luang por ganha


The Great Living Arahant Luang Phor Ganha


Luang Phor Ganha was born on March 5, 1950 as the fourth of eight brothers and sisters in Warin Chamrap District in Ubon Rachatani, the northeastern part of Thailand. He was ordained on July 4th, 1970 at Wat Supadwanaram in Muang District, Ubon Rachatani. His Preceptor was Phra Ratcha Dhamasuthee. His Pali name “Sukhakāmo” means “pursuit for happiness”. His father was a farmer.

He was a relative of the world famous meditator Ajahn Chah and he learned under his uncle. He said that his parents would not allow him to leave home and become a monk, which was a big trouble for him.

Before he became a Buddhist he was a successful jockey for a professional horseback riding. He said that he was successful because he had no fear of wounds or even death. He also worked as a physician in a village, treating prostitutes.

He is of the same blood lineage as the famous mediation master Luang Pu Chah (usually known as Ajahn Chah to the foreign people). The latter accepted Luang Phor Ganha to practice under his guidance at Wat Pah Pong for 3 years. After that Luang Phor Ganha started the practice of “Tudong”, the traditional Buddhist wanderer's life. He wandered barefooted throughout Thailand as well as Burma, Lao, Cambodia and Malaysia. Before he stopped his wandering life in 2000, he had travelled over 60,000 km.

Ajahn Ganha is considered an Arahant (阿羅漢), meaning "enlightened man" or "perfected man who attained nirvana." Relatively in small physique Ven. Ajahn Ganha spends most time meditating peacefully in a Thai forest.

He has never owned any possesions since he became a monk.  He does not have a bank account in his own name, and consumes one meal per day. He does not read the newspapers, watch TV, or listen to the radio.  He does not have a cell phone, Internet access or any social media accounts. Frequently he goes on tudong on foot with scores of his followers in search of a ascetic life. All of his followers are all vegetarians, never touching caffeine.

In 2534 of the Buddhist calendar, Luangpor Ganha did not accept a title conferred by the Sangha Raja, and replied in a letter that he did not wish to have any title. 

Luang Por's disciples are spread across 30 monastery sub-divisions in Thailand and abroad.  Since Luangpor became a monk, the donations made to him by his followers have exceeded one billion baht. But he has never given any of it to his parents, relatives and friends. 

Instead, he gave back to society, building schools and hospitals, and by all means possible, did his best to benefit the public.  

The path of the Buddha that Luang Por has been was that of  giving and devotion, following the path of practice of Ajaan Mun, Ajaan Chah, Ajaan Mahaboowa, and Bhikku Buddhadasa.  Since Nibbana is devoid of self, he practiced only relinquishing and giving - the path taught by the Buddha.

Once meditating he never slept for three consecutive months, without losing control of his mind and body. He teaches his disciples how to maintain composure in the face of troubles.

Once Ven. Ajahn Ganha and his followers was walking in the jungle.

Suddenly he saw a huge King Cobra approachig toward him. The cobra was nearly touched his face.

Undaunted he petted the highly venomous snake on the head, and said "I am glad you came here to see me."

The Cobra lowered its head and disappeared into the jungle.

"Do not fret over anything, and do not blame anybody for anything," he teaches his followers. "Calm your mind and be happy!"


Testimonial from his Luksit

"I had the opportunities to meet Ajahn Gunhah when he came to Perth, Western Australia, twice to stay at the Bodhinyana monastery, 60 km south of Perth. During the first visit, he stayed at the monastery for about a year, and I learnt a lot from him, from his experience in meditation.

One day, during his second visit, as part of my job I went to a large water supply dam located in a thick forest, near the monastery, for field inspection all alone by myself. When driving on a dirt track in the forest, I had a freak accident but somehow miraculously I escaped unscathed.

So, on the way back, I stopped by at the monastery, went into its main meditation hall, paid respect to the Buddha, sat in meditation for a while, and contemplated on that near-death experience.

When I came out from the hall, I met Ajahn Gunhah walking back to his hut. The monastery was located in a native bushland, and each monk had his own small hut for sleeping and meditating.

Ajahn Gunhah asked me to come with him to his hut. Once inside, he made himself a cup of hot and dark cocoa, and made me one also. According to the Vinaya, the monks are not allowed to drink milk after mid-day, but they can drink dark tea, dark coffee and the like. While I was sipping my hot cocoa, he looked at me, smiled, and gently said: "Life is short, isn't it ?" This caught me by surprise! How did he know what was in my mind at that time ? I had not told him anything about my day trip and certainly not about that accident!

To this day, I still don't know the answer. Perhaps it's just a casual remark from him and simply a coincident, or perhaps not so!"

Binh Anson

Perth, October 1996

Cr. Various sources, including The Seoul Times, Ted, Dhamma Piti Meditation Monastery etc.


隆波甘哈(又譯:隆波間夏、阿贊間夏)俗名Ganha Sriwongsa,巴利法名:Sukhakamo。佛曆2493年(西元1950年)3月5日出生於泰國烏汶府。他是泰國著名大修行人阿姜査的親族(他外婆的父親跟阿姜査的外公是親兄弟)。佛曆2513年(西元1970年),年滿二十歲的他在位於烏汶府城Ubon Ratchathani區,同時也是烏汶府首間法宗派Thammayut1寺院的Wat Supatwanaram出家。戒師為Phraraj Dhammasudhi。

在出生地的寺院Wat Sirimongkon度過第一個雨安居後,阿姜査慈悲接引他至巴蓬寺,並指導他在座下修行三年。其後就隨比丘師兄出外,開始他的行腳生涯。隆波甘哈每年行腳超過六個月以上,足跡遍佈泰國、緬甸、老撾、柬埔寨、馬來西亞諸國。直至2543年(西元2000年)他停止行腳時,一生行腳累積的步行距離超過六萬公里。


他首間主持寺院是位於帕省Phrae的Wat Phrae Dhammaram。由於修行精嚴,普受泰北八省人民尊敬。佛曆2536(西元1993)年,僧王發出文書欲加授他Samanasak頭銜,做整個泰北區的僧團首長,他回應拒絕。僧王當時示下:「若不接受Samanasak頭銜,那就接受戒師資格吧,那就可以剃度比丘。因為你年紀大了,舟車勞頓不方便。」隆波甘哈接受了這個特別授予的戒師資格,可以剃度本土及外國比丘。時至今日隆波甘哈的分院已超過三十間。每年生日和袈裟節來赴會的比丘超過二百位,居士不計其數。

隆波甘哈曾說:「Luang Ta Maha Bua(摩訶布瓦尊者,已故泰國近代著名森林派大師)曾多次(差不多十次)請他照顧泰國人民。」近年隆波甘哈大力發展公益事務,包括幫助寺院附近的村莊發展學校、村中寺院;為附近森林保護區建設水池和種草,以保護瀕臨絕種的野生牛群;另外又為省府王立醫院興建新大樓等。慈悲德名,日漸廣傳。

能忍比丘Bhikkhu Khantiko



有一次,阿姜查問現場的僧團:「在坐哪位已經完全沒有煩惱?」然後 LP Ganha 舉手,接著阿姜查帶他行到一邊,談了一會兒。其他人問 LP Ganha 究竟談了什麼?他說阿姜查和他說:「那你剩下來要做的事,就是幫助眾生」



話說, 我有一位朋友去隆波間夏處修行。

我這位朋友四禪八定已經齊了, 不出幾秒已經可以進入到無色界定。

隆波間夏見到他後, 正在上樓梯也突然停下來說:禪定修得非常好了, 但注意不要驕傲。

隆波間夏被認為是六通阿羅漢。 我這位朋友的確很有才華能力, 但我慢強了一些。 想不到隆波間夏竟然也知道了, 出面提醒了他。


傳聞, 有一次阿姜查所在的地方下起了大雨。



誰不知隆波間夏原來是去了打坐, 他入到定境後心識去到天界, 然後對天神們說要停止下雨。


之後他再去見阿姜查, 阿姜查便說, 你用神通了嗎? 不要再這樣做了( 註釋:因為會干擾了四季的自然法則)

*阿姜查和隆波間夏互相是親戚, 他們兩位都被認為是阿羅漢, 隆波間夏更被認為是六通阿羅漢






稀師父 4-2-2020

《 丟下自私 》













強盜的心  The mind of a theft


若果我們不付出 我們就是強盜的心 對嗎 

接著大師父對著比丘說 那些來出家的人 只不過是一個比 (托缽討飯)


若果誰只是要得到涅槃 想好說好做好 無私付出 好好地無私付出 好好地負責任 在當中得到快樂 就是這樣無我 得到快樂 就是說他們看到輪迴的過患 就可以成為出家人聖者

如果我們剃掉鬚髮 穿上袈裟 但是這個心仍是喜歡想女人 喜歡吃喝玩樂 喜歡得到金錢 如此類推 就是說不是一個普通的盜賊 是大強盜  同意嗎.

每一個人都應該炸掉內心這個大賊 同意嗎.

嗔心 不滿 我們都應該把它去除 必須這樣做 因為喜歡與不喜歡 都是盜賊 不是出家人

我們必須知道 我們有眼耳鼻舌身意是為了得到智慧 學習佛法是為了能夠無私付出 同意嗎  大家都應該一起來 他心裏的強盜炸掉 對嗎

今天你們得到功課了 同意嗎

我們要涅槃 涅槃在哪裏


比較容易聽得明白 拿去吧

不需要嘥時間 長篇大論 不需要浪費時間聽冗長的開示 同意嗎

龍婆甘夏 蘇卡伽無



"... If we do not give selflessly, we are thieves inside, right?" 

Luangpor  told the monks that, people who come to ordain could only be called a "monk" " mendicant"

"Phra" refers to the holy monks who are  Sotāpanna, Sakadāgāmi, Anāgāmi, and Arahant. 

If anyone aims only Nibbana.   Be wholesome in body speech and mind, be very selfless giving, be very responsible,  and so be very happy.   Be a happy selfless giver. And they see the danger in the samsara.  They can become a Phra. 

If we shave our head, dress yellow robes, but we still like to think of women, like to enjoy eating, travelling, like to get money ... etc.  He is not a common thief, but a violent robber。  Agree?

Everyone must blow up the inner robber, agree? 

We must get rid of  anger and dissatisfaction.  It must be done. Because likes and dislikes are robbers.  They are not Phra.. 

We must know that we have eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind in order to become wise.  We study, dharma so that we can become selfless givers.    Agree?

Everyone should blow up the inner robber. Right? 

Today you all get your homework.  Agree?

We aim Nibbana.

Where is Nibbana?

Nibbana is where we blast the gangsters.  

It is easy to understand,  Take it with you. 

No need to waste time talking long.

No need to waste time listening long     Do you agree ?

Reverend Luangpor Ganha Sukhgamo

At Wat Pha Subthawee Dhamaram  

Monday 15 March 2021




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