luang por plien


隆婆變。盤呀吧啼缽(Luang Phor Plien Panyapatipo)




隆婆變曾經有緣跟隨母親拜訪過阿贊曼尊者。但是年紀太輕,並沒有機會和阿贊曼正式學習。不過在偶然的機會下,隆婆變遇到了阿贊李(Phra Ajahn Lee)。阿贊李看到隆婆變對禪修有興趣便叫他去找一位隆普曼早期徒弟,隆普彭(Luang Pu Phrom Jirapunyo)向他學習。這就點起了隆婆變對佛法的興趣,開始照著隆普彭所教的自己修行。他也經常陪伴母親到廟裡供養比丘,也慢慢升起出家的念頭。隆婆變於是要求母親讓他出家,不過母親不肯。隆婆變只好暫時打消出家的念頭繼續在家裡幫忙。



隆婆變在佛歷2502年正式出家,法號《盤呀吧提缽》意思是 ”具有智慧者”。出家16日後,母親來到廟裡要求還俗。隆婆變回母親說要留到戒夏后才還俗,母親只能傷心的同意。可是在戒夏完畢前,隆婆變已經做好決定離開寺廟,開始苦行的生活。



戒夏完畢後,原本應該還俗的隆婆變選擇離開寺廟開始苦行的生活,目標是尋找禪脩大師向他們學習。隆婆變聽聞東北有另一位阿贊曼門下的高僧,於是穿山越嶺來到了阿贊卷(Ajahn Juan Kulachettho)所住的山洞,不過阿贊卷當時離開了山洞到另一處修行,隆婆變於是暫時留在這山洞裡繼續修行。阿贊卷所住的山洞非常簡單,只有兩片木板讓他躺著或坐著。背後就是懸崖,一個不留神就會從高處摔落,所以在這山洞禪修一定要有一定的集中力。

之後隆婆變便繼續步行,沿著山路最後找到了阿贊卷。隆婆變看到阿贊卷的修行方法讓他非常的佩服。雖然只能短短的和阿贊卷會 面,不過隆婆變看到了阿贊卷的修行方法讓他感到非常的滿足也充滿了信心。遇見了阿贊卷之後,隆婆變就決定繼續行腳,尋找一個寧靜的地方禪修。


喪禮完畢後,隆婆變繼續苦行,拜訪多位當代的深林派高僧。隆婆變曾步行拜訪阿贊佔迪(Ajahn Jandee Khemapanyo)在和這位阿贊學習時,隆婆變修煉到了《不淨觀》在禪定時能看到人體的變化,從美麗的軀體,到變成一具屍體,一直到腐爛成一堆白骨。

隆婆變後來又遇到另外一位德高望重的深林派高僧,隆普帖(Luang Pu Thate Thatesarangsi)。隆普帖也是阿贊範,隆普元,隆普考,隆達馬哈布瓦的師兄。很多早期的深林派高僧都非常尊重他。隆普帖對禪修的了解極為深奧,許多在禪修遇到困難的出家人都會大老遠來到隆普帖在泰南的廟向他求教。


隆婆變在隆普帖那修行一段日子後便離開隆普帖,繼續往東北走。隆婆變來到了隆普考(Luang Pu Khao Analayo)的廟便向這位深林派元老學習,並將它所遇到的禪定問題一一的告訴了這位老和尚。在這裡修行時,隆婆變不僅僅是禪修,也扛起了照顧隆普考的責任。時時刻刻都有機會和隆普考親自學習。

當時在北部的高僧有三位,隆普元(Luang Pu Waen Sujinno),隆普特(Luang Pu Tuer Ajaladhammo)和隆普杏(Luang Pu Sim Puttajaro),三位都是北部深林派赫赫有名的禪定大師,尤其是隆普特,當時在泰國可說是講法一流的高僧。步行來到了泰北,隆婆變就住在隆普杏的廟。這段日子他向隆普杏學習同時也照顧著隆普杏,為隆普杏搭理生活事務。


在隆普特和隆普杏廟住了幾個月後,隆婆變前往拜訪隆普元。隆普元當時廟裡只有另外一位服侍著他的比丘。於是隆婆變就決定留下來照顧年邁已高的隆普元。隆普元第一次看著隆婆變漏夜行禪時便對服侍他的阿贊努(Phra Ajahn Nuu)說他看得出隆婆變是位非常有決心的比丘。那晚隆普元也特別給隆婆變開示佛法,並鼓勵他繼續修行下去,因為解脫的道路還是存在著,他也希望隆婆變能勤奮的往這條路走下去。

雖然隆普元是位不多話的高僧,但是他所教導隆婆變的佛法讓隆婆變一身難忘。隆普元也會經常提醒隆婆變不要把時間花在俗事上,應該把精神投入在禪修。有一次隆婆變在為廟里新建佛塔而困惑著,雖然隆婆變沒說出來,但是隆普元早已知道隆婆變心裡被這件事困擾著,於是對他說 “為這些操心是多餘的,把心集中在禪定才是最重要的事” 雖然隆普元為人安靜,但是當他一開口,句句都是金。





隆普厝(Luang Pu Chob Thanasamo,阿贊曼早期徒弟只一)曾經說過,隆婆變在前世是位修行極高的魯士。今生回來人世還具有前世修來的福報和修行成果,所以今生學習禪定非常容易上手。但是由於前世修來的念力高,如果不小心就會無意的傷到他人。所以一定要修慈悲觀來克制隆婆變所有的念力。


有些人還說在師父周圍時,師父能知道你在想些什麼。比如有一次,一位泰北的信徒來到廟要和隆婆變見面,但是人太多,這位信徒也不好意思打擾到別的信徒,於是在腦對隆婆變許願,要求能在今天和隆婆變見個面。不了,這時在和別的信眾講著話的隆婆變抬頭看了剛剛這位許願的信眾,便說到 ”這裡有位信眾很為別人著想,心裡其實很想來和我對話,不過怕會打擾到別人就不敢上來對嗎?“ 這時隆婆變的視線就對準了那位信眾,讓他真正的見證到隆婆變《他心通》的能力。


有一回, 隆婆變在寺廟裡經行(行走禪)時, 進入禪定. 走著走著就發現到身體已經離開了地面, 好像走在雲端上輕飄飄的感覺. 師父說當時離地面有3到6米高, 整個過程維持大概有3柱香這麼久(3小時)雖然當時獨自一人修行, 不過感覺非常輕鬆和愉悅. 

There was once when Luang Phor Plien was doing his walking meditation in the temple. As he was walking, he entered into deep concentration and did not realized he had levitated off the ground. 

When he finally realized he was walking off the ground, he felt a sense of lightness as if he was walking on clouds. According to LP Plien, he was walking about 5 to 6 metres above ground, and the whole process lasted for around 3 hours (3 incense stick length). 

Even though LP Plien was practicing alone at that time, he felt an immense joy and ease after this experience

luang por plien 和水龍的故事

這些照片是由信眾拍的. 當時隆婆變被邀請到曼谷的[帕郎告佛寺 Wat Phra Ram Gao]為大殿主持開幕法會. 

當隆婆變被邀請上座講法時, 天龍和神蛇開始聚集在法會現場. 隆婆變描述說當天有43位天龍神蛇在當時的法會現場聽法. 隆婆變還說這些在座的天龍神蛇來世將轉世為人來修法.  

據說, 當一位得道高僧(比如阿羅漢, 菩薩)講法時, 這些天人或地仙會聚集在這高僧周圍, 頂禮這些高僧和藉此機會聽聞佛法, 希望來世能轉世成人, 有個機會修佛法, 證得聖果.

luang por plien and mae bua sai

Mae Bua Sai passed away in 2522. Luang Phor Plian Panyapatipo was curious to know where she was reborn, so he determined his mind to find out.

Phra Ajaan Plian was able to see a divine palace surrounded by beautiful, soft and smooth golden-hued grass. There were also rows and rows of well-arranged heavenly roses around which made the whole place very pleasant.

Finally, a Thep Tida (female deity) descended from the golden palace dressed in green. She asked whether Phra Ajaan Plian was here to see Mae?

Luang Phor replied that yes he was, and the Thep Tida transformed into Mae Bua Sai, as how she used to look when she was alive - just to make sure that they got the right person. Luang Phor then nagged her for not coming to visit the temple at all after she was reborn.

The Thep Tida told Luang Phor that it was very comfortable in heaven and therefore she didn’t really feel like leaving her palace.

There was much happiness and contentment, on a level way beyond what she had expected. So much so that she forgot about her earthly life. And especially about the bothersome and troublesome things on earth.

When Mae was still alive she used to go to the temple everyday. Mae Bua Sai will be holding a lot of flowers and she will also provide clean water for the novice monks.

Moreover, she is always meticulous regarding the cleanliness and orderliness of the place, making sure the temple premises are swept and kept clean.

Mae Bua Sai was also a kind-hearted person. If there was a poor person who came to the temple, she would give him or her some money and some fish and food to eat. Wherever she would got to tamboon, people would want to join her and some would offer her money to make merit.

Phra Ajaan Plian said that when the devaputtas’ and theptidas’ time in heaven is up, the good divine beings look forward to be reborn as human beings to create even more goodness and develop themselves and their parami.

But when they are reborn as humans, they often forget their noble intention and get lost and obsessed by the pleasures in the world and not perform the good deeds they intended. In the end, they fall to an even lower status than what they were used to.

Luang Phor Plian Panyapatipo

Wat Aranyawiwake, Chiang Mai

Cr. ท่องถิ่นธรรม พระกัมมัฏฐาน

Dhamma 法談


Luangpo Plian是泰国清迈的森林派高僧,有次他对弟子们说:


居士问:”那些禅坐念buddho 。。buddho。。。的人,念了buddho之后,就能够避免遭遇到这些天灾人祸吗?“

Luangpo Plian回答:“不是的,但是那些常念buddho的人,死了之后可以投胎到好的地方。” 

Alms Giving & How to Offer Items to Monks

If we want to gain a good result of merit from alms-giving, we, first of all, should know how to do it correctly. Therefore, we have to inform ourselves to make sure that we understand what ought and ought not to be done in due course.

In order to get a great deal of merit from alms-giving, we first have to prepare things for alms which we must get from the right means of livelihood, so that the alms is morally clean and pure.

Dana or alms-giving in the Suttas is divided into ten types. They are almsfood, clothing, vehicle and transportation facilities, flowers, incense / aromatic things, mats and paving material, medicine and light.


Monks are forbidden to hoard food, and they cannot do cooking. Therefore, alms gathering is the monk's daily routine. Some of them take only one meal a day in the morning, and some have two meals -- in early morning and just before noon. They are not allowed to eat after midday, unless they are severely ill.

In the morning, the monk is expected to go for alms gathering as his routine. The Buddhist layman personally contributes towards the daily food requirements of the monks and novices as an act of religious merit, as well as a means to support the Buddha Sasana.

Offering food to the monk on his alms round should be done correctly too. One who wants to do this should prepare the food and get ready. Make it seen that you want to offer alms food to the monk. When the monk comes, he will stop in front of you and open the lid of his almsbowl. Then, we will carefully place the articles of food, one after the other, into the almsbowl. The monk will receive the food peacefully and respectfully. He also will bless us at that moment as well.

The monk does not wear shoes while going on the almsround. Therefore, during this almsround offering we ought to take off our shoes too. Otherwise we will be in a higher place that the monk, and this is considered to be improper or impolite. There is an exception for government officials, soldiers and officers in their uniform.

However, if the monk is standing on a platform or on a mat which is considered to be in higher place than us, taking off one's shoes is not necessary.


According to the Vinaya or Monastic Discipline, monks cannot take things without them being first offered. It is an ecclesiastical offense to use unoffered items. Therefore, knowing what to do in presenting things to the monks is necessary for us Lay Buddhists. 

First, the size and weight of the object presented should be manageable by one person. It should not be too heavy, making it inconvenient for both the monk and the donor. There is no problem with lighter and smaller things.

When both the monk and the devotee are ready, he or she should be about an arms length or less than a meter away from the monk, and present the alms respectfully to the monk. The monk has to receive the alms courteously too.

On presenting the object to the monk, if it is done by two hands it will be received by both hands too.

The monk cannot receive things from a woman's hand directly. He will use a piece of cloth to receive the presented object by placing the cloth in front of him. Then the women places the object presented on that piece of cloth. Again, if it is offered by one hand, the monk will receive it with one hand as well. Both the presenter and the receiver have to do this nicely and respectfully too. This makes a correct, nice and beautiful gesture in presenting things to the monk.

Phra Ajaan Plien Panyapatipo

Wat Aranyawiwake, Mae Taeng District

Chiang Mai Province


 功德的结果取决于三个部分的质量。 他们是接受者、施舍者和捐赠者。

 功德的结果很大程度上取决于施舍者是谁。 例如,如果我们供养一位比丘,比丘越清净、越精进,获得的功德就越多。

 如果我们布施食物给动物,就功德而言,我们得到的就会少一些。 因为动物的地位比人低。 动物不能遵守宗教戒律。 佛教徒认为,持戒是一种道德修养或净化的过程。

 同样的道理,如果我们布施那些不持五戒的人,我们得到的功德会少一些,但比供养动物的功德多。 我们可以对那些恶作剧的人布施,帮助他们提高道德。 还是有希望的,因为人类是一种受教的动物,或者说在美德或道德方面比动物处于更高的地位。

 供养那些遵守五戒(不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒等麻醉品)的人,我们一定会比那些不接受或不遵守五戒的人供养更多的功德。 5戒。

 当我们布施那些持戒程度较高的人,比如八位或十位比丘时,我们会获得更多的功德。 对于一位遵守227条戒律的比丘来说,更是如此。 因此,布施给圆满者(Phra Arahants)是一件美妙的事情,而最重要的接受者就是布施佛陀。

 当我们布施的东西是透過道德不洁而獲得时,即我们以不善的方式布施,或者如果我们作为布施者不道德,或者如果接受布施的比丘没有很好地持守他的227条戒律,我们将获得很少的功德。 在这个例子中,所有三个组成部分在道德上都是不健康的。

 让我们再举一个例子。 如果布施品德清净,我们施主遵守五戒,但比丘戒律不圆满,那么我们得到的功德也会减少。 这就像在沙子或海边种植水稻而不施肥一样。 植物无法生长良好。 布施是植物的种子,受施者是土壤。 没有戒律、没有圆满的比丘,因为没有很好地遵守他的戒律,就像没有肥料的土壤一样。 如果我们跟这样的比丘一起做功德,我们得到的功德很少,就像在没有施肥的土壤里种植一样。


Phra Ajaan Plien

Wat Aranyawiwake

Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai



Luang pu plian