we know how much metta we can generate?

Have pity on those who come to condemn us. The person who curses us, or even hates us, he's got a dark face full of suffering and anger. Yet, don't let him in to spoil or stain our hearts.

Luang​​ Pu ​Boon Song Thitsaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi






Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi

地獄是骯髒的池子 The hell is a dirty pool

Humans should see hell as a pool. Once they get in there, they will realize that it is so dirty and slippery. They can't get back up because it is so wet and muddy, and they are only aware of the danger after it is too late.

I am so sad whenever I see someone go the wrong  direction. I would like you to think and consider everything with Satī and Khantī (mindfulness and patience) before doing anything that will make you go down the wrong path. Have a lot of Satī and Khantī. If you cultivate the paramis, your life will prosper and flourish and you will find happiness. Try to cultivate and you will see for yourself ... "

Luang pu Boonsong



五戒的意義  the meaning of five precepts

As Buddhist, we should make practice a part of our mind. This mind of our's, it is called a "Dhamma Treasure". And over two thousand years ago, Lord Buddha gave humanity "Five rules". 

Lord Buddha never mentioned it (five rules) as being for "Buddhist", "Christians" or "Muslim", but as "Dhamma for the whole of humanity" and it is important to have it. As humans are social creatures, if we don't have discipline and rules as guidelines, we would be quarrelling, bickering, fighting each other. In the end it would only lead to destruction.   

That is why Lord Buddha sees that humanity should have these five rules that He had preached, and that is the "Five precepts".

"Refrain from killing", "Refrain from stealing", "Refrain from sexual misconduct", "Refrain from false speech", "Refrain from intoxicants", these are the five rules that the Lord Buddha had meticulously and comprehensively analyzed , then gave it to the excellent humanity. Excellent in the sense that we are of higher birth compared to animals and those of lower realms, and therefore we all should practice it (Five precepts).

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi

作为佛教徒,我们应该把修行成为我们心中的一部分。 我们的这个心,叫做「法宝」。 两千多年前,佛陀给人类“五法”。

佛陀从未提到它(五项规则)是针对“佛教徒”、“基​​督徒”或“穆斯林”的,而是作为“全人类的法”而拥有它是很重要的。 人类是群居众生,如果没有纪律和规则作为指导,我们就会争吵、争吵、打架。 最终只会走向毁灭。


“不杀生”、“不偷盗”、“不邪淫”、“不妄语”、“不饮酒”,这是世尊详尽分析后给予的五戒座位优秀的人性。 优秀的意义在于我们比畜生和恶道的动物更高出世,因此我们都应该修持它(五戒)。


Wat Santiwanaram, 尖竹汶府

the result of envying others 妒忌行善者的果報

If whenever someone does a good deed or acts righteously, and we are jealous of them, it would lower the state of our mind. It would create of a world of low existence.

 The jealous person who gossips about, wish for others to meet with misfortune, failure,  losing of everything. This jealous person would meet with all these misfortune before a person with empathetic joy (Mudita) of the Brahmaviharas.

 This (Mudita) is very important, being happy for someone when they do good.

 Luang Pu Boonsong, Wat Santiwanaram

如果每当有人做好事或行善时,我们嫉妒他们,就会降低我们的心灵。 它将会制造一个低俗的世界。

 说是非的嫉妒者,希望别人遭遇不幸、失败、失去一切。 这个嫉妒的人会在一个具有随喜(Mudita)的四無量心人之前遇到所有这些不幸。


regard hell as a dirty pool 將地獄視為骯髒的池子

Humans should see hell as a pool. Once they get in there, they will realize that it is so dirty and slippery. They can't get back up because it is so wet and muddy, and they are only aware of the danger after it is too late. 

I am so sad whenever I see someone go the wrong  direction. I would like you to think and consider everything with Satī and Khantī (mindfulness and patience) before doing anything that will make you go down the wrong path. Have a lot of Satī and Khantī. If you cultivate the paramis, your life will prosper and flourish and you will find happiness. Try to cultivate and you will see for yourself ... "

Luang pu Boonsong


Don't be afraid of others when doing good 行善不用怕他人

"Do not be afraid or do not be discouraged in doing good thing.

But remember that none people in the world that was not gossiped.

Thinking that when someone interrupt us, looking at the other side, that they [just] gave us advantage.

[If you can] go through this, it will elevate our mind to be noble.

The person who said to you that you did bad things. Do not give him value.

[You] know and see what you are.

Have to be affirmative.

Do not be discouraged.

Do not be weak.

Courageous in doing good thing is admirable.

Whoever accuses [or]

Whoever gossips.

[Just] put it down.

Do not taking care.

Do not pay attention.

Why do you [have to] pay attention?

If you think you do a good thing, keep doing.

Let it pass.

Anything that bothers or discomfort or be moody.

Let it be. Put it. Don't collect it to mind.

[If you] collect, it will make yourself down.

When [I] said ‘let it’ doesn’t mean that you have to lose to it but it is meant to understand and learn from it.

This doesn’t mean that you have to give up but let it for now so you can overcome it later on.

When encountering Kilesa.

When facing the test like this.

Taught that to let it, not telling [you] to give up. But for winning and not losing it later on. Understood?"

Dhamma of Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro, Santiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand







现场翻译: 永隽师父

地点:Palelai Buddhist Temple,Singapore.

日期: 19-06-2023










佛陀的教法,刚才长老前面所说的三句是大藏经里头记载,这些法都是经得起时间的考验,所以才能够流传到今天。当我们听闻佛法到的时候,我们必须去思维、去想这个东西、这句话、有什么道理。然后试着去实践去做,而不是只听而已。特别说,当我们说要训练这颗心,要训练这个正念、培养你的心有这个正念。我们需要去在我们的生活当中,不管是站着、走着、坐着、躺着、都这样的去保持知道、保持觉知。我们现在的生活我们都有这个正念,我们有时候都知道自己在做什么,但是有时候我们忘记了我们的正念,也就是一下子忘记了;一下子做工、做工、也就一不小心几个小时忘记了这个正念,你就会失失守;或者是工作做不完的时候,一不小心结果就做不好。所以我们要学习在做认何事情的时候,在你们的生活当中,尽量的保持这个的正念;在看东西的时候,你的正念、你的觉知在眼睛的部分。你看到什么东西,你知道;你听到什么声音,你有正念知道。如果你没有正念的话,你就会被你所看到、听到、的东西所影响。看到喜欢的你就会开心;看到不喜欢的你就会就起噌心。这个就没有了正念,跟着你的贪、嗔、痴、去了。所以同样的吃啊,愚痴的生活啊等等,这些都是需要有正念的。比如说天气热的时候你开风扇或者是开冷气,这个热就没有了,你就不觉得热;但是呢,心里面这个热是最难灭的。 你心里边很苦的时候,你就会想到要找别人来帮你解决心中的烦恼。但是呢,其实如果你自己不帮你自己灭掉心中的火,没有人可以帮到你。所以佛陀所讲的、所告诉我们的就是看清楚事件的真相。只要我们还有呼吸,你就要去学习去改变自己,让自己的心达到平静。当你的心能够平静,你才能得够得到快乐;你的生命才能够进步。当你的心得到训练,当你训练好的之后,你身边的人,尤其是你的家庭也会变得好,因为你开始变好。






Credit: SF Low
































<<Luang pu 臨離開香港前的開示>>

信徒:請問Luang pu 臨走前有沒有什麼開示?

Luang pu boonsong :忍耐, 努力, 盡力, 要散發慈心, 有四梵心, 那所有東西都會興旺了



Luang pu boonsong :如果我們不做惡業是不會下地獄的,如果有持好五戒,持五戒的人不會下地獄。

如果我們怕下地獄,這個是一件好事,起碼不敢做惡業,anumodana sadhu!






Luang pu boonsong : 初果要自己成就,別人幫不到我們







所有的東西,都不是我們的,只不過是暫時擁有的。(luang pu 指著信徒的電話),這樣的東西都不是我的,都是無我的,只不過是暫時的







Luang pu boonsong :怕地獄就很快證悟初果,努力些!



《Luang pu boonsong 談放生與持戒的功德》












---Luang pu boonsong

更多關於Luang pu boonsong

《Luang pu Boonsong :天災人禍越來越多的世代》








-----luang pu boonsong 

Dhamma is very difficult to understand it  in just a few words as everyone speaks different languages.

As a Buddhist, we need to understand the essence of Buddhist practice.  The practice of Dharma is mainly to let us get rid of suffering and make us happy---if we can understand Dharma and practice correctly.

In this day and age, there are more and more natural disasters.  There are more and more natural disasters. If a person does not have merit and paramitas, it will be difficult to survive.  This world seems to have reached an old stage. If a person reaches an old stage, his body will suffer from many ailments and diseases.  When this world has reached an old stage, many natural disasters will naturally occur.  These disasters include those from the earth, water, fire, and wind.  For example, if the wind is too strong, the fire will be too hot. Once there is a wind, it will blow to those houses, roofs, and trees will all collapse, destroying the construction of human beings.  There are fires, and there are floods.  Then this is when the world has reached an old stage, disasters will only become more and more serious, and will not become lighter, just like when a person is getting older, diseases will only increase, and will not  Fewer and fewer.  So at this time, those who can survive are those who have paramitas and good karma.

Buddhism is one that allows us to get rid of greed, hatred and ignorance. In other religions or heretics, what he teaches cannot or does not get rid of greed, hatred and ignorance, and they are always in suffering.  If we can reduce and cut off our greed, hatred and ignorance, these paramitas and good karma will enable us to survive in disasters.

There are wars in some places, although they are between Christians or have religious beliefs, but they all have wars.  Although they have religious beliefs, they will kill each other and cause wars.  But Buddhists don't go to war.  Buddhists are just fighting their own aging and sickness, which already makes us feel enough and tired.  Including our inner pain.  Therefore, the war we Buddhists fight is against old age, sickness, death, inner pain, and our own afflictions, to get rid of greed, hatred, and ignorance.  So it turns out that we don't have the time and energy to wage war and kill others.  So when we get rid of greed, hatred and ignorance, these man-made disasters will not appear.

After I have practiced, I roughly know suffering and the causes of suffering, including some natural disasters and disasters caused by human greed, hatred and ignorance.  Human beings also use it by excavating soil, pumping groundwater, extracting energy and oil from the ground, and all kinds of energy are dug out from the ground.  These reasons lead to changes in the land boundary, space, and finally one of the changes in the sea---that is, it will cause a tsunami.  This tsunami will have far-reaching effects and damage different places.  It is because of human's afflictions, greed, hatred and ignorance in the heart that the influence causes abnormalities in nature -- overheating when the weather is hot, and overcooling when it is cold. Those changes are not normal.  The rainy season is not the rainy season, and the summer is not summer, there will be various changes.  When there are more and more natural disasters and disasters, if we don't have paramitas... But when we donate wealth, we store wealth in our hearts.  This profit is brought to us for many lifetimes.  These goodness and merits mean that when we face these disasters, we can escape and be able to settle down in pain and hardship.

For example, atomic bombs were created by human beings with the intention of peace, but if there are troubles (in mind)every day, these bullets cannot be in peace, and they will only cause more disasters and damage.

----- luang pu boonsong


Luang Pu Thong-suk said:

 "If you want lots of merit, endless amount of merits, go make merits with Luang Pu Boonsong. You'll have boundless merits. "

 Luang Pu Boonsong said:

 "If you want happiness, go make merits with Luang Pu Thong-suk. Luang Pu Thong-suk only have happiness and loving-kindness."

 Luang Pu Thong-suk 说:



 “想要快乐,就去和Luang pu Thongsuk一起做功德。Luang pu Thongsuk只有快乐和慈心。”


Question : The mind has a negative habitual tendency, when face with changing environment in different place & people. How can we train the mind to be more positive & wiser?

Tan Luang pu: Our happiness depends on our actions. We will be in a good place because our mind is good. But if your mind is not good, you tend to make many mistakes which will result in you going to a bad place, receiving the bad results. The only karma is your actions. All beings are driven by their karma. Keep developing your mindfulness, bring goodness to help the bad people. When you see something not good, don’t get involve, let it go.  You reap what  you sow. (Do Good things and good Results will happen to you. Do Bad Things and Bad Results will happen to you.)  

The Buddha gave us 84,000 dhammakkhandha and it never taught us to be angry, but taught us to be kind. The one who gets angry later is worse than the one who gets angry first. We must overcome anger, by not letting anger raise. We must use the good to overcome the evil. The Lord Buddha taught us to have mercy and harmony. People who are very distressed and angry, will have health problems. If we believe in the teachings of the Buddha, our family won't have any problems.

问题 :当面对不同地方和不同人的多变环境时,心有一种消极的习惯倾向。我们怎样才能训练我们的心变得更积极和有智慧?

长老: 我们的幸福取决于我们的行为。我们会在一个善的地方,因为我们的心是好的。但是如果你的心不好,你往往会犯很多错误,导致你去一个不善的地方,得到不好的结果。唯一的业力是你的行为。一切众生都受业力驱使。继续培养你的正念,带来善意帮助坏人。当你看到一些不好的事情时,不要参与,让它过去。正如你播种,所以你将收获。 (做好事,好结果会发生在你身上。做坏事,坏结果就会发生在你身上。)















Luangpu Boonsong

luang pu boonsong 教導信徒怎樣解決被非人干擾的問題

《luang pu boonsong 教導信徒怎樣解決被非人干擾的問題》

信徒:我給一條中國水龍纏身了,可不可以請Luang pu 叫他不要再纏我了?

luang pu boonsong: 因為你的問題是比較針對你的,自己的問題。自己用這個禪定去認識他。 你要用禪定去控制自己的心,不讓外界控制你的覺知。你要有覺知去抵抗啊。

如果你做法適當的話,你跟他說既然你已經來到了,就一起來積功德。有什麼功德,你就請他來一起做,讓他有機會一起積功德,一起修咯,就可以解決。當然你積功德的同時要培養自己的那個禪定。當你的禪定到一定程度,他就沒法進入你的心了。你已經知道自己的rupa (色),已經分得清楚了。當你有這個定力,外界就無法進入你的心,外來這些力量。


luang pu boonsong: 看你自己用什麼集中點,用哪個集中點。比如說你修buddho 的話,你就把你的心集中在你那個buddho , 保留在現實,保留在當下。因為不管怎麼樣,他都一定會來煩你的。一定要跟他拼了,假如你拼不過他,就跟他說,既然你已經來到這邊了,就有一番作為啦,就做一點好事啦,幫助我在禪修的道路上,幫我了解更多佛法,或者幫我在錢財方面,可以幫我。不要白白來啦。有機會就來積功德。重點就是保留在當下。你的心要在當下。他也是來去的,會生死啦,跟你一樣,會生滅,要保留在這個當(下?)裡面。。



luang pu boonsong :你的注意力放在哪裡?如果你把你的注意力放在buddho , 或者說其他禪修的定點,你就繼續找那個定點,不論外面什麼東西來煩你、來找你,你就一直專注在這個定點。但假如外界來找你,你的心離開這個定點,龍就會來找你,就是這樣。要修那個定點


luang pu boonsong : 只要在不危險的時候,都可以用這個 buddho. 舉個例子啦,我試過buddho buddho然後走到路中間,被車吹喇叭,要在對的時候,不危險的時候用。假如你的心定不到,你就看不到。


長老; 那你可能就要和我出家了(笑笑)。專注進Bu出dho和找你的專注點和不要偏離,那就會升起禪定。


Luang Pu khrap, what kind of Phra is the best? The most miraculous and powerful khrap.”

“Phra Khunnapor (dad) Phra Khunnamae (mom)…you there. They are the best and most superb. Anyone who keeps these two Phra Ong will progress and advance. Even the tewadas will protect them.”

Credit to Ajaan Tik Phromchot

隆普, 什么佛/师父最好? 最灵验和最厉害?

父亲和母亲。 他们是最好和最殊胜。任何人拥有呵护这两位师父/佛会进步和前进。天人都会保护他们。

Cr: Aaron


就是修buddho buddho,讓那個心靜下來。就可以加速康復的速度。所以在做什麼東西,都需要保留,一直在這個定點。當你的心靜的時候,有定力的時候,你就有辦法看到然後把它趕走。把病毒還是不好的東西趕走




Regardless of what we do

It is difficult to please everyone

We just do good with a pure mind

Don’t be interested in who says what

Otherwise we won’t be able to do good deeds

To accumulate our boon-baramee as provisions

Luang pu Boonsong













Everything in this world

There is nothing completely good

There is good

There is bad

Competing against one another

Regarding bad things

People with panya(wisdom) can convert it to become the property of good

But regarding good things

People with lack of panya cannot appreciate










Cr: Aaron


#Merit will support us

Merit will lead us to meet only beautiful things in life.

Even we wish in anything, both secular world and Dhamma world.

Merit will support us.

# Venerable Luang Pu Boonsong Thittasaro





บุญนี่แหละ คือ สิ่งที่จะทำให้เรา พบเจอแต่สิ่งที่งดงามในชีวิต

แม้เราจะปรารถนาในสิ่งใด ทั้งทางโลกและทางธรรม



Cr: Nina and Meiling.


Luang Pu Boonsong said “ Having “Sati ( Mindfulness) “ always.

Having “Sati” , your pocket will not short of “ Satang ( a monetary unit of thailand)”.

隆普文颂长老劝导大家,心中要时时保持正念。心里常有"Sati"(正念),那么您的口袋也就不乏"Satang"(意指 ”钱“,某个泰铢单位)。

" ... ให้มี​ 'สติ'​ เสมอ​

มี​ 'สติ' เดี๋ยว​'สตางค์' ก็จะไม่ขาดกระเป๋า.. "

#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม​ จ.จันทบุรี

Cr: Nina and Meiling


There will be Devas protecting you in all ten directions.

It is powerful if we chant frequently.

Any verse or sutta is good, e.g. Buddhaguna, Dhammaguna, Sanghaguna, or Bahum Mahaka etc.

Verses from the chanting will be able to help in cleansing the negativity from the area.

Wherever the chanting reaches, It will expel whatever negativity until the place is clean and pure.  

Whoever does chanting regularly, the devas will protect him in all ten directions.

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro


定期地每日诵经,是非常有威力,念任何经文或偈颂都行,如:Buddhaguna, Dhammaguna, Sanghaguna(佛法僧隨念), 或Bahum Mahaka等。诵念出來法音能够帮助洁净当地的负能量,法音不管落在何處,傳去何方,便可以清理那處的污穢與缺陷直到潔淨。




การสวดมนต์เป็นกิจวัตร มีอานุภาพมาก

จะบทไหนก็ดี พุทธคุณ ธรรมคุณ สังฆคุณ พาหุงก็ดี

เสียงสวดมนต์ จะช่วยขจัดมลทินต่างๆ ในที่นั้นๆ

เสียงสวด ไปตกที่ไหน ดังไปถึงที่ไหน

จะขจัดมลทิน ความขัดข้องในที่นั้นๆได้ จนหมดจด

คนที่สวดมนต์ เป็นกิจวัตร จะมีเทพเทวดา คอยรักษาคุ้มครอง ทั้ง ๑๐ ทิศ

Cr: Nina Liew, Aaron Chia , Meiling


The result of sharing info/news of dana (generosity/charity) or encourage people to perform goodness.

“ When we invite or encourage other people to make merit, it is a form of good kamma. The fruit of such kamma will help us to gain followers, influence, a good career and employment, as well as reduce obstacles in our lives. If we encounter a problem, it will not be an issue as we will have benefactors to assist us and tide us through difficult times.

If this person wishes to accomplish big things, such as becoming a leader or ruler and having many followers, or to undertake any task, it will proceed without difficulty and in an auspicious manner.

Luang pu Boonsong






There are certain people who don't practice dana, with the majority amongst them giving the excuse that the economy isn't doing well. Dana should not be tied to the current state of the economy, because the development of generosity involves giving up, sacrifice. The person who has merit and parami will not take the economy into consideration (when practising dana and generosity).

Luang pu Boonsong




Aaron and Chin Yong

Ted/ Chin yong for the chinese translation

Ps: Despite luang pu Boonsong advanced age, luang pu still travelling around to meet devotees and student all over thailand and other countries.

Is such a rare opportunity to meet such a great teacher and a role model to follow and practice.


"Bear in mind na, if they are angry at us and come to abuse or curse us...those who swear at us are the wicked ones. But if we get infuriated and insult them back, then we are actually worse than them."

Luang pu Boonsong



"จำไว้นะ เขาโกรธเรามาเขาด่าเรามาไอ้นั่นอ่ะที่ด่าเราอ่ะมันเลวมาก แต่ถ้าเราไปด่ากลับโกรธกลับต่อมันไป ตัวเรานี่เลวยิ่งกว่ามันอีก"

:หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร:

CR Nina Liew, Aaron Chia, Meiling


What do you seek by continuously chasing after the Kruba Ajahns, what have you gained (in doing so) ? Has your 3 poisons diminished? We must try our best to reduce the three poisons, else even if we have heard about the path to enlightenment (but have not practiced ourselves) , coming to the Monastery would just be a waste of time.

If you come to the Monastery often, then your inner mind should change. Continue to observe the mind, let others in the Monastery see that we have achieved good fruition and results by coming to the Monastery. If we were stubborn and rigid in the past, are we now gentler and more graceful in our words?

Are we happier in comparison to before (we went to the Monastery ?) It shouldn't be such that we hide our kilesas through serenity when we come to the Monastery, but allow the kilesas to thrive (to a greater extent than before) after we leave the Monastery. This will be observed by our children. If their mum comes back from the Monastery and her kilesas become even more potent than before, they would not wish to come to the Monastery themselves. ~

Luang pu Boonsong



Cr Chin Yong and Ted Ang


#tired na, it is tiring

Everyone who is born will feel tired sometimes, but after taking a rest it'll be ok.

Even if the body is weak, does not mean the mind must be too.

Want everyone from all walks of life to join in this merit together.

This merit will be a big one. You'll see when the moment is ripe.

Want to give an opportunity for everyone to do good together.

#Venerable Luang Pu Bunsong Thitasaro






ทุกคนเกิดมา ก็ต้องเหนื่อย แต่พักไม่นานมันก็หาย

ร่างกายอ่อนแอแล้ว ก็อย่าให้จิตใจ อ่อนแอไปกับมัน

อยากให้ทุกคน ทุกระดับ มาร่วมบุญนี้กัน

บุญนี้...มันบุญใหญ่ เดี๋ยวจะรู้เอง เห็นเอง เมื่อมันถึงเวลา



Cr: Nina, Aaron and Meiling


"... People who come to make merit with us...who come to saang baramee (perfect their parami) with us. We do not look at who they are or what their job is. Instead, we shall focus on their heart - their inner kindness and virtue. 


Even when making merit for only ten baht, twenty baht or a hundred, two hundred, as long as you are full of faith, you are akin to a  millionaire.

For his mind and spirit are full of self-sacrifice, with good intentions and determination. We will focus on these attributes instead.



And not consider the value of the requisites. It is the level (state) of one's mind that has more value. The virtue of a person is more praiseworthy...Not by measuring someone based on his wealth or financial status."

Luang pu Boonsong






" ... คนที่มาทำบุญกับเรา มาสร้างบารมีกับเรา เราไม่ได้ดูหรอกว่าใครฐานะอะไรยังไง มีความเป็นอยู่เป็นยังไง ยากดีมีจนแค่ไหน หากแต่เราจะดูที่น้ำจิตน้ำใจภายในของบุคคลหรือกลุ่มคนนั้น ๆ มากกว่า ว่าแท้จริงแล้วเนื้อในเขาเป็นอย่างไร แบบไหนเราจะมองที่ตรงนี้


แม้ทำบุญเพียงสิบบาทยี่สิบบาทหรือร้อยสองร้อย แต่เต็มไปด้วยความศรัทธา สำหรับเราก็มองว่าเป็นเศรษฐี


ด้วยว่าน้ำจิตและน้ำใจของเขานั้นเต็มไปด้วยความเสียสละ เต็มไปด้วยความตั้งใจ เราจะพิจารณาและดูที่ตรงนี้มากกว่า



ไม่ได้ตีค่าที่มูลค่าของปัจจัย หากเป็นคุณค่าของจิตใจมากกว่าที่ยกระดับทำให้คนเราดูสูงขึ้น ดูน่ายกย่องขึ้น คุณธรรมของคนมันไม่ได้วัดกันที่เงินตราหรือว่าฐานะทางการเงินหรอก ... "



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี

CR Aaron, Meiling


Does the selling of Buddha image / amulets constitute a sin or not?   All the amulets and Buddha images I have blessed have been imbued with my concentration, the realisation of emptiness and the liberated awareness or my mind.

Most importantly, the reason why I bless all these  amulets is to aid you and free you from suffering in the future, such as when you have  cash shortfalls.

You must have the cash essential for survival, and this makes your life better in the future. That is not wrong. It is better than being a thief and stealing money from other people.

However, Money that you get from selling amulets must be spent wisely, such that it benefits our society. Indeed, as I have said, my amulets are meant to help you be free from suffering.

Luang pu Boonsong

賣佛牌/护身符是否是不善業? 我所加持的所有佛牌、護身符和佛像都注入了我的禪定,对空性的體會和我內心的覺悟。


當然,你們需要有生存所必需的现金,因为这會讓您的生活更加美好。 没错。 这至少比偷盜好。

但是,您必须謹慎地使用从出售佛牌所获得的金钱,並用之以利益社會。 确实,正如我所说,我加持佛牌的目的,只是為了帮助你們摆脱痛苦。


Cr Ted and Thanyakarn


Hurry in making merit  and offering dana to increase your parami. I have not seen anyone who makes merit lead a poor life. However, you must make merit with your conciousness ( sati-sampajanna ).

Regardless, if you hurry and accumulate your virtues from a young age, you will get astonishingly rich quickly.

#Venerable Luang Pu Bunsong Thitasaro






เรา...ยังไม่เคยเห็นใครชีวิตย่ำแย่ เพราะการทำบุญเลย 

แต่...ต้องเป็นการทำบุญ อย่างมีสติสัมปชัญญะ

ยังไง ก็รีบรวยเสียให้เข็ด ตั้งแต่หนุ่มๆสาวๆกัน



Cr: Ted and Nina


If you can tolerate this, it is likely achieving the ultimate parami. If you can develop Khantī, whatever you do will be successful. Because even when confronting the most difficult obstacle, you've already passed it all.

After this, when small obstacles appear to test you, there is no problem at all, because you have already been through much worse.

Remember to practice Khantī, if you are a leader. If you cannot tolerate small things which shake your composure, do not be a leader. It would be a waste of time. [Your] action whether the face, action, or word, these things if you can bear it, do not show to anyone.

Remember. There is no way your practice will deteriorate, if you have Khantī. You will be successful. Whatever you put your mind to, you will be successful and can also reach Nirvana. Remember that.

Be diligent (Viriya). Diligent in your Dhamma practice. Then, you will never be born in the lower realms. That’s for sure.

' Khantī Parami ', ' Mettā Parami' [&] ' Viriya Parami '. These are magical and miraculous things. The fire from hell cannot do anything to you if you have these things in the heart. Because if you have these things in the heart, the fire of the Kilesas will never be able to burn you.

That is because the quality of the mind will not descend to the lower realms. This is the virtue of those parami. That is why I try to teach and develop this Khantī parami already. So, I know that with only this one parami, you can accomplish everything.

Humans should see hell as a pool. Once they get in there, they will realize that it is so dirty and slippery. They can't get back up because it is so wet and muddy, and they are only aware of the danger after it is too late.

I am so sad whenever I see someone go the wrong  direction. I would like you to think and consider everything with Satī and Khantī (mindfulness and patience) before doing anything that will make you go down the wrong path. Have a lot of Satī and Khantī. If you cultivate the paramis, your life will prosper and flourish and you will find happiness. Try to cultivate and you will see for yourself ... "

真正的忍辱,只有在自己受到欺负或被诅咒的时候才会显现。那一瞬间,通过正知正念来正视愤怒,耐心地坚持这触境到底生起与消失。这是最无上的。无论是谁骂你... 等等,都能够放下他、并忍受他。如果能够这样修行,获得无上波罗密指日可待。如果能够培养忍辱,那所作的一切都会成功。因为就算面臨的是最为艰难的困境,你都能够顺利克服。之后,当小小的障碍升起的时候,这样的考验小到几乎可以忽略不计。因为已经体验过了狂风暴雨,所以才能波澜不惊。如果你是一个领导,就要修持忍辱。如果小小的考验都会让你失去镇脚,就不必去当领导,那根本就是浪费时间。只要能够忍受,一举一动背后蕴藏的所有喜怒哀乐都应该不露形色。



Cr: Aaron/ Ted





Luang pu boonsong


Make your heart big

Make your heart stable

Regardless of what hurts your feelings

Don’t be shaken or anxious

Before becoming successful

One must overcome hardship

That’s it, be daring

Create baramee

When the mind becomes stronger and stronger

Nothing will be able to stop us

Most importantly

Don’t borrow other people’s noses to breathe

To stand up again if you fall just get up

Rise up with your own heart

Your two hands and legs

Stand up on your own

And when that day comes we will be most proud

Luang pu Boonsong



















CR: Aaron


People who practice the Dhamma

Like to think of themselves as the good guys

In reality the truth is that

They are only people who know good and know evil

Sometimes knowing evil but still go ahead to do it

Not truly good people

Have sati and look after your own hearts well

Just look at ourselves only

Luang pu Boonsong









Cr: Aaron/ML


Have metta for oneself and others

If a person speaks with anger to others

One should also be restrained

Because after speaking he might regret it

We also feel sorry about it

It is not good for our hearts

Both us and others

I ask that you have metta for each other

Have metta to the end

Even if its your Chao Kham Nai Wen

Or your enemy

One should not hold hatred, have wicked intentions

Do harm to him or her

And not detest or despise them

Have karuna when he or she is suffering

Even if they are our enemy

Or people who hurt us

Have mudita when he or she is doing well

Even though they are our enemy

And upekkha when our enemy is in trouble

One should be equanimous

Not thinking serves him right he got what he deserves

Luang pu Boonsong
























Cr: Aaron


Dhamma talk given to Singaporean disciples by Luang Phor Boonsong on 16 Aug 2022

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambudhassa

Rejoice in your merits! Coming here this time is the correct choice. Every country has it’s own culture. When you are here, don't trust others easily. The same is true for buddhist practice. Whatever others say is good, we easily believe in them. We have to calm down, observe and analyse slowly, just like the teachings of the Buddha. The culture is different. Many people say that when we come to Thailand we should pray to this and that. But if we blindly follow and get obsessed in these things, it means that we have no wisdom. We need to take the time to analyse. The most important thing is that you must know is keeping the precepts, the five precepts. Offering dana, keeping the precepts, sitting meditation. The Buddha taught that: If we have greed, how do we overcome this greed ? If we have a bad temper,  how do we overcome this temper? Whatever (kilesas) we have, how do we overcome greed, hatred, and delusion ? There are many temples in Thailand with practitioners, and they all have their respective ways of practice which they use to overcome their own greed, hatred and delusion. This is a great opportunity for you all. You should consider these words of mind and analyze them.

Heart! We Chinese people call this the heart and that the heart. This "heart" is actually a piece of meat. The heart is made of meat. But what does it just do? It creates something called feeling. When you are happy or unhappy, struggling, we feel a tight constriction at the chest area. The heart doesn't actually analyze. It's just a piece of meat which creates a feeling. When it is not happy, it will beat faster, the blood will rush quickly, and we will feel uncomfortable. What really analyses is our brain. Analyse what we see and know it. These two things are separate. This is what you should understand. This is regarding practice.

We need to know how to distinguish between good and bad. What do we use to distinguish? Our minds. We have feelings, we see phoenomena. Sometimes we are jealous, angry, but we don't recognize the feeling. We pride ourselves as Buddhist practitioners! But there are people in many temples who are jealous of others and they gossip about others behind their backs. But haven't we been talking about practice all this while? Then why are we still following these unwholesome minds? Why don't we know the difference? What does spiritual practice teach us? It teaches us to distinguish between these feelings, good and bad, and it teaches us not to cling to them. When we know how to analyse, we will only choose the good stuff. Should we not let go of those bad behaviours bit by bit? You must have sati, look after your mind, and cultivate it. Stop following it, understand?

In the outside world, if one person is angry, they quarrel loudly with each other and they lose control of their emotions. If you're a Dhamma practitioner, you shouldn't be confrontational when you're angry, you should have sati. If you follow the principle of an eye for an eye, you must wait until the other person falls down or something before this problem can be solved. However, we are practitioners. When people are angry, we don't use our anger to confront them. We should not confront others. We should use wisdom and compassion to deal with them. If we believe in cause and effect, if we believe in the teachings of the Buddha, if we believe in karma, then we should not be following the principle of an eye for an eye. We should embrace such negativity with compassion. This is the mentality we should have, not an eye for an eye. Or else, what will happen? Unless one party falls, (there is no end). Is it right? Many people claim to be practitioners, but when an issue arises, they will retaliate. Do not follow this way. Keep the precepts, practice concentration and develop wisdom in your mind. Keep these teachings firmly in your mind. Understand?

When you are free, keep reciting buddho, buddho, to calm the mind. With a calm mind, you will be able to gain insight into many life lessons, and there will be many answers. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.

Gratitude to our dhamma friends who brought back this precious dhamma gift and share with everyone. We welcome and encouraged all to visit luang pu and bring back luang pu compassionate dhamma for everyone to be benefited. 








感恩佛友带回这珍贵的“法”礼和大家分享。 欢迎和鼓励大家去拜访长老和带回“法”礼以让大家受惠长老的慈悲开示。

Cr:  Ted


Dhamma teaches us to practice at the citta

The citta has power over the heart

The heart is like a lump of meat

For pumping blood to nourish the body

As for the citta which has power over the heart

The citta refers to the state that is aware of all kinds of arom (อารมณ์)

That comes into contact with ears, eyes, nose, tongue, body and mind

If contact is made

And our sati is sufficient to be aware of everything

It will allow us to understand all the reasons

When the touch and contact is heavy or light

Via the ears or via the eyes

They pass on messages

The ear conveys the sound.

The eye communicates the picture.

The nose conveys the smell

Therefore, these smells, sounds, shapes and tastes

They are all things that we must practice at

Practice to allow us to understand the Dhamma at the present moment

It will move back and forth

Let us be mindful of the present

It will prevent us from being careless and making mistakes

Even if making mistakes, there will be fewer if we have a lot of sati

Whatever we do, mistakes will be fewer

Until there’s no more, that’s the best

Bring sati bumps around

from sitting and then standing, walking

The reason that we bring to use

In our daily routine, it is necessary






心指的是觉知所有种类的的状态(อารมณ์) 与耳、目、鼻、舌、身、意接触























CR: Aaron


Take care our own heart well

Luang Pu Boon Song Thittasaro, Wat Santiwanaram)


- 龍普文頌(Luang Pu Boon Song Thittasaro, Wat Santiwanaram)

CR: Jem


We know our own condition of the body

Sometimes we don’t really have the strength to get up

But because of the duties we have to do

Have to stand in opposition to rise

Nowadays the body is not like before

Body is slow with age

The heart has fighting spirit

But the body is extremely exhausted

It doesn't get better

But it didn't collapse very quickly either.

Nowadays, only slowing it down

Because I'm getting older every day

Only "sati" can help us live

(that is, mindfulness and meditation)

It helps us to prolong our existence.

Use pawana to help the fatigued body

If you have sati, you can still go on

Luang Pu said,

"A monk like us, no matter how tired or how sick we are - there is no such thing as weakness in our hearts.

But we must remember. No one can win nature and the sankharas.

No one can go against nature, whether it is the Buddha or us. This is the truth. This is the Dhamma that comes from nature."






















Cr: Aaron, Ted


We follow the path of the Lord Buddha never conpromise and no fear to any defilement. Wherever is difficult place , wilderness, i will go there.

Wherever is comfortable environment, i will run away. I went almost everywhere in this country, in order to understand the Truth of Dhamma

我们遵循佛陀的道路,从不妥协,不惧怕任何烦恼。 哪里是困难的地方,哪里是荒野,我就去那里。

哪里有舒适的环境,我就逃跑。 为了了解佛法的真理,我几乎到了这个国家的每一个地方。



To take care of our hearts properly, to look at our own hearts. To use wise consideration not letting the heart become moody, confused or frustrated. the heart is the important thing

好好照顾我们的心,看看我们自己的心。 使用如理作意,不要让心变得喜怒无常、困惑或沮丧。 心是很最重要的东西。

CR: Aaron


We have always lived with Anicca,   Dhukka, Anatta all the time. Those wise person , after listening, they will contemplate  and practise. I can only advise, tell and teach you. If you knew  but don’t practise or follow the teaching, it’s of waste time.

Luang pu Boonsong




Bring your child to the temple when they are still young.

They will absorb the teachings and besides, they will enjoy good health. Not be sick easily.

The important thing is that

You should not hit them...if they cry

At the time they arrive at the temple

Because if you hit them, they will remember that

Every time they come to the temple, they will be hit.

Let them be according to their nature. They get better soon.

Luang pu Boonsong







"Our pupils, wherever they are.

If anyone had a relationship with [me], I will travel to see and meet with them.

Wherever, Any location. We will meet each other.

It is called merit-related, merit-destiny. We have promises together.

If my body is fine, I will go anywhere. No matter where they are.

Nowadays, I live for working and I want to take [my] children (this means pupils) and those who have merit-related with me to create prestige together. There is only that reason."

Luang Pu Boonsong

Wat Santi Wanaram, Chanthaburi







“Patience, Patience, Patience , Patience”

Only look at your own mind

Luang pu Boonsong





To overcome oneself is to master one’s heart

Don’t let your citta fall to the low side

You must triumph by mastering one’s heart in authority

Must cut off the kilesas which make the heart miserable

Leading towards us behaving badly

Tahn advised everyone to be able to master themselves

Defeat the angry person by non-anger

Defeat the evil people with goodness

Defeat the stingy via giving

Defeat those who talk nonsense with the truth


Cr: Ted/ Aaron


Luang Pu once ever said that

If you are still unable to cut off the worldly (lokiya)

Pawana will cause you to become wealthy

If you patibat (practice) persistently

And you can begin from worldly riches

Progressing towards becoming rich

In terms of the Dhamma itself








Cr: Aaron


In the past we won’t come to the hospital, we'll just use meditation to fight against it. No matter how you ask, Kammatan monks and Patibat monks, they would refuse to go (to the hospital). Even if we're severely ill, we'll still fight against it. We can’t be weak towards disease and illness, or else you’ll lose your reputation as Kammatan monk.

Afterwards we have adapted and if you invite us, we will go. But we won't sleep (in the hospital) . Because we have work that needs to be done. The bot (Chapel) still needs to be built. Many things, including (projects for our disciples)still need to be done.

(Going to the hospital) is just to let our disciples gain merits. Letting doctors, nurses and many other people gain merits. I've come to teach them, to help them increase their barami.

We ourselves are not afraid of death. Anyway everyone must die. We are never scared.

过去我们不会来医院,我们只是用冥想来对抗它。 不管你怎么问,Kammatan 僧侣和 Patibat 僧侣,他们都会拒绝去(去医院)。 即使我们病得很重,我们仍然会与之抗争。 我们不能对疾病和疾病软弱,否则您将失去您作为Kammatan僧侣的声誉。

后来我们适应了,如果你邀请我们,我们就去。 但是我们不会睡觉(在医院里)。 因为我们有工作需要完成。 戒堂仍然需要建造。 许多事情,包括(我们的弟子的项目)仍然需要完成。

(去医院)只是为了让我们的弟子获得功德。 让医生、护士等许多人获得功德。 我是来教他们的,帮助他们增加波罗密。

我们自己不怕死。 无论如何,每个人都必须死。 我们从不害怕。

CR: Aaron/Jem


To do tamboon can be done in several ways

Today while massaging Luang Pu, he told me how to tamboon in various ways, but all of them are meritorious

Making merit without investing in anything is to make merit with the breath

Tahn said to sit calmly and watch the breath flow in and out. This is the peak of boon.

Tamboon also by upholding the precepts perfectly regardless of the 5, 8, 10 or 227 precepts. All are boon.

Make merit by pointing the way for others to tamboon by publicising posters of merit-making events of all kinds, this is also merit.

Make merit by bringing rice to saibart and offer to monks, this is also boon.

Another way to make merit is to contribute via physical labour, this does not require property or wealth. Such as volunteering at a temple fair, taking care of monks, looking after the monks as an attendant, all are merit.

Whatever is convenient for you, just do that.

If you have power then contribute wealth. 

If you have strength contribute physically. 

If you are eloquent then persuade your close relatives and friends to make merit.

Pointing the way for them to make merit.

Because each way is a path of building baramee and accumulating merit.

Whether it is “rough” merit or “refined” merit, depends on the boon-baramee that each person has accumulated in past lives.

Those who are wise and able to plan, can initiate new merit-making projects.

Will help you live with no problems in this world, and when you die you will not face any difficulty. You don’t need to worry about becoming a ghost without merit.

When its time to die, you can lie down and smile because of the merit you made

As if you have saved up money in the bank, when you are in need, you can always withdraw money you have saved proudly.

Because you have seen the money that you have accumulated in the bank. Similar is the merit we have made in this world when we die. We will not be afraid of death or hardship, because we already know we will go and receive the wealth that we have accumulated i.e. our merit.



Cr: Ted/ Aaron


If one is born as a human being, they must lie in their mother's womb for 9 to 10 months. If they did good deeds in the past, they will enjoy wealth and affluent living.

Because Karma that we did in the past follows us across time and lives.

The law may not catch up with us, but Karma will.

Do not think that the Karma is similar to the laws or the penal code.

If the statutes of limitation expire, will the Karma be dismissed? No, it won’t be like that.

Killing someone, you might run away for the statute of limitation which is 20 years [in accordance with Thai Law]

But the Law of Karma will follow you. Don't think that you have escaped.

The Law of Karma follows us across space and time. Even if the consequences of our bad deeds have not ripened yet, they will continue to follow us.

If there is no Karma, we will not be born.

If there is no fruit of Karma, we will not be born.

Here, we have had a fortunate birth.

Born as a human being and encountered Buddhism as well.

We are doubly lucky. Since we have become Buddhists, we must hurry and work to purify our minds.

Our mind is still dark and foolish. Practice purifying the mind and train the mind to have mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom in daily living.

And then, we will not have to rely on someone else. Relying on someone else to breathe for us is not being self-reliant. What if he stops breathing? We will also die along with him.

Therefore, we have to use our own nose. This is in accordance with the principle of Buddha’s teachings that we should practice being an island unto oneself, and taking refuge in oneself [Attadiipaa Sutta].




CR: Ted/ Aaron


The ancient elders said

Good people who fall into water don’t drown

Falling into fires they do not burn

Because of the goodness they have accumulated

Protected them from hardship and distress

And they receive only good health and pleasure

As they cross worlds and transverse many lives

Persistence in accumulating virtue

Perfecting one’s boon baramee

Taking care not to commit sins

Our lives will only meet with happiness

Disciples of Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro Wat Santi Wanaram












文颂大长老,Wat Santi Wanaram 的弟子

Cr: Aaron


Wittayatana( Level of knowledge) will change when you live in accordance to moral righteousness

Silena Sugatim Yanti(Observing Sila,lead us to be born in the heaven realms)* will help you live in coolness and happiness

Co-existing and living together in this world

Because humans are social animals

If we don't have metta and harmony with one another

We will become disunited

Envious of this person here

Jealous of that person there

This is not in a good way

As our minds will dwell in jealousy

Leading our minds to decline

Luang pu Boonsong


Silena Sugatim Yanti(凭戒德重生天界)*帮助您生活在凉爽和幸福











Cr: Aaron n Jem

* Admin add on



It is normal for humans when they encounter suffering

That they won’t be able to endure it or stand each other

They lack tolerance to handle hardship

They lack forbearance and patience with one another

Therefore it is difficult for them to find happiness

To be truly happy one needs to know suffering beforehand

When happiness comes you will not become obsessed and forget oneself

Our Lord Buddha encountered great difficulty and suffering

And battled the kilesas more intensely than you ever did

The suffering of yours is still trivial so we should emulate the Lord Buddha’s example












“Wherever you go,

take Sati (mindfulness) with you

take Samadhi (Concentration) with you

take Panna(Wisdom) with you

Wherever you go, you feel comfortable in your mind”





任何地方你去, 你心都会感到舒服”


Life is about fighting. If there is no fight and one will lose. No matter whether is Kilesa(defilement) , unwholesome or even on ourselves.

生活就是奋斗。 如果没有奋斗,就会失败。 不管是烦恼(烦恼)、不善,甚至是我们自己。



Don’t complain about being downhearted

Don’t complain about being tired

Tired just rest a while and you’ll recover

Tired also just continue

The duty of us is as much as this

See Ajaan is aged 85 laew

Also still haven’t stopped working

There are many people who have it more difficult than us

Having a job is still better than not having any job

Luang pu Boonsong

觉得心灰意冷了, 不要抱怨。





你看,大长老都已届高龄 85 岁了,





CR: Aaron/ML/Jord


Don’t make more sin than merit

You must tamboon more than baap (sin)

If you can think like this

Then life will ease up

And tension depart

Regardless of what kind of boon

Such as to build ubosot

Build Wihaan

Sala or preaching halls

Or build monk kutis; all kinds

Buy land to offer temples

Do already and benefit yourself

When you return and be born as human

Won’t be difficult

Will have a house

Will have divine vehicle

And its not used up yet

Because its from the virtues of merit

Because our sins are few

Don’t go and do them

Whatever your status is

You should walk the honest path

By body speech and mind

Honesty is very important

It will bring prosperity to oneself

Luang pu Boonsong















Cr: Ted / Aaron


Dedication of Merit

Student : We do not have spiritual ability to dedicate merits to devas that have blessed us or protected us, our departed ancestors or those sentient beings that we owe karmic debts to, may we request for Luang pu’s kindness and compassions to dedicate our merits to these sentient beings.

Luang Pu replied:  Let’s consider an example: We have a small cake , cut into many pieces and we distribute. In this instance, even though a recipient may not receive much cake but the recipient will be grateful or touched if the offering is made with sincerity and in return, they will give you their blessing.  Even though you may not possess much paramis, if the deva feels your sincerity, the deva will bless you.  So, it is beneficial practice to dedicate merits




Once you have faith in the Lord Buddha and have proclaimed yourself as a Buddhist, taking the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as refuges. Then you have to practice the Dhamma just like how you believe in your parents and obey their teachings and instructions. When we obey our parents who taught us we do not forget to treat them with respect and practice well.

We should also treat the 5 precepts with respect. We should uphold them all the time while we are still alive. Whether verbally or physically, if we keep the 5 precepts in mind, our speech and bodily actions will not be impure. We will do things in an orderly and proper manner. The Lord Buddha’s intention is for us to live together peacefully…

Luang pu Boonsong




Cr: ML/ Aaron


Our fathers and mothers grow old which is our chance to take care of them. This is a big boon ( great merit) and our boon( merit) will be great in the future. This is  indeed the great moment or opportunity to accumulate the big boon( great merit).

Luang pu Boonsong

Luang pu Boonsong dedicate merit to his parent in one of the photo below.




The Dhamma will protect us

People who behave in accordance with the Dhamma will not be falling into the evil paths

#Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi Province

The Precepts are prohibitions. The Dhamma is the practice. The precepts are prohibitions in order to establish discipline, which the Buddha promulgated after becoming enlightened for our benefit. The word human means beings who have the boon watsana to be born into this realm. Because of their merit in the past. But don’t forget that even after becoming human, sin still exists.

As long as we still have to take birth, sin will follow us. But the sin is weak and haven’t ripened yet. The power of our good deeds helped us to take rebirth as a human being. The Lord Buddha warned us to stop sinning because we have two peaks. We should increase the peak of virtue and refrain from evil.

Even if we get what we want in accordance with our wishes but through dishonest physical deeds, speech or mind, we should not be delighted. Because these things are contaminated and polluted. If we know what is the right way we will live life correctly.

#Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi Province







CR: Meiling/ Aaron


Luang Pu once ever said that if anyone says they want to be mischief (play kongsai), saying they want to try to use, we will tell them to go. Can try and experiment. Not being arrogant, but we think that we are pure (borisut), we have Dhamma to maintain us. We have the precepts. We have sati to watch over our life. Whatever that is bad or inauspicious, can’t do anything to us. The 5 precepts can save us. Dhamma can save us. Don’t be careless na.

People without Dhamma, even if they are wealthy, they are also rotten. Because they don’t have sati to regulate their lives. If sati is unstable, everything will collapse. Sati Samadhi Panya Dhamma is important to life. Don’t ever leave Dhamma and merit.

luang pu Boonsong

龙普曾经说过,如果有人表示要来胡闹恶搞我们,他们想要试试看,我会那么告诉他,“去吧,你们可以试试,做个实验看看”。 不是我太过自信,但我们晓得我们是清白的,我们有佛法来维护我们。 我们有持守戒律,我们有正念来守护我们的生命。 任何不好的或不吉利的,无法伤害到我们。 五戒可以救我们免于不幸,佛法可以拯救我们。 别粗心大意呐。

没有佛法的人,就算他们拥有很多财富,他们的生命最终会导向腐朽,因为他们没有正念来调节他们的生活。 如果正念不稳定,一切都会崩塌溃烂。 正念、禅定、智慧与佛法对生命皆很重要,永远不要离开佛法与功德。


Cr: ML and Aaron


A man with goodness will never be naked and not even on a day when there is nothing left with no clothes to wear.There will be someone to bring it to them . So let us be assiduous in good deeds and goodness will help us.

Luang Pu Boonsong



CR: Piriya Jord Chukeawngam

Translated: Khun Surasak, Ted


Among the 4 lower realms one can be reborn in, the closest realm to us is none other than the animal realm. We can understand the workings of kamma from this realm, for example the dog. Luang Pu said with metta that there are people with tanha (desire) who also make merit their whole life, but at the moment of their death they let their tanha overpower them and when they die they have to be reborn as a dog. But some dogs have baramee and they have people who take good care of them because of their boon. As for those dogs without any former merit, they have to suffer and starve wandering around in accordance with their kamma. As for the dog that Luang Pu raised at the temple, it has some bad kamma but could have a chance to return to the human realm in its next life. Because its eyes and ears only perceive auspicious things and it has a chance to absorb positive energy.


CR: Aaron/ Ted


Today is 15th day of the Lunar Chinese New Year, we wish one have a blessed year by year. May one be blessed with goodness and live in accordance to the Mangala sutta. May all radiance hope be fulfilled.

Below are the Dhamma sharing previously by Luang pu Boonsong

Destiny is in your hands.

Good or bad, we ourselves know best. 

Nobody knows you better than yourself.

When we are comfortable in life, we often neglect making merit & building parami...thus using up all previous parami.

We spend our time bewitched by and enjoying sensual pleasures(kilesa). When suffering arises, people blame their  horoscope, bad fortune, luck etc.

Run to seek help from fortune tellers.

[This demonstrates] a lack of wisdom.

How can fortune tellers help you?

You know your life better than anyone else.

Why are you asking for help?

You must solve the problem yourself. Examine your life to find the causes of suffering.

In the past, did you do good or evil?

You are well aware of the deeds that you committed.

If you know that you lack parami, then you must make merit.

If you are poor, you must work hard. Increase your parami by being more dilligent.

Good or bad is in your own hands.

There is no such thing as destined by heaven.

Only you yourself can determine the outcome of your life.

Luang pu Boonsong







这真的是没有智慧啊!算命师又怎能真正地帮到你呢?你比任何其他人都清楚你的人生,何需向外寻求帮助呢? 其实你应该向内反省才是,一定得自己去解决问题。且去分析导致这些痛苦的原因根源。







[Being "at ease" is all in our mind. What matters is whether or not one is able to overcome the suffering in our own mind, not in the mind of others. Being at ease is all in the mind and heart, it's all within us.

LP Boonsong Thitasaro, Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi



Cr: Jeremy/Ted


The wardens of the underworld

Beings who perform official duties

They are all noble ones like sotapanna

They must possess virtue and justice

Beings who lack fairness in their hearts

They are unable to perform this duty for sure

The law of hell is just

It is unlike the laws we have on earth

Where there is bribery and corruption

Pushing blame or under the table deals

This only happens in the human world

But not in the lower realms of hell

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi Province












CR: Aaron/ML








Cr Ted


Anger is like a fatal disease. If we do not know how to destroy it, it will destroy us. When a husband quarrels with his spouse, it is because both parties are overwhelmed by anger. Sometimes, they will smash objects, break the pots and pans and so forth, only to spend money to purchase new items after their anger has dissolved. And this anger, is the main culprit behind all of these. Do you see how evil it is? If we do not know how to reduce our anger, then it will continuously harm us. Everytime our anger disappears, we will be upset over everything that we destroyed, and be disappointed with whatever that's left over. That's all because we lost to anger...

“......嗔恨就是一種惡疾, 如果我們不知道如何摧毀它,它便會摧毀我們;例如夫妻吵起架來是因為被嗔心覆蓋, 有時會破壞東西 ,打碎飯鍋,打爛水煲, 等怒氣消散後,又要花錢買新的東西。 而這個憤怒,這個嗔心就是主謀, 見到它的惡毒了嗎? 如果不懂得減輕它,它便會不斷緊隨著傷害我們,每當我們的憤怒消失後,我們會坐著傷心已被破壞到所剩無己的一切。這全因為输給了憤怒...... ”

CR: Ted


Nothing belongs to us. Even our bodies have to be returned, when the time comes. You may want to bring something with you, but you won't be able to do it. The only thing you can bring with you is your boon gudson  (merit). It will be usable in every world and every life.

没有任何东西属于我们。当时间成熟时,我们的身体也必须归还。 您可能想随身携带一些东西,但您无法做到。 您唯一可以随身携带的就是您的(功德)。 它将在每个世和每个生中都可用.

CR: Aaron


Question 12) How to make people who commit sins get their karma faster?

Than Luang Pu: It is according to the law of karma because he still has boon (good merit), but when he is out of merit, the consequences of baap (sin) will return. Sin will manifest its effects until he is able to attain Nirvana. If he did the evil deeds, he will go to hell.

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021


长老: 是根据业力的法则,因为他还有福报(善业),但是当他没有善业时,恶业(业)的果报就会回来。业会显示它的影响力,直到他能够征得解脱。如果他做了恶行,他会下地狱



Question 11: The mind has a negative habitual tendency, when face with changing environment in different place & people. How can we train the mind to be more positive & wiser?

Tan Luang pu: Our happiness depends on our actions. We will be in a good place because our mind is good. But if your mind is not good, you tend to make many mistakes which will result in you going to a bad place, receiving the bad results. The only karma is your actions. All beings are driven by their karma. Keep developing your mindfulness, bring goodness to help the bad people. When you see something not good, don’t get involve, let it go.  You reap what  you sow. (Do Good things and good Results will happen to you. Do Bad Things and Bad Results will happen to you.) 

The Buddha gave us 84,000 dhammakkhandha and it never taught us to be angry, but taught us to be kind. The one who gets angry later is worse than the one who gets angry first. We must overcome anger, by not letting anger raise. We must use the good to overcome the evil. The Lord Buddha taught us to have mercy and harmony. People who are very distressed and angry, will have health problems. If we believe in the teachings of the Buddha, our family won't have any problems.

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

问题 11:当面对不同地方和不同人的多变环境时,心有一种消极的习惯倾向。我们怎样才能训练我们的心变得更积极和有智慧?

长老: 我们的幸福取决于我们的行为。我们会在一个善的地方,因为我们的心是好的。但是如果你的心不好,你往往会犯很多错误,导致你去一个不善的地方,得到不好的结果。唯一的业力是你的行为。一切众生都受业力驱使。继续培养你的正念,带来善意帮助坏人。当你看到一些不好的事情时,不要参与,让它过去。正如你播种,所以你将收获。 (做好事,好结果会发生在你身上。做坏事,坏结果就会发生在你身上。)




Question 09:  What is Heaven and Hell like?

Than Luang Pu: Heaven is imply look like a healthy rice field with good fertilizer and good water. In opposite, the hell is imply look like a very messy grass field. Our lives are the same. If we live as being a good person, honest and righteous, we will go to the heaven. In the opposite, if we lead an immoral life, we will likely be going to hell. Depending on your actions via physical, verbal and mental, the person will go to different levels of hell.

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021




Cr: Ted


Question 10) When do we dedicate merit to the spirit? Can we help him reach Nibbana?

Than Luang Pu: The dedication of merit may help the person who receives it to be born as a human being or Deva first. For the giver, teaching dharma to human beings, they may go the nibbana

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021.

Question 09 is still editing and will post once it is done.





As monks, we keep our heart opened, not closed. Whatever we do, it should be for the benefit of the public and community.  If we are not able to help others yet, know that it is because we still do not have enough Barami.

- Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

身为比丘,心胸就要保持宽容,不能狭窄。 做什么事都是要为大众,为社会带来利益。如果还不能帮助到他人,那就该知道这是因为(我们)本身的波罗蜜还不够。

- 龙普文颂(文颂大长老)

" ... เป็นพระต้องมีจิตใจกว้างขวาง ไม่ใช่ใจแคบ

จะทำสิ่งใด ต้องเป็นสาธารณะประโยชน์ ...เป็นไปเพื่อส่วนรวม​ ถ้ายังช่วยใครไม่ได้​ ให้รู้ไว้ว่า เป็นเพราะบารมีของเรายังไม่เพียงพอ ... "


#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี

CR: Jeremy


Question 6 : What are the other benefits of tudong other than developing endurance & samadhi?

Than Luang Pu: We can see the weakness of our minds during tudong, which is to build your tolerance and endure hardship. Also, we can see the geography of the country we travel. Furthermore, we develop a habit of being diligent and patience.

If you tudong without Metta Bhavana Meditation (cultivating loving-kindness), you may encounter hard-ship and encounter dangers from wild animals and non-human beings. On the contrary, there will not harmful situations when we practice the Metta Bhavana. We must also train ourselves to overcome various obstacles. It's an exercise in endurance and diligence which can be applied to our lives. As the Buddha said, diligence brings success in the things we strive for.

Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

问题 6 : 除了培养耐力和三摩地(禅定)之外,行脚(tudong)还有什么好处?

长老:在行脚期间,我们可以看到我们心的弱点,那就是培养你的忍耐和吃苦。 此外,我们可以看到我们行脚的国家的地理。 此外,我们养成了勤奋和耐心的习惯。

如果你没有Metta Bhavana Meditation(培养慈心),你可能会遇到困难,遇到野生动物和非人类的危险。 相反,当我们修持慈悲心时,不会出现有害的情况。 我们还必须训练自己克服各种障碍。 这是一种耐力和勤奋的锻炼,可以应用于我们的生活。 正如佛陀所说,精进会在我们努力的事情上取得成功。



Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Question 5) Whenever I practice sitting meditation, I feel that my breath is very mild until I can’t focus it clearly. Should I change it to recite the word “Buddho”?

Than Luang Pu: When you practice Bhavana, cultivate mindfulness until your mind calm down.  Being aware and use your citta (mind) focus on the calmness, then your citta will travel on its own without having to control anything.  Your breath is still there, but it's subtle and unable to sustain your attention to it.  We do not know. Let the mindful breathing flow consciously, being aware of you breathe in and out, focus your attention on your breathing, not controlling anything. Your mind will transform itself into samadhi (concentration), joy and happiness arise in your hearts, this is the most important. Must be diligent in mindfulness meditation practices, so that it will develop your minds to higher level, knowing the desires which are coming into your minds


问题5)每当我练习打坐时,我觉得我的呼吸很细 直到我不能清楚地集中它。 我要改成念佛陀吗?

长老:当你禅修,要培养正念,直到你的心平静下来。 意识到并使用你的 citta(心)专注于平静,那么你的 citta 将自行到一个无需控制任何事情的境界。 你的呼吸还在那里但它很微妙,无法保持你的注意力。 我们不知道。 让正念的呼吸有意识地产生,关注你的吸气进和呼气出,把注意力集中在你的呼吸上,不要控制任何东西。 你的心会转化为三摩地(定),快乐和快乐在你心中生起,这是最重要的。 必须精进正念禅修练习,这样才能将你的心发展到更高的层次,知道进入你心中的欲望


Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Total there is 16 questions being asked and answer during the session. We will release one at a time.

Translated, not interprets.

Question 4) What merit or benefits will the host of Kathina get?

Than Luang Pu: The host of Kathina will receive the great merit because it can only be done once a year, for changing kathina robe for the Sangha only happens once a year. Because the Sangha can wear new robes, this act will result in Dana-Barami (prestige) of becoming a wealthy man in the future, no starvation and hardship.




长老: 迦提那功德主会得到很大的功德因为一年只能办一次,僧人换上迦提那衣只会只有一年一次而已。僧团可以换上新的袈裟,这举动会因布施波罗蜜而未来成为一位富有的人,没饥饿和困苦。


Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Total there is 16 questions being asked and answer during the session. We will release one at a time.

Translated, not interprets.

Question 3: My parents are not Buddhist. How can I make them to accept Buddhism.

Than Luang Pu: They have to study with the monks who they saddha (trust and faith).  If their hearts are not purified, let them practice and keep their minds pure. Let them understand the value of the precepts and the Triple Refuges (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha). Every life is precious, we must keep our minds from deteriorating, determine in developing the mind and practicing to let the evil out from the mind and lead us to Nirvana as soon as possible. There are five precepts for layperson. If the person dies without upholding the 5 precepts, then he/she will transform their body to be a demon (hungry ghost or asura).



问题03: 我的父母不是佛教徒。 我什么样把他们接受佛教?

长老: 他们需要和对他们有信心的师父(僧人)学习. 如他们的心还没净化, 让他们修和让他们把心保持纯净,让他们了解戒律和三宝(佛,法,僧)的价值。 每个生命是可贵,我们不可让这心退化, 需下定决心在修行上和心灵上提升让不善心在我们的心不存有地位因而引导我们尽快走向涅槃。做为在家居士需守好五戒。如一个人在没守好五戒而往生,他们将投生为阿修罗或饿鬼。


Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Total there is 16 questions being asked and answer during the session. We will release one at a time.



Question 2: Before “I” was born, who was I? and after I am born, who am I?

问题02: 在我出世前我是谁?之后我出世,我又是谁?

Than Luang Pu: From your karma, if you continue to be in samsara (cycle of existence, endless rebirth), how do you know if it's a man or a woman? You probably know it after rebirth but during the cycle of rebirth and death, how do you know? If you have the supreme Jñāna*, you may be able to see yourself before birth, during birth, and after birth. When we are born, how hard is it for our parents? And after being born, we also give trouble to them.

长老答: 来自你的业。如你继续在轮回(无止境的出世), 你怎么会知道是男或女? 如你有至高的禅那, 你可能可以在你出世前,在你出世和出世后看到。 当你出世,父母是多么的辛苦。在你出世后,我们也给父母添麻烦。

Before “I” was born, who was I? you need to have enough Jñāna* to know it like those from Buddhaphum, disciples of Buddha. Perhaps they will be able to answer it clearly. But after being born, it is of utmost importance that we have to study the Buddha Dharma clearly because it is not easy to be born as a human, in fact it is very difficult.

在‘我’出生前,我是谁? 你要有足够的禅那得知像从佛陀的弟子。或许,他们能清楚的回答你。但在你出世后, 我们最重要的是把佛陀的佛法清楚的修读,这是因为转世为人是不容易,而且是非常困难的。

Since you are born, you have to hasten to do good deeds from early childhood, middle age, and old age. Do only good deeds. Do the best in this life, and not use body, speech, nose, tongue, body and mind for immoral deeds. If not, how will we progress or indicate our minds to have knowledge and abilities? Everyone doesn't want to be in the cycle of birth, getting old, getting sick, and die, but in the end we can't escape.

既然你出世, 你要赶紧从年幼开始累积善业,中年 和老年。只是累积善业。在这一生做到最好。不要用你的身,口,鼻,舌,身,意做不善业。不然, 我们如何能有进步或在内心获得智慧和能力? 大家都不要在这生死轮回 (生老病死), 但最后我们还是逃不过。

The Buddha taught that all beings are conditioned by causes (saṅkhāra), and these are impermanent (anicca) and suffering (dukkha), and that it is non-self (anattā)  ~ characteristic of all dhammas, nobody can control it.

佛陀教导众生一切都来自因 (行蕴), 这些都是无常,苦,也是无我。这是所有法则的性质,没人能控制到。

The word Anatta, no one can compel one's own will. For Anicca is lead us, changing from the early childhood onwards. We obtain knowledge from our parents, from our teachers and from our education. However, if you want to know more insight, you have to practice sitting meditation and Bhavana to know where you were born, where you came from. Not necessary to wait until you become an arahant. An ordinary monk who has practice well until his mind is very fine, he will knows whether he came from Hell or Heaven. Since you know like this, you have to hasten in practicing the Dhamma and do more meritorious deeds for your well-being. Before we were born, we were a soul until fertilization takes place and remain in our mother's womb. We were born in a clean or dirty place; we know by ourselves. We were born and gives trouble to our parents. Therefore, it is necessary to do good deeds all the time, not to do evil. Must speak and think with morality.

这字‘无我‘, 是没有人可以强迫自己的意志. ’无常‘,是领导我们,从年幼开始。 我们在父母,老师,教育上得知知识。 可是, 你要得知更多见识, 你需要学习坐禅和禅修以了解知道你是从哪里出世和从哪里来。 不真的需要等到你成为阿罗汉。一位普通的师父,在修行上修到心非常细腻,是知道他是来自地狱或天堂。 如你得知了解,你会在修行佛法方面更勤加努力和累积更多善业,这是因为是为了你自己的利益。在我们出世前,我们也是’灵‘到受孕和在母亲的母胎里。我们出世在清洁或肮脏地方,我自己会知道。我们出世就给父母添麻烦,所以需要一直在行善,不做恶,需用道德来说话和想。


(Translated, not interpreted) on 29 October 2021.

“Some people are happy and having a good life as a result of their past good merit (puñña), so they relax and enjoy. Like someone who has a lot of money in their pocket to use comfortably. Therefore, some people think the merit is not important and not necessary to make it because they are comfortable.

When the accumulated merits are going to run out. The previous demerit (pāpa) chasing and catch up to do their duty, giving effect instead of good merit. The suffering will immediately take effect. It's like spending your pocket money until it runs out, never think to collecting more and once Thinking to collecting it again, it's too late, can't find it in time, it's in debt. Same as merit as well, If the person does not hurry to accumulating merit, his previous demerit catches up, then sadness will come. "

Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro,

Abbot of Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi, Thailand.




Question & Answer by Than Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro on 7 November 2021

Total there is 16 questions being asked and answer during the session. We will release one at a time.

Translated, not interprets.

Question 1:  I am a dharma practitioner and like to practice sitting meditation. However I feel that my practice does not seem to have any progress. May I know the reason please.

Than Luang Pu: You need to be more diligence in your practice. Put in more effort. Maybe you are not hard-working enough. If you have already put in more effort to be more hard-working and still not much progress, that mean your practice is not correct thus must be careful.




第一个问题: 我是位很喜欢坐禅的修行者。可是我总觉得我的禅修好像没有任何的进展。想知道为什么?

长老答: 你需要在练习中更加勤奋。付出更多的努力。可能你还不够精进。如果你已经努力精进了,可是还是没有太大的进步,那就是你的修行不对,要留意。


Don't be discouraged by the obstacles that come your way because they are a bitter medicine to train our our minds.

Don't look at it as a problem but look at it as an opportunity to cultivate our parami, make our life more auspicious, resulting in a better and higher destiny.

Luang pu Boonsong




" อย่าย่อท้อในอุปสรรคต่าง ๆ ที่เข้ามา




แต่ให้มองว่า คือ #ความท้าทาย

ต่อกำลังใจ วาสนาและบารมีของเรา




#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี

Cr: ML


Letting go of the good

Letting go of the bad

Cultivating a neutral mind. Developing your mindfulness and equanimity here, neither one is “good” nor “bad”.

When there is good, neither liking nor disliking appear in the mind.

Train your mind like this, then you will have power over the worldly, the hypothetical world, and the worldly dhammas.

When the people speak well of you and praised you, you will not be elated.

When the people criticize you, you can endure because of your mindfulness and equanimity.

By Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong Thittasaro,

Wat Santivanaram , Chantaburi

Cr.  Group of devotee.








Cr: Ted





When you are teasing and joking on Sangha. Although he does not mind but you have created the unwholesome verbal action (akusala karma) that will caused you so much trouble. This is important.

By Luang Phor Boonsong Thittasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi.

Cr : Devotees

当你戏弄僧伽和开玩笑时,虽然他不介意,但你造了不善的言语行为(恶业)(akusala karma),会给你带来很多麻烦。这个很重要。


Wat Santiwanaram,尖竹汶。

Cr: 奉献者

"การที่เราพูดเล่น พูดล้อกับพระ ถึงแม้ว่าพระท่านจะไม่ถือ แต่กรรมมันเกิดขึ้นแล้วคือวจีกรรม วจีกรรมนี่จะทำให้เราประสบปัญหา ติดๆขัดๆนะ ตัวนี้นี่สำคัญ"

#พระวิสุทธิธรรม คำสอน หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม อ.แก่งหางแมว จ.จันทบุรี.......


Story from Mr.Tik Phomchart, devotee of Luang Pu Boonsong

Luang Pu having great metta to visits his devotee in Chonburi before returning to Chanthaburi (LP temple). Luang Pu has devotees of all status and treats all of his devotees equally with metta, regardless of their status in life.

Whether his disciple has 100 million or 100 baht, Luang Pu regards all of them as equality, with metta.

Regardless of whether they stay in millionaire house, parquet floor or ground house, Luang Pu still visited them. Luang Pu will always sat comfortably at every house that he visits.

Luang Pu said “Two arm of Buddhas embrace two types of people. On one side embraces the rich kings. The other side embrace the poor & the distressed. They must all be equal.

文颂大长老信徒Mr.Tik Phomchart,




#เรื่องเล่าจากลูกศิษย์... ติ๊ก พรหมโชติ

หลวงปู่เมตตาแวะโปรดศิษย์ที่ชลบุรีก่อนกลับจันทบุรี หลวงปู่ของเรา...ท่านมีศิษย์ทุกระดับชั้นครับ และท่านก็เมตตาเสมอเสมือนกันหมด


รวยจนเป็นศิษย์หลวงปู่เท่ากัน ศิษย์100ล้านศิษย์100บาท ก็เท่ากันครับ ถ้าเป็นศิษย์หลวงปู่บุญส่งแล้ว จะบ้านเศรษฐีพื้นปาเก้หรือบ้านพื้นดิน ท่านก็นั่งอย่างสบายๆ


ท่านเคยพูดว่า พระพุทธเจ้าสองเเขนท่านโอบอุ้มคนสองประเภท ข้างหนึ่งทรงอุ้มพวกราชาเศรษฐี อีกข้างต้องโอบอุ้มคนยากคนจนยาจกเข็ญใจ


CR: Ted


Today, devotee come and do offering to luang pu Boonsong in behalf on their departed loved one.

Luang pu give a short dhamma.

When time to pass on(away) come, it can occur whether you stand, sit, sleep, walk and do anything.

The living loved one can only do goodness for the departed one.

**May we share the goodness to departed one the goodness that we done and may they be reborn in a blissful realm. Sadhu



但一个人的时间到(往生), 不管做任何事情,站,走,睡, 都会往生。




Dhamma is not divided into sects, because all (Dhamma) come from Buddha Shakyamuni

LP Boonsong, Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi



ธรรม ไม่แบ่ง แยกนิกาย เพราะ มาจาก อาจารย์เจ้าสมณโคดม องค์เดียวกัน

โอวาท : หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี


The third precept (Abstain from Sexual Misconduct and refers to adultery in all its forms.)

It is very important, prohibit to break this rule. The outcome of breaking this rule will have very severe karma. Be a virtuous and morality human being. Do not fool around.

Luang pu Boonsong





No matter how tiring and exhausting it is, I dare not say that I'm exhausted.

Because when I think about the time at Buddha’s old age,

Even though he was tired, he still travelled everywhere to teach the Dharma,

My (hardship) is nothing compared to the Buddha's,

Recollection of Buddha's sacrifice and dedication will bring us strength.

Luang Pu Boonsong

这照片是在开示结束后和长老祈求忏悔。 虽然我们是在不同的地方,可是感恩寺庙帮忙为我们安排花来供养长老以完成这仪式。

长老在泰国时间下午,一点半(新/马)两点半,已经在座位,因为有泰国信徒供养长老。长老也没离开过座位直到开示完成。 感恩长老的慈悲.








On this earth we can do all kinds of things together. But the good and bad things that we search for and are familiar with [belong to the individual]. There is no one who can fill another person's heart with good or evil. When the time comes, we will have to separate from one another, moving along in accordance with our good or bad kamma. Every man is for himself. We won't be in the same household census again like we once were. Only our boon and sin will still stay together with us.

Luang pu Boonsong



Cr: Aaron and Ted


*Encouragement for today*

One day, I had the opportunity to pay respects to Luang Pu Boonsong. I seek his kindness to guide me about sitting meditation. I asked Luang Pu.

Devotee : "Luang Pu, Why do I keep falling asleep during sitting meditation?

It will be like this every time after 15 minutes. It happens every time."

With metta, Luang Pu answered me

Luang Pu: “You are not at the present. Today is today. Yesterday was the past. Tomorrow, there is no way to know thus how do you know that today, you will fall asleep again.

Devotee: Oh! Clear

By Luang Phor Boonsong Thittasaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi.

Cr : Devotees Group











#ฐิตสาโร #วัดสันติวนาราม

เมื่อวันก่อนมีโอกาสไปกราบท่าน ผมได้ขอความเมตตาท่านเรื่องการนั่งสมาธิ ผมถามหลวงปู่ว่า

"หลวงปู่ครับ ทำไมผมนั่งสมาธิแล้วชอบหลับ จะเป็นแบบนี้ ทุกครั้ง เมื่อเวลาผ่านไป 15 นาที เป็นทุกครั้งครับ"


"เราไม่ได้อยุ่กับปัจจุบัน วันนี้คือวันนี้ เมื่อวานผ่านมาแล้ว พรุ่งนี้ไม่มีทางรู้ แล้วเราจะรู้ได้อย่างไรว่า วันนี้เราจะง่วงอีก"

เท่านั้นแหละ กระจ่าง





Don't take defilements (kilesa) as your refuge.  The kilesa is the teaching of the devil (mara), not the Buddha teaching so don't believe it, don't follow it.

If you can do like this, you will succeed in life. If there is a treasure, it will stay with you for a long time. Sickness will not come to you.

Good or bad. This life has been liberated. Even though you still in samsara (karmic cycle, the cycle of death and rebirth) Just a few more worlds of rebirth , then you will be able to attain nirvana due to the cause that you created this…

Luang pu Boonsong



CR: Ted

"... อย่าไปเอา'กิเลส'​เป็นที่พึ่ง ​กิเลสเป็นคำสอนของมาร ไม่ใช่คำสอนของพระพุทธเจ้า​ อย่าไปเชื่อมัน​ อย่าไปเอามาใช้ ...


ถ้าเราทำได้เราจะประสบความสำเร็จในชีวิต​ ถ้ามีทนัพย์สมบัติก็จะอยู่กับเรายั่งยื่นยืนยาวนาน​ โรคภัยไข้เจ็บก็จะไม่มาเบียดเบียน​


ดีไม่ดี​ ชาตินี้ได้วิมุติหลุดพ้น​ ถึงจะยังเวียนว่ายตายเกิด  ก็อีกไม่กี่ภพกี่ชาติ​ ก็จะบรรลุมรรคผลนิพพานได้​  เพราะเหตุที่เราสร้างไว้นี่แหละ..."



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม​ จ.จันทบุรี

30-8-21 佛法問答

Luang pu Boonsong compassionate attend to foreign Students questions on 30 Aug 2021

Dedication of Merit

Student : We do not have spiritual ability to dedicate merits to devas that have blessed us or protected us, our departed ancestors or those sentient beings that we owe karmic debts to, may we request for Luang pu’s kindness and compassions to dedicate our merits to these sentient beings.

Luang Pu replied:  Let’s consider an example: We have a small cake , cut into many pieces and we distribute. In this instance, even though a recipient may not receive much cake but the recipient will be grateful or touched if the offering is made with sincerity and in return, they will give you their blessing.  Even though you may not possess much paramis, if the deva feels your sincerity, the deva will bless you.  So, it is beneficial practice to dedicate merits

Pest Control Professional

Student : My job profession required me to indirectly to kill pests and some time I have to kill. It is not easy to change job especially in this covid period. I also frequency do life liberation and make merit.

Luang Pu replied: Before you perform your job, you can tell them that you are going to apply treatment and please go away. Tell them your reason and explain that it is your job and you have no choice. If the pest don’t go and you have no choice.

Child diagnose Covid question

Student: My child in oversea had been diagnose Covid and can luang pu give your blessing.

Luang Pu replied: As an elder or parent, you can wish your child to recover well and you can bless him by wishing him to get well soon. You can also dedicate merit with a mind and hope he recover. He had to also follow the medical advice. One can also do life liberation.

Pet Issue question:

Student: The doctor had say that the dog is in the termination stage and had to live with his remaining days. Parents do not allow me to bring home. So I am in dilemma in deciding how I handle this situation.

Luang Pu replied: Get the vet to advice for the pet. One must have wisdom in choosing the pet.

Parents and child Relationship question:

Student: Parent had ask me to do some unreasonable things. How should I react to parent?

Luang Pu replied: Parent is one should respect. Firstly, discuss with the parent on your reason in a nice manner. If the parent do not listen, one must weigh the karma versus filial piety which is more.












30-8-21 佛法開示

文颂长老在30.08.21 佛法开示


对佛法感兴趣的人并不多。有些人去酒吧,夜总会。 今天,我给你一个简短的佛法开示来提醒大家。基本上,你需要持守五戒,并不断在。如果你能在更高的层次上发展你的专注。你的身体眼睛可能拥有天眼通"。你的耳朵可能会拥有天耳通。好像一些天人和圣人拥有这些神通。天眼是看到普通眼睛所看不到或看到未来。

如今,世界动荡不安,疾病暴发。你需要认识到正念的重要性,以帮助我们拥有坚强的心和保持平静的戒(戒律),这是基础。在5戒律中,人们将在5戒律仪式结束时听到:“西莱娜·苏加蒂姆·扬蒂‘ (巴利文):通过美德,他们去一个好的目的地。(或一个人会有幸福)西莱娜·博加桑帕达( 巴利文):通过美德,财富是完善的。如果一个人通过正当的手段获得财富,按照戒律,一个财富就会产生持久的影响。相比之下,如果财富通过违反第二戒(避免偷窃)等戒获得,财富就不会持久。我们可以描述为easy come, easy go.



戒律是个工具消除粗俗烦恼、避免制造不善业。这些人将在定力 (止观禅)进步, 其次是内观禅, 升起并导向圣道,道果和解脱。

我们不能避免任何灾难的痛苦 , 就像佛陀教 "无我"  一样。我们不能控制它,取决于你的业力。

如果你有善业(kusala kamma),你可能会繁荣昌盛,尽管随着时间,世界经历了一些巨大的自然灾害。你必须小心你的照顾您的心。有道德的人可以渡过难关。相比之下,不道德的人就像心中有火。。

在去天界、梵界或更高界之前,你应该利用这个肉体多修善业。你必须是一个有道德的人,持守清净的五戒. 当你可以把你的心发展到更高层次的法,然后你就能自己解决问题,不需要从任何人那里抄袭别人的方法而被他人欺骗。


出家以来,我一直努力创造公益。我已经建造了这个最大的 Phra Ubosot(戒堂)九年,由于当地和海外信徒的支持,我在没有债务的情况下花费了大约 10 亿泰铢。

建造这座多功能建筑,您可以获得三项果报和巨大获益-1。 寺庙2. 舍利塔3.戒堂),都在一处。你不会忘记你的善行,并为自己感到自豪。这不是假的。善行永不丢失。不要在那些不必要的事情上花钱。皈依三宝,就可以用身来修行。眼、耳、鼻都用在正确的道路上。

有些人因为不善业蒙着眼。您不会受到 Covid-19疫情的影响,因为您的善业会保护您。对三宝有信心并专注于您的修行。念诵此偈颂以求保护和加持。

拿摩搭萨 巴噶瓦多 阿拉哈多 三瑪三普達萨(礼敬彼世尊、阿罗汉和正自觉者)三遍

帕 布透 濤維苏瓦诺 帕阿拉漢 三替 (重复三次)


在缅甸有一个强大的守护者叫做“Botahtaung Bo Bo Gyi”,以求好运,但在这里我们有“无债务的戒堂”




今年,由于目前covid-19疫情影响,我们的寺庙只能在网上做卡提那庆典。通常我们每月需要的资金大约为 700 万泰铢,现在减少到 500 万泰铢。

Sati(正念)使我们免于无明。你应该看到你过去如何度过你的生活的危险性。你仍然可以吸气进和呼气出,进步你的专注力在禅修上,它会帮助你。未来无论发生什么,你都不应该过于自信。把回想过去作为与纠正的驱动力。当你知道一切时,它不会给我们带来麻烦。 “未来就在当下,把你的心放在当下”。

今天的结论是三重训练包括佛教修行的各个方面。三者依次排列:(1)śīla(“道德行为”),使身心适合培养定力,(2)samadhi(“禅定”),定力是证悟的先决条件和得到清澈的真相,以及 (3) 般若“眼见”或“智慧”)


Dhamma talk by Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong on 30 August 2021

Metta to devotees whom seek dhamma from Luang Pu Boonsong.

Not many people interested in the Dhamma. Some people go to Pub, Night club.  Today, I will give you a short Dhamma to remind you all. Basically, you need to have the Five Pure Precepts and keep developing your practice. If you can develop your mindfulness in higher level. Your physical eyes may turn to be “mystic eyes of clairvoyance. Your ears may turn to be “mystic ears of clairvoyance” (Like as the Devas or some Ariya Sangha have this psychic power. Clairvoyance is seeing what cannot be seen with physical eyes. the power to see the future or to see things that other people cannot see.). Nowadays, the world has been turbulent and disease outbreaks. You need to realize the important of mindfulness to help us having strong mind and remain equanimous Sila (Precept) is the basic foundation . In the 5 precept , one will listened at the end of the 5 precept ceremony: Silena sugatim yanti: Through virtue they go to a good destination.( or one will have Happiness) Silena bhogasampada: Through virtue there's consummation of wealth. If one obtained the wealth thru rightful means and in accordance with the precept, one wealth will have lasting effect. In contrast, if the wealth is obtain thru violating the precept such as the 2nd precept (refrain from stealing), the wealth will not lasting. We can describe as easy come, easy go.

People have pure precepts (sila), it will help him to be a disciplined man and develop the quality of determination.

When you have your virtue or precepts, you will gain many great benefits. Precept made you develop the quality of determination. If the person can keep the five precepts, this person may able to keep eight percepts, able to bhavana and progress in his Dhamma practice.

Precepts is a tool for eliminating the roughly defilement, avoid creating an unwholesome deed. These people will progress in their concentration (samatha) followed by insight (vipassaná) and lead to the noble path (ariya magga) arises, Fruit and Nibbana

We can’t avoid the suffering (dukkha) from any disaster, like as the lord of Buddha teaching about “Not-self” (Anatta). We can’t control it, depend on your karma.

If you have wholesome kamma (kusala kamma) , you may have prosperous although the world has seen some great natural disasters over time. You must take care your mind. The moral man can pass the difficult situation. In the contrast, the immoral man is like having a fire in his heart.

You should cultivate more good deeds by using this human body before leaving to the deva realm, brahma realm or higher realm. You must be a moral human, keeping the pure five precepts and once, you can develop your mind to the higher level of dhamma, then you will be able to solve problem by yourself, no need to copy the solution from anyone and get cheated by other. 

The passing of time, we cannot go back to the past, so put more effort to train yourself. Buddhist laypeople life must be wise. The making merit must be reasonable. Giving generosity also must be reasonable. Do not be like an idiom “"The blind leading the blind" (it is used to describe a situation where a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another person who knows almost nothing.)

Since being ordained, I have tried to create public benefit. I have been constructed this biggest Phra Ubosot (ordination hall) for nine years, the cost around 1,000 million Thai baht without debt because of supporting from both local and oversea devotees.

You can gain three rewards with great fruit and great benefit from constructed this multi-purpose building 1. Vihara 2. Chedi 3. Ubosot (ordination hall), all in one place. You won’t forget your good deeds and being proud of yourself. It’s not fake. Good deeds never lost. Not spending on those unnecessary things. Take refuge in the triple gems and you can use the body to practice. Use eyes, ear, nose use all in the right path.

Some people blind because of their unwholesome karma. You won’t suffer from Covid-19 pandemic because your good merit protects you. Having faith in the triple gem and focus in your practice. Chanting this Gatha for protection and blessing.

Namo Tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa (Repeat three times)

“Phra Buddho Thao Vessuwanno

Phra Araham Santi “(Repeat three time)

Your donations which you have got difficulty would be worthy because your merit will link your property lines together and cause you to own the property in this life and in the next lifetimes. Make merit in this life until you be satisfied.

In Myanmar have a powerful guardian called “Botahtaung Bo Bo Gyi “ for luck, but here we have “ Ubosot without debt” 

We expect to complete this sima hall by the next 3 years. Don’t  be dishearten to cultivate merit. By virtue of those who have debt, they will pay off their debts quickly.

It’s easy to remember this name “sima hall without debt”. Whatever you do, you must have mindful (sati) to do it. Hard to earn money, so you must use them to be worthwhile.

This year, our Temple will only be organizing the Kathina Ceremony Online because of current covid-19 pandemic. Normally we need the monthly fund around 7 million Thai Baht, now reduce to 5 million Thai Baht.

Sati (Mindfulness) saves us from ignorance. You should see the danger how you spent your life in the past. You still able to breathe in and out. Developing your concentration meditation, it will help you. What ever happen in the future, you should not over confident. Thinking of the past as a driving force to make it right. When you know everything, it will not cause us in the trouble. “The future is in the present Keep your mind in the present”.

When mind is weak, you feel discouraged. Therefore, we must be mindful. Our minds will be healed. State of mind (citta) is more powerful than heart. the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. Your mind happy, the heart doesn’t work so hard. If you do not train your mind properly, angry, stress, you will fall sick. I encourage you to Bhavana (develop your mindfulness) so that both the body and the mind will be good together. The body can be destroyed but the mind cannot. Purification of mind as the basis of meditation.

Today conclusion is the threefold training comprises all aspects of Buddhist practices. Arranged in a progressive order, the three are: (1) śīla (“moral conduct”), which makes one's body and mind fit for concentration, (2) samadhi (“meditation”), concentration of the mind being a prerequisite to attaining a clear vision of the truth, and (3) panna (“in sight” or “wisdom”).

*We translate the best knowledge that we had and seek forgiveness if there is any omission or error during the translation.


*Let's live in the present. The past must not be taken into account*.

When you think good thoughts, it has been good in the past.

When you think bad thoughts, it has been bad in the past.

Do not let your mind to think it again.

Same as having expectations during sitting meditation, you are trying to lift the mind to this stage, that stage. …You have experienced calmly or peaceful state so you expect today will sit calmly again… It’s not possible.

You thought to practice mindfulness seriously, until then there was no way it could be done.

Yesterday's gone. There's nothing you can do to bring it back. The future should not be thought of.

As a Dhamma practitioner live in the present, so doing the best today and be conscious at every present moment.

While the real determination factor is the present, thus do your best at the present moment and the future will be fine.

By Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong Thittasaro

Credit : Khun. Tik Promchart

Dhamma Talk at Wat Suanpa Boonyarit , Watnamkaew Kaoyai on May 25,2021.

让我们活在当下, 往事就别加进去了*。




就像打坐时有期望一样,你试图将心提升到这个阶段,那个阶段。 ……你经历过平静或平静的状态,所以你期望今天会再次平静地坐着……这不可能。






佛法开示在Wat Suanpa Boonyarit , Watnamkaew Kaoyai on 5月25日, 2021.

#ให้อยู่กับปัจจุบันกันนะ อดีตที่ผ่านมาไม่ต้องเก็บเอามาคิด

คิดดีก็ดีไป ชั่วก็ชั่วไปแล้ว ไม่ต้องเอามาคิดกันอีก ....

 #เพราะการปฏิบัติเหมือนกันจะต้องทำให้ถึงขั้นนั้น ขั้นนี้...... อดีตเคยนั่งสมาธิสงบยังไง

#วันนี้จะนั่งให้สงบเหมือนในอดีต มันเป็นไปไม่ได้หรอก คิดจะปฏิบัติให้เคร่งครัดอย่างไร ถึงเวลานั้น มันก็ไม่มีทางทำได้หรอก.....

#เรื่องอดีตไม่ควรนำกลับมาคิด เรื่องอนาคตก็ไม่ควรคิด เพราะนักปฏิบัติธรรม ให้อยู่กับปัจจุบันธรรม ทำวันนี้ และปัจจุบันนี้แหละให้ดีที่สุด


โอวาทธรรม หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

เครดิตอ. ติ๊ก พรหมโชติ

ภาพ ณ ลป.เทศนาธรรมวัดสวนป่าบุญฤทธิ์ อ.วังน้ำเขียว อุทธยานแห่งชาติเขาใหญ่ 25 พ.ค. 2561


“If person behave well, made himself good to be a righteous and holy person.

Everything people overlook. Everything that many people may even disgusted. It may become auspicious with sanctity, precious sacred for something to hold onto.

So if we are a good person (holy person), then there will be people puja us. Even the things from the body become important to him ... Good deeds, good intentions will create value for us, if you are actually practiced"

Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong Thittasaro

Abbot of Wat Santiwanaram, Chantaburi, Thailand.

Below are some pics that devotee worship Luang pu Boonsong hairs.






" คนเราหากทำตัวให้ดี ทำตัวเองให้ดี ให้มีความศักดิ์สิทธิ์ ของทุกอย่างที่คนมองข้าม ของทุกอย่างที่หลายคนอาจจะดูรังเกียจด้วยซ้ำไป ก็อาจจะกลายมาเป็นของมงคล ที่มีความศักดิ์สิทธิ์ เป็นสิ่งที่ช่วยยึดเหนี่ยวจิตใจให้เขา



ฉะนั้นหากเราทำตัวให้ดี แล้วมันก็จะมีคนบูชาเราเอง แม้แต่ของที่เกิดจากร่างกายก็กลายเป็นสิ่งสำคัญสำหรับเขาได้ ... ความดี ความตั้งใจ นั่นแหละจะสร้างคุณค่าให้คนเราได้ ถ้าปฏิบัติจริง"



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี


Luang Pu ! My mother died long time ago. How to cope with Mother’s Day, I don’t have mother to pay respect.

Huh…Who does not die, only the body dies, but the bond of love does not die.

Is filial piety dead too? Mother is dead. If children want to repay her deep kindness, they can often chant, bhavana, offering alms food, etc.  Every time, they did meritorious deeds, they should transfer the merit to departed parents every time too. We believe this is way to repaid their deep kindness although they passed away. It’s not those children who never do good deeds and also never transferred merit to them. Where can those ungrateful children be having a prosperity?

For those whose parents are still alive, children must take good care of their parents. Before children going anywhere, go to make merit anywhere, they must check their monks at home first (for Thai people, we respect parents like as Arahant Monk), whether they have any enough food or any shortage. Once they make sure it does not have any shortage, then they can leave. And also, once they come back home (from making merit), they should ask parents “rejoicing in the merit” (they can express their joy by saying ‘sadhu’, which mean ‘well done’). Those filial children will have their good fortune quickly and land on their feet. (Thai proverb literally means ‘Fall in the water, not get washed away. Fall in the fire, not get burnt.’) and protected by Deva.

We must always repay the indebtedness toward parents throughout our lives. You don’t need to express your love, your filial piety to them only on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Every day is Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Most importantly, you must take care their mind (mental ease), is not through only money, food or bring them to see doctor, and then you think it’s enough.

If you cannot treat enough good care of your parent, you do not need to make the offering to the Phra Arahant elsewhere. You can’t gain. The only way you can repay them ALL is …you must be an arahant, to be enlightened only. Otherwise, you can’t repay them all.  Let think about it! how much the parents’ deep kindness have to us.




对于那些父母还健在的人,孩子们必须好好照顾他们的父母。孩子们去任何地方之前,去任何地方做功德之前,他们必须先检查他们家里的师父(对于泰国人,我们把父母当如同阿罗汉来尊敬),他们是否有足够的食物或短缺。一旦他们确定它没有任何短缺,那么他们就可以离开了。而且,一旦他们(从做功德)回家,他们应该予父母分享和让他们随喜(他们可以说“sadhu”,意思是“做得好”,以表达他们的喜悦)。那些孝顺的孩子很快就会有福气,站稳脚跟。 (泰国谚语的字面意思是“落入水中,不被冲走。落入火中,不被烧毁。”)并受到天神的保护。



หลวงปู่เจ้าขา แม่หนูเสียชีวิตไปนานแล้วค่ะ ถึงวันแม่ทีไรไม่มีให้กราบเเล้วเจ้าค่ะ .....


" เอ้อ มีใครไม่ตายบ้างล่ะ  ตายแต่ร่าง แต่สายใยผูกพันมันไม่ตายไปด้วยนี่ ความกตัญญูรู้คุณมันตายด้วยหรือเปล่า แม่ตายแล้ว ถ้าลูกยังมีความกตัญญูอยู่ ก็หมั่นสวดมนต์ภาวนา ตักบาตร ให้ท่าน ทำบุญทุกครั้งให้อุทิศบุญกุศลให้แก่ท่านทุกครั้ง นี่เชื่อว่าเรายังได้ทดแทนคุณดูแลท่านอยู่ แม้ท่านจะตายไปแล้ว ไม่ใช่ท่านตายแล้วก็ไม่เคยทำบุญทำกุศลอุทิศบุญให้แก่ท่านเลย จะไปหาความเจริญกันได้ตรงไหนเล่า  พวกที่พ่อแม่ยังอยู่ก็ดูแลท่านให้ดี ก่อนจะไปไหนมาไหน ไปทำบุญที่ไหนตรวจดูพระในบ้านให้ดี ขาดตกบกพร่องสิ่งใดมั้ย อาหารการกินท่านครบพร้อมรึยัง เมื่อไม่ขาดตกบกพร่องจึงค่อยออกไปทำกิจธุระ ถ้าไปทำบุญกลับถึงบ้านก็ให้ท่านได้อนุโมทนาด้วย นี่ล่ะความรุ่งเรือง จะเกิดขึ้นเร็วต่อผู้ที่มีความกตัญญู รู้คุณ ทดแทนคุณ บิดามารดา เขาจะไม่มีวันตกต่ำ ตกน้ำไม่ไหล ตกไฟไม่ไหม้ เทวดารักษา พ่อแม่เราต้องทดแทนคุณท่านตลอดชีวิต ไม่ใช่มาเเสดงความรักความกตัญญูกันแค่ วันพ่อวันแม่ วันพ่อวันแม่มีทุกวัน ที่สำคัญต้องรู้จักการรักษาใจท่าน ไม่ใช่ให้เงินให้อาหาร ป่วยพาไปรักษาแล้วบอกว่า ได้ทดแทนคุณท่าน ทำบุญกับพ่อกับแม่ไม่ได้ ก็ไม่ต้องไปทำบุญกับพระอรหันต์ที่ไหน ทำไม่ขึ้น พระคุณพ่อพระคุณแม่นี้นะ จะชดใช้กันได้หมดก็ต่อเมื่อผู้นั้นเป็นพระอรหันต์เข้านิพพานได้  ถ้ายังไม่ถึง พระคุณพ่อแม่นี้ไม่มีทางจะชดใช้กันได้จบ คิดดูสิ พระคุณของท่านมันมากขนาดไหน........."

"หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร"

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี


A dialogue between Ven. Luang Pu Boonsong and Ajahn Sek ( nephew of Ven. Luang Pu Hong) about his own family.

Luang Pu : Do you have your own family?

Ajahn Sek: No, I am unattached. I get used to living alone. I am OK.

Luang Pu : Being a single, do you have dukkha (suffering)?

Ajahn Sek: don’t have dukkha.

Luang Pu: you can think like this is considered good. Good.

Luang Pu: Huh…if you can remain single, it will be good. This is a one of noble characteristics of person with merit and paramis (spiritual perfections) , nearly free from experiencing nonstop reincarnations because of being a single considered having much merit . Due to no craving, no struggling, no spending life with anyone to create a new endless karma, no burden to find a place and earn for living (for your couple too) .

When you do not have a new karma with anyone, your endless cycles (samsara) will be shorter and gradually cutting shorter because of having lesser things(problems, difficulties and worries) and almost reach the shore.

Thus, an unattached person is considered having much merit and paramis. Those with their family obligation, you can study the Dhamma practice of laypeople regarding the married life and will be beneficial. If husband and wife have the same precepts (sila) level, the problem should not arise.













หลวงปู่ถามอ.เสก หลานหลวงปู่หงษ์ ว่า ..มีครอบครัวรึเปล่า .....

อ.เสก.ตอบ..ไม่มีครับ ชินแล้วครับ สบายดี......

หลวงปู่ถาม..ทุกข์มั้ย การไม่มีคู่...

อ.เสก ตอบ..ไม่ทุกข์ครับ

หลวงปู่..คิดได้แบบนี้ ดีๆ

หลวงปู่..... " เอ้อ อยู่ครองโสดได้น่ะดี นี่คือลักษณะหนึ่งของผู้มีบุญบารมี  ที่ไกล้จะหมดภพหมดชาติ ไม่สร้างภพสร้างชาติให้ยาวออกไป เพราะการครองชีวิตเป็นโสดได้ ถือเป็นผู้มีบุญมาก เพราะไม่มีความอยากไม่ดิ้นรนแสวงหา  ไม่ต้องใช้ชีวิตร่วมกับใครสร้างกรรมร่วมกับใคร ต้องหาอยู่หาเลี้ยงหากิน เมื่อไม่มีกรรมร่วม ภพชาติที่ต้องไปเวียนมันก็สั้นลง ตัดไปเรื่อยๆ เพราะเรื่องมันน้อยลง  ถือว่าไกล้จะถึงฝั่ง คนครองความโสดได้นั้นคือคนที่มีบุญบารมี

ส่วนผู้มีครอบครัว ให้ใช้หลักธรรมของฆราวาสในการปกครอง ไปศึกษาดูเอา เรื่องก็จะน้อยเช่นกัน สามีภรรยาถ้ามีศีลธรรมเสมอกัน ความยุ่งจะไม่เกิด


You should cultivate many good deeds. No matter how big or small, just do it and not necessary offering dana to only me or in order to make me satisfied. 

Anything for beneficial activities to support the Buddhism and good cause, you should do it.

Luang pu Boonsong





Short Dhamma Talk by Luang pu to 8 Precept nun

Luang pu: In  this Covid period, many people will ask me on wealth matter or lottery number and few will ask me about dhamma.

8 precept nun: I been ordained for 22 years and study under a Sayadaw in Myanmar. I been to Thailand Luang pu Ganha monastery to practice. Recently, I found that my vipassana practice had deteriorated. Had also hear voice telling me that I only have one year left for my life. I am not afraid of death but at least I know I can do arrangement if the voice that tell me is true. I found it hard to chant Buddho also. Seeking Luang pu advice.

Luang pu : Everyone will have to die  but at least one that die while practice is better than those that don’t practice. You should be thankful on this voice that urge you to put into practice. Those who did not keep their precept or practice generosity and meditation should be more worried. This is because they do not know where they will go. You had been ordained for 22 years and had keep precept and practice meditation which had accumulate wholesome goodness. This will bring you to a pleasure rebirth. I rejoice your 22 years of keeping precept and practice. For monks that had ordained 20 years, we called them, maha thera.

Vipassana or chanting of Buddho is just a labelling. When you watch you breath, there is arising and falling. That is vipassana. The wholesome deed that you done to offer to this sima hall is wholesome karma and is belong to you.  You do not have to go and ask around on too many questions. You just have to put in practice on concentration. Once you had practice well your concentration and your mind will be steady. You will not be afraid of death.

I am 85 years old and you are young. I can see death then you. Do not think too much and bother about the voice that you hear. Do not be attached to the feeling. You just need to be mindful. Mindfulness will leads to concentration. Do you understand?

After,8 precept nun request for 3 refuge and 8 precept. Following with the requesting for forgiveness. The temple offered the requisites in behalf of 8 precept nun and dedicated persons.

Luang pu give his blessing.

Seek forgiveness if there is any omission and error on the translating the dhamma talk to above.Had written the best knowledge that one know.


长老说:在这个 Covid 时间。很多人会问我财富问题或彩票号码,很少会有人请示我佛法。

八戒尼:我出家 22 年,在缅甸的一位尊者之下学习。我去过泰国隆坡Ganha寺修行。最近,我发现我的内观修持退化了。还听到声音告诉我,我的生命只剩下一年了。我不怕死,但至少我知道如果告诉我的声音是真的,我可以安排。我发现也很难念诵佛陀。。求长老指点。

长老:每个人都必须死,但至少一个在修行中死去的人比没修行的人要好。你应该感谢这声音。那些不守戒、不修布施、不禅修的人更应该担心。这是因为他们不知道他们会去哪里。你出家22年,持戒、禅定,积善,这将带你往生快乐。我为你 22 年的持戒和实践感到随喜。对于出家 20 年的比丘,我们称他们为长老。



之后,八戒尼请求 3 皈依和 8 戒。接着是请求宽恕。寺庙代表者八戒尼和回向者供养必需品给长老




In the material world,

you can work for living.

You can ask or borrow materials from other people.

On the other hand, a good karma is not about earning. You can’t ask or borrow it from anyone.

To make merits or do good karma you must do it yourself. You must rely only on yourself. Nobody can do it for you.

Luang pu Boonsong







" เรื่องของทางโลกมันไปหากินกันได้ ขอกันได้ยืมกันได้ แต่เรื่องของกรรมมันไปหากินกันไม่ได้ ไปขอเค้าก็ไม่ได้ยืมเขาก็ไม่ได้ กรรมดีต้องสร้างต้องทำเอง ปฏิบัติทำเอง ทำแทนกันไม่ได้ "

(หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร)


People always invite me for consecration ceremonies, however I seldom go there. It is easy for someone with strong samadhi to consecrate a holy object, just for a short moment like an elephant flapping its ears or a snake flicking its tongue, is enough. There is no need to consecrate for hours, months or years. Occasionally I go to provide moral support.

Consecrating objects cannot be compared to teaching people. Consecrating objects is easy, teaching people how to liberate themselves from samsara is not.

That‘s why i like to teach people. Even if there are only 2 to 3 people, and it takes a long while to reach them, as long as they are truly interested in the Dhamma, I will go there.

To teach people to attain liberation, is 1000 times more miraculous than consecrating amulets and imbuing them with supernatural powers.

It is not easy to obtain a human rebirth. Time is so short, do not get lost in sensual desire, if not there will be no end to rebirth.

Luang pu Boonsong





Cr: Ted and Aaron

luang pu 早年的艱苦

*** In the past ... There were many hardships ***

When gathering alms, I got very little rice. I had to give it all to the dog.

I can withstand fasting but the dog can't.

I could withstand fasting for 7 days. Nun Waeng could go without food for 7 days. Nun Saao could fast for 6 days.

Before bedtime, I had to hide the dog in the pantry cabinet. I was hiding it from the tiger.

Otherwise...the tiger would attack the dog, but the tiger would not hurt a Dhamma practitioner.






People with merit can be observed in their characters which they will find time to listen and practice the Dhamma.

People with bad karma can be noticed easily because they will always perform bad deeds in every opportunity they could.

Luang pu Boonsong





"Others may hate or get angry with you a thousand times, it is still not equivalent to our parents loving us once. Others may love us a thousand times, and it is still not equivalent to our parents getting angry with us once. The kindness and benevolence of our parents is great and superior, above all."

luang pu Boonsong



คนอื่น โกรธเกลียดเรา พันครั้ง ไม่เท่า พ่อแม่รักเรา ครั้งเดียว คนอื่น รักเรา พันครั้ง ไม่เท่า พ่อแม่โกรธเรา ครั้งเดียว พระคุณพ่อแม่ ยิ่งใหญ่เหนือสิ่งอื่นใด is


Merit is never lost from its owner. What you did is what you will get. Bad karma is just the same as well.

Luang pu Boonsong





A strong body cannot be compared to having a strong mind. In this world, nothing is stronger than the mind. Cultivate the mind, it would be of use to us.

Luang Pu Boon Song Thittasaro

Wat Santiwanaram



" ความแข็งแกร่งของร่างกาย ไม่สำคัญเท่าความแข็งแกร่งของจิตใจ อะไรในโลกธาตุนี้มันจะแข็งแกร่งกว่า #จิตใจ เป็นไม่มี ฝึกใว้เถอะจิตใจ มันใช้งานได้" " . #หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี . ภาพ : หลวงปู่บุญส่ง & หลวงพ่อเยื้อน

CR: Jeremy Thor


After we are born, we would soon pass away.  If we do not make any merits, upon our passing, (our body) would end up rotten and foul smelling. So we should make merits while are are alive, let the our merits overwhelm the foul smell. At least when after we die, we would leave behind good deeds and good virtue. 

And after our passing, we would not be disliked by the society. Instead, the society would accept and praise us for the good deeds that we’ve done.

Just like what Luang Pu Waen had said before “After we are born we should do good deeds, after we are born we should accumulate good merits”

Luang Pu Boon Song Thittasaro

Wat Santiwanaram



就像龙普元所说 “出世后就要行善,出世后就要累积善”

龙普文颂(Luang Pu Boon Song Thittasaro, Wat Santiwanaram)

" ...คนเราเกิดมา ... ถ้าไม่ทำความดีไว้

ไม่ช้าก้ตาย พอตายไปก็เน่าเหม็น ...










อย่างที่หลวงปุ่แหวนท่านว่านั่นล่ะ "


#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี


Even though the past that one had done evil but if one do good today, It's not too late to do good just like Phra Angulimala.

Luang pu Boonsong

The name Angulimala literally means "necklace of fingers". Before Angulima's conversion to Buddhism, he was on a deluded quest to kill one thousand people. Each time he killed a person, he would cut off one finger of his victim and add it to a necklace that he wore around his neck. Angulimala had already killed 999 people, and he was seeking his 1000th victim when he encountered the Buddha. He chased after the Buddha, intending to kill him, but instead the Buddha was able to persuade Angulimala to give up his negative actions. Angulimala became a disciple of Buddha and eventually reached arahatship.

*Seek forgiveness if there is any misinterpreted.





"... คนอื่นโกรธเกลียดเราพันครั้งไม่เท่าพ่อแม่รักเราครั้งเดียว คนอื่นรักเราพันครั้ง ไม่เท่าพ่อแม่โกรธเราครั้งเดียว อะไรที่ว่าหนักหนาหรือว่ายิ่งใหญ่ ยังไงก็ไม่เท่าพ่อแม่ พระคุณพ่อแม่นั้นยิ่งใหญ่เหนือสิ่งอื่นใด ไม่มีอะไรเทียบเทียม... "



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวน่ราม​ จ.จันทบุรี


Luang pu Boonsong meditate while waiting to get onboard the plane at Malaysia airport. He often says that meditation helps everything smooth and peaceful which balance the body system and calm our minds. So, don't neglect  practicing the meditation




#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ นั่งภาวนาขณะรอขึ้นเครื่องที่สนามบิน​ประเทศมาเลเซีย​ โดยองค์ท่านมักจะปรารภเสมอว่าการภาวนาจะช่วยทำให้ทุกอย่างสงบได้​ ทั้งภาวะร่างกายและจิตใจ​ ... เป็นไปได้อย่าทิ้งภาวนา


ภาพ​ : คุณเปิ้ล


There is one person from southern of thailand send the letter with 20 thai baht to donate Wat Santiwanaram ubosot(sima hall). This small amount of money has much more boonya(merit) than some people who donate a lot of money with deeply wish on showing off how rich they are.

Luang pu Boonsong

有一位来自泰国南部的人用20泰铢寄信捐赠Wat Santiwanaram ubosot(戒堂)。这点钱的功德会是很多比起那些捐出大笔钱的人,深切地希望炫耀自己有多富有。



What you want, don't go around begging others,

What is needed is practice! Practice a lot, and it will come naturally. "

Luang pu Boonsong

“想要什麼 , 不要四處去乞求別人,

應要的是修行呢! 多多修行,等等自然會得到的。”



Amulet that I have blessed with my intent to bless it, is from my heart. The power come deeply from  my heart which is nothingness and no sorrow. It is just the emptiness, clear, and brightness which is the same as the wishing crystals. When one want something, you have to make wishes yourself.

Luang pu Boonsong

我有意加持的佛牌是从我心里。这加持的力量是来自我的无和无伤悲的心。 只是空,清澈和光明就像许愿水晶。如您期望你要的东西, 你就要自己许愿。



Tears... Don’t show it to me.

Tears are the symbol of weak person and loser.

Born as a human being, you must be a strong and determined person.

Never give up and don’t be weak to anything easily.

Tears are precious , should come out for achievement, not for the foolishness.

By Venerable Luang pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Wat Santivanaram, Chantaburi.



"น้ำตา ... อย่าได้มีมาให้เราเห็น


เกิดเป็นคนแล้วต้องเข้มแข็ง และเด็ดเดี่ยว ...



ให้แก่อะไรง่าย ๆ







#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม​ จ.จันทบุรี


I was ordained, I must practice Dhamma.

I do not take advantage of people who gave me rice and water.

I wasn’t ordained to sit around, sleep, or play.

Since I was ordained, I must practice the Dhamma.

People come to make merit here, they must get results. I must practice meditation to extend loving-kindness and compassion for them.

Luang pu Boonsong

The below photo is where Luang pu sleep on whom follow strictly on the vinaya rule of not sleep on high luxury bed.







The result of merit cannot be calculated.

That is, merit from attending to and taking care of the Noble Ones (Phra Ariya Song), the ones who practice rightly, and practiced well.

#Luang Pu Boonsong





Making merit, doing  good deeds is like planting a tree that produce flowers and bearing so much fruit till one that can’t eat them all.

Even you don’t want the plants to bear flowers and produce fruits, you are unable to stop them. It is same as merit.

LP Boonsong Thitasaro.




"... การทำบุญการทำความดี เหมือนปลูกต้นไม้ เวลาออกดอกออกผล รับประทานไม่หวาดไม่ไหว ไม่อยากให้มันออกผลมันก็ออกจะไปห้ามไม่ให้มันหยุดออกผลก็ไม่ได้ บุญก็เช่นกัน... "



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง​ ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม​ จ.จันทบุรี





"... Remember that you must have Mettā (loving-kindness) in your heart like savings in a bank account. It is a kind of insurance for your life. Doing something will be easy. Always keep Mettā in your heart. When having problems, this will help you. To do anything, you must have Mettā as a foundation.

Luang pu Boonsong






*** Those who couldn’t be seen by ordinary people. ***


“Not only those who can be seen by our flesh-eyes come to listen to the Dhamma.


There are also those who possess refined bodies, devas and brahmas, who come to listen to the Dhamma as well.


Wherever the auspicious places are, there are not only those whom we can see with flesh-eyes. The devas and bramas come to listen to the Dhamma as well.


Sometimes, you may see that I preached Dhamma so long until those present feel bored.


But there are a lot more who still want to listen to the Dhamma.


Those who can’t be seen by ordinary people.”

Luang pu Boonsong








If I know that the person is a sotāpanna (stream-entrant), I will not ask them along for merit making.

Because sotāpannas know how to make merit by themselves. It isn't necessary to tell them what to do.

They do it by themselves. If we ask along for merit making, they sometimes give all that they have.

Sotāpannas aren’t afraid of being poor.

Sometimes, they make merit until the devas feel uncomfortable and must assist them by making them wealthy.

Sotāpannas - if they are poor, it won't be for long.

Luang pu Boonsong








"A poor person, if he doesn’t make any merit, he will only get poorer.

But let’s say there’s another poor person with 3 spoons of rice to eat, who decides to make merit by offering 1 spoon of rice, with true faith. If he does it like that, there will be a lot of good results.

A wealthy person who doesn’t make merit.

One day, things he has will run out.

Because nothing in this world is certain..

But if a wealthy man enjoys making merit or doing charity. He has the right attitude and is virtuous. These people will only advance and not retreat.

People like them are the real millionaires.

The real millionaire is the one who has both inner and outer wealth.

They have everything - both treasure in the world and noble treasure. This is called prestige.


Prestige like this can be developed by oneself but can't be given to anyone.

That’s because it belongs to oneself...only to oneself...

Like the statement that ‘ whoever who sow causes will reap the effects.’

Luang pu Boonsong













Although the Light from electric light bulb or from the candle flame are so bright but they can not help you find the light of the Dhamma.

The true Dhamma is on the Citta, in the mind, and from your persistence.

The light flame ... can not help you find the Dhamma. Only your mind can find it.

Luang pu Boonsong





" แสงจากดวงไฟ หรือเปลวเทียน




ธรรมะที่แท้จริงนั้น มันอยู่ที่จิตอยู่ที่ใจ




ไฟน่ะ ... ส่องยังไงก็หาธรรมไม่เจอ

ดวงใจของเราต่างเล่าที่จะค้นพบมัน "



#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี





Do not be sensitive to what other said. The mind is yours, not belong to him/her.

You must be firm and stable. Don’t frustration.

Don’t afraid all those swear words.

Don’t give value to those gossip words .

The mind is yours, not belong to anyone. Only Look into your mind.

Luang pu Boonsong






Being a good person is not about having a lot of wealth. Money is not a good indicator of virtue or merit. If good people happen to be blessed with financial riches, they can use them well, to make all kinds of merit. However, if evil people happen to strike it rich, they will use it for sensual indulgences or to carry out unwholesome deeds instead. Therefore, always do goodness, have khanti (patience) and sati (mindfulness) to make merit, and you will only meet with pleasure and happiness.

Luang pu Boonsong

一个人拥有大量的财富并不代表他是好人。如果这笔财富是一个善心人士所得到的,他就会用来累积各种各样的功德,利益大众。但是, 如果这笔财富落入一个恶人手中,他会用来获得感官享受或造恶业。




Being a good person is not about having a lot of wealth. Money is not a good indicator of virtue or merit. If good people happen to be blessed with financial riches, they can use them well, to make all kinds of merit. However, if evil people happen to strike it rich, they will use it for sensual indulgences or to carry out unwholesome deeds instead. Therefore, always do goodness, have khanti (patience) and sati (mindfulness) to make merit, and you will only meet with pleasure and happiness.

Luang pu Boonsong

一个人拥有大量的财富并不代表他是好人。如果这笔财富是一个善心人士所得到的,他就会用来累积各种各样的功德,利益大众。但是, 如果这笔财富落入一个恶人手中,他会用来获得感官享受或造恶业。




People kill each other. Not so long other people also forget. But the tiger eat a human, people like to talk this story in many years. Some forever. Make it so frightful to animal; tiger, elephant.

They did not want to eat or harm anyone. Since they born in this world. They eat because of binding karma. You did to him , you must pay him back.

If you can get rid of your fear in your mind, you will know that the human is more frightful than animal. Go to forest is good so you will know how is  your Arammana .

Luang pu Boonsong





"  คนฆ่ากันนั้


“The Benevolence of our parents is the greatest and that there is nothing else that can compare.”

Luang Pu Boonsong always gives his ultimate respect to his mother and father.

Every time when he talks about gratitude, Luang Pu always reminds his pupils to not forget their benefactors, namely their ‘father’ and ‘mother’. These two are the ones who gave us our blood, gave us our flesh, gave us our body, and gave us birth as a human being in this world. Therefore, the Benevolence of our Parents is the greatest and nothing else can compare to it.

“You can forget everything else but please do not forget the grace of your parents

Luang pu Boonsong

The 1st pic is luang Pu  Boonsong, his brother, and  mother in the funeral ceremony of his father.

The 2nd pic is luang Pu Boonsong dedicating merit to his father and mother on his mother death anniversary.





Regardless who invite me to give Dhamma talk(s), so long as it is within my ability, even if it’s for a small group of people, just 6-7 people, I will also accept the invitation for this is better than me just accepting alms food from people’s dana as this may not benefit the people as much.

Luang pu Boonsong




" ที่ไหนนิมนต์เราไปแสดงธรรม ถ้าเรายังไหว ถึงมีคนน้อย. แค่ 6-7 คน..

เราก็จะไป ..ดีกว่าแค่ไปรับบิณฑบาตร ขบฉันอาหารเฉยๆ ไม่ค่อยได้ประโยชน์อะไร"

หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม อ.แก่งหางแมว.จ. จันทบุรี


Every time you tamboon, don’t think you are doing it for me, or for yourself. But think of it as you are doing it for the Buddha Sasana. 

The Buddha Sasana is vast and immeasurable. The benefit of your dana will thus be boundless. If you feel that you are doing it for just us alone, there won't be many benefits. This type of dana is person specific.

Just taking one meal consisting of one dish can make me full. But seeking to do it for the Buddha Sasana, it becomes invaluable. We convert your mundane worldly possessions, transforming them into noble wealth and merit.

Luang pu Boonsong






If he doesn't insult us, will we know how patient we can be?

If he doesn't insult us, will we know how persistent we are in persevering against anger?

If he doesn't insult us, will we know how much metta we can generate?

Have pity on those who come to condemn us. The person who curses us, or even hates us, he's got a dark face full of suffering and anger. Yet, don't let him in to spoil or stain our hearts.

Luang​​ Pu ​Boon Song Thitsaro

Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi






Wat Santiwanaram, Chanthaburi

ถ้าเขาไม่ด่าเรา เราจะรู้ไหมว่าเราอดทนได้แค่ไหน

ถ้าเขาไม่ด่าเรา เราจะรู้ไหมว่าเราจะมีวิริยะในการเพียรละความโกรธได้มากน้อยแค่ไหน

ถ้าเขาไม่ด่าเรา เราจะรู้ไหมว่าเราจะเมตตาเขาได้มากน้อยขนาดไหน

ให้สงสารคนที่มาด่าเราเถอะ เขาทุกข์ เขาร้อน หน้าดำคร่ำเครียดมา เสพพิษภัยของความโกรธมาแล้วเราอย่าเอาเขามาคิดให้เปื้อนใจเรานะ "

.#หลวงปู่บุญส่ง ฐิตสาโร

วัดสันติวนาราม จ.จันทบุรี

Cr Samuel, Aaron and Ted


As your parami rises, your tests also increase

So use kanti (patient endurance) and parami to consider and pass over things.

Precepts, meditation, wisdom, these things must be fully developed.

Don't be discouraged by obstacles because they are a kind of medicine for our minds.

Don't see it as a problem, but see it as a challenge to build our wasana (fortune) and parami.

Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro







ดังนั้น จงใช้ขันติ และบารมี พิจารณา และผ่านมันไปให้ได้

ทาน ศีล ภาวนา สมาธิ ปัญญา สิ่งเหล่านี้ ต้องเจริญให้ครบ

อย่าย่อท้อ ในอุปสรรคต่างๆ ที่เข้ามา เพราะมันคือ ยาชั้นดีที่จะมารักษาความมั่นคง ในจิตใจของเรา

อย่ามองว่า มันคือปัญหา แต่ให้มองว่า คือความท้าทายต่อกำลังใจในวาสนา และ บารมีของเรา ที่กำลังก้าวขึ้นสูง...ต่อไป



Do good, don't let your heart become vacant or empty.

Don’t let evil stay and take over the mind.

In order to reach Nibbana, even the smallest defilements (kilesa) must be removed.

Just as to obtain pure gold, we need to remove all the waste sediment and silt.

Luang pu Boonsong











อย่าให้ความชั่วมีที่ตั้ง​ หรือที่อยู่ในใจเรา

จะไปนิพพาน​ กิเลสสักนิด ก็ต้องไม่เหลือ




Cr:  Ted and Aaron



A group of us young monastics went to pay our respects to Luang Phor Boonsong. Luang Phor enlightened us with lots of teachings, particularly emphasising the importance of upholding the five precepts, the dependent arising behind building the Sima Hall. I also requested Luang Phor to go to Hong Kong after COVID  subsides. Luang Phor mentioned that there have also been requests made for him to go to Europe.

I asked Luang Phor whether he was still able to travel, so that I could make the necessary arrangements if he visited Hong Kong. Luang Phor said there was no problem, however he would require a wheelchair in any case.

We also discussed about Kruba Krisada, mentioning that he was polite, modest and highly popular amongst the Chinese.

Luang Phor cautioned us that currently, now is the time when we posses good  physique and external appearance because of our young age. It's okay to look at the opposite gender unintentionally, but avoid persistent looking. Else, once we attract the opposite sex, it will cause us lots of trouble.

In addition, if we are able to protect our various senses, Psychic Powers like divine vision will be developed.

Although we are young monastics, if we are able to possess sati (mindfulness) and protect our senses, we will not be looked down by others. There will come a day whereby our pictures will be displayed everywhere.

Lastly, one must strive to reduce the three poisons. If we do not exert effort in doing so, it will only increase and will not decline.

Bhante Hei



我們一班年輕出家人去頂禮Luang Bu Boonsong時,

Luang Bu 慈悲跟我們開示了很多,其中提起守五戒重要,說起建大戒壇因由,我也順便邀請長老若疫情好了則請到香港宏法,長老說也有人邀請去歐洲,









CR: Ted