ajahn prasit 


法宗派 龍波帕習 (白父的导师)



家中共有6位兄弟姐妹 師傅在家中排行第2,師傅在小的時候是家中最懂事的孩子,當師傅7歲的時候,師傅去了當地的小學讀書,師傅在小學時期,每次考試都是整個年級的第一.二名 在師傅小學畢業之時,龍波帕習的老師讓師傅接著去讀書,但這時候龍波帕習曾詢問過家裡的人,是否還要繼續讀書。後來因為家裡的條件並不好,家裡讓龍波帕習退學幫助家裡種田維持生計。龍波帕習也下定決心退學幫助家裡種田維持生計以及照顧自己的兄弟姐妹。在這途中,龍婆帕習從未放棄過學習。在龍波帕習17歲的時候,師傅曾考慮過去寺廟出家,因為在佛教的信仰裡,出家成為僧人是給自己的父母以及親人積德行善。 經過考慮以及和家人的協商之後,佛歷2503年19歲之時,龍波帕習的父母把龍波帕習交於Wat Pothisomphon寺的主持龍普ON 在佛歷經2504年龍波帕習20歲之時,龍波ON正式為龍波帕習剃度龍波怕習也成為了僧人,並且龍波帕習也成為了龍普ON的弟子 龍波帕習在正式成為僧人之後一直與龍普ON師傅學習了佛經和巴利語,直到有一天,龍波帕習發現自己不喜歡整天呆在廟裡,而是喜歡在森林修行的方式、到處遊走嘗便人生的疾苦,龍波帕習在與龍普ON以及親人告別之後,離開了自己的家鄉,穿著袈裟,帶著缽盂開始了自己的修行。 龍波帕習從自己的家鄉步行出發(行走是苦行僧的一種修行方式,師傅的家鄉位於泰國的東北部),師傅曾步行到中部,南部,最後行走到了泰國的北部,在這途中,師傅曾經多位高僧取經,並且與他們一同修行,龍波帕習曾向泰北著名高僧龍普元、龍普sim以及法宗派高僧龍波瑪哈布達學習 在經歷過長期自我修行之後,龍波帕習來到了泰國北部,師傅很喜歡北部,並也決定留在北部繼續修行(這也是師傅出生於東北部,寺廟卻位於北部之因) 

 龍波帕習是法宗森林師傅裡修行到修羅漢的一位師傅,師傅於佛歷2545時在清邁的Maharat Nakorn醫院(Suan Dok)拍了X光片,結果發現師傅的手臂呈現出半透明玻璃 晶瑩透亮

後經研究發現 這時 師傅的手上已修成了舍利此事立馬上了泰國的電視與報紙(2545 3/8的新聞)

 龍波帕習於佛歷2559年7月31日 下午2點23分圓寂。

Ajahn Prasit 的趣事與開示





到時也會造Luang Por Brasit大師父銅像,

Luang Por Brasit也是很好修行者,


Ajahn Keng說過曾經看Luang Por Brasit參與一個法會打坐十小時不動,旁邊東西也收完但他還沒出定,也請過這大師父到這馬來西亞,但那時認識的人還不多。

Luang Por Brasit之所以很出名,是因為一次反車傷了手,去照x光時,醫生發現成條手骨已化成舍利有如像水晶或電光管般,還把它出報,因而轟動起來。

昨天與白衣特意去頂禮Ajahn Keng, 並邀請參與生日,但可惜他已有到拜訪外國活動,但感謝他熱情招待,善哉。


Even at the moment of illness, Luang pu Prasit has never been slacking

He still insists on walking meditation every day. The disciples asked the elder to rest more, but the elder said:

"If you want me to stop practice dilligently, I have to first stop my breathing.

Only then  my diligence will stop. "

即是生病时刻,Luang pu Prasit也不曾懈怠懒惰,







Luang pu Prasit

Let's not talk too much

We have to do more than talk

Luang pu Prasit


The Lord Buddha taught us to believe in "karma". Regarding "karma" is a real thing. Teacher, myself had three accidents due to "karma". Although ordained as a monk in this life,  has always facing the karma. Karma was created by ignorance in the past, but now if there still  karma that going to ripen, just accept it !

Luang Phor Prasit

佛陀教导我们要相信“业”. 关于“业” 是一件真正的事情,师父本身发生3 次的意外了,因为是 “ 业 ” 虽然这一生出家了,也一直都在面对业报,由于过去的愚痴而造业,现在如还有一些业报将来临也就接受吧!


Desire will not be satisfied and will not stop. For example, if you want to eat, sometimes even if you are full, but your" heart "is not full and you would still want to eat. If you can still eat, you will still eat till the stomach are bloated. Therefore, I say that the mind does not know how to "satisfy" and is not satisfied. This is craving, a type of defilement . That's why the Buddha taught his disciples to learn meditation and let the mind experience the taste of Dhamma in right concentration.

Luang pu Prasit


Luang pu Prasit


Teacher grave karma had arrived, all the grave karma had follow suit to come and finally will be all returned back.

This is the last birth, all had come together, this is all attribute to my previous accumulated karma. " This is the karmic retribution on me harming human previously".

The karma from me hitting the buffalo had ripen faster then the other karma. This karma had opened the door to allow other previous karma to follow suit.

Luang pu Prasit



“ 我曾经伤害人类的业报”



Luang pu Prasit

CR: Dhammavana Meditation (BM) Centre


Cultivating mindfulness and awareness, being aware of the condition of the whole body, is of great help to life. People who have right mindfulness and right view will get a lot of benefits if they know what they are doing all the time. No matter what you do, it will go smoothly and there will be few mistakes.

Luang Phor Prasit


Luang Phor Prasit


Time pass every day, and we come to this world is to create karma and some to give ( generosity) and accumulate good karma for ourselves but to those people who do not have a clear understanding of good and evil thus they wouldnt understand on the accumulation of bad karma, lastly couldn listen in the end.

Even though is a pair of ear but there are several types of ears, different types of ears, thick and thin ears, young and old ears but we all focus on this one heart(mind), because the ear and the heart are the same organ, it accept the knowing and record in the heart(mind).

Luang phor prasit



Luang phor prasit


Tamboon and giving dana countless number of times, donated robes at Kathina not sure ten or hundred sets, cannot compare to the merit accrued when we make the mind peaceful in samadhi. Because only so we arrive at the true source of merit. Depending on offerings, gifts, rice, food and other requisites, they are just external objects which are impermanent. If we are able to make our mind peaceful and calm, Patibat Bucha (offering of practice) is more valuable than material offerings. They cannot be compared, we must understand things in this way.

Luang Phor Prasit Punyamakaro