

por khao wanchart yimme 的回應



Ajahn suchart  的回應

Question:  Is it true that only arahants’ remains will become relics after they passed away? 

Than Ajahn suchart (well practised monk in Thai forest tradition) :   That’s according to the common wisdom. Everybody accepts this truth that once a person became an arahant, part of the remains would turn into relics. But it doesn’t mean that every arahant will have his remains turned into relics because it depends on how long he lived after he became an arahant. If a person died right after he became an arahant, then his pure mind hadn’t had time to purify his body. So, if a person died right after he became an arahant, then his remains might not turn into relics. But if an arahant lives for many years after he attained arahanthood, like the Buddha who lived for 45 years after he got his enlightenment, then after he died, some of his remains would become relics right away. So, it depends on how much time his purified mind purified the bones to make them to become relics. 

But, there is no guarantee to assume that once a person died, if his remains didn’t turn into relics, he wasn’t an arahant. You can’t assume that because he could be an arahant, but he didn’t have enough time to purify his body to make the remains to become relics. But if one’s remains became relics, then you can assume that he must be an arahant.

“Dhamma in English, Mar 25, 2019.” By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

luang pu doo  的回應

When Luang Pu Doo was alive, his disciple used to ask him – “Is it true that only bones of an Arahant will give rise to relics?”

Luang Pu replied, “Phra Sotapan, their bones can also manifest relics. But the appearance is different from that of an Arahant.”

But how about Bodhisattas who are full of baramee like Luang Pu Thuad. Bodhisattas in the Theravada tradition are not considered enlightened at all, as they have neither attained the Path nor Fruition. So will their bones turn to relics?

Luang Pu revealed that “A Bodhisatta whose parami is already full, can be compared to an ‘Anagami Special Class’.” 

隆波帕默 的回應











(依上座部佛教,佛陀誕生、成道、涅槃的日子都同樣在毗捨佉月(vesakhamasa)的月圓日。有人將此日翻譯為衛塞節(vesakha day)。毗捨佉月相當於陽歷的四月或五月。)





什麽是Pa Bah?

Pa Bah(泰文)直譯是森林布,即供袈裟白布,而泰國現在最主要多為借此供Pa Bah與其範圍東西如金錢來籌集寺院需要的經費,通常一些寺院缺乏建設費用等都會舉辦Pa Bah的供養來幫助寺院的起建或所需。


刹那是什麽?剎那是指心識剎那(心識生uppāda、住ṭhiti、滅bhaṅga 的時間)。這是佛教中分到最細小的時間單位。


SN12.61 義注中就這樣說:

一彈指刹那間,有許多千萬百千(=10^12 =萬億)的心生起

ekasmiñhi accharākkhaṇe anekāni cittakoṭisatasahassāni uppajjanti.

Why bodies of some people do not decompose after death?

In Thailand you may visit many temples which house the bodies of great ajaans that seemingly do not decompose. It seems rather mystifying to us, staring at the monks lying there in their glass coffins. Luang Pu Doo ever once commented that there are 3 reasons as to why a monk's body would not decompose.

The first is that the master could have been an expert in spells and incantations, and he could have blessed his rice before eating everyday, which is converted into an indestructible body. The second is someone who soaks in herbal baths or eats certain kinds of herbs (read Luang Phor Jumnean's story of how his father turned invulnerable if you are interested).

Then there is the third kind, someone who has reached high stages of enlightenment, such as arahants who adithans (make a strong determination) that his body does not decay after his death. It so happens that the disciples of Luang Pu heard Luang Pu saying that LP Phrom Wat Chong Kae has reached the stage of arahantship. Thus they understood why his body does not decompose.





就是可以兩個途徑。第一個途徑就是一些人透過禪定,來知道那個人證得什麼果位。好像說luang por plien ,他能夠透過禪定來看到比如說比丘好像一個黃金,那就是阿羅漢。



ajahn golf:就是那些底階段的人不能知道那些高階段的人到什麼果位。就好像一個乞丐他們不知道有錢人的那些珠寶。那些開大車的人很難去感受那些開 benz 的人的感覺。

因為那些阿羅漢已經經歷過了,所以他可以知道開benz 的 感覺是什麼,全部都知道


ajahn golf : 不論用什麼方法,低階位的人不能知道高果位的人

那些低階位的人(對於高階位的人雖然)對他們的佛法有認同、好的感覺,但沒有100% 肯定這個師父到什麼果位。就好難好像高果位的人很確定他們到什麼程度