Luang pu Opart


As Dhamma followers may know, there are two kinds of meditation, insight (vipassana) which leads to the end of suffering (nibbana) and samatha (tranquility meditation). LP Opart is a master of the latter kind of meditation, and because of this, has extremely deep samadhi, enabling him to read people and perceive everything about them, including their potential futures. For those who are interested, the future is not fixed, depending on what you do in the present. LP Opart is able to see the particular potential paths you can take that will lead you to success.

Luang Pu Opart is a follower of Phra Sri Ariya Mettaya, or Maitreya Buddha. Through his powerful samadhi, he is able to see the future. In 1981, he foresaw that if he stayed in Myanmar, he would be captured by the Burmese Army, so he quietly left and came to Thailand. Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo invited Luang Pu Opart to bless one of Wat Tham Muang Na's first batch of rians, which features Luang Pu Doo with Luang Pu Thuad in front and with Phra Naresuan the Great behind in 2538. 

 Presently, he stays at Wat Chong Kam in the Northern Province of Lampang, and many masters have recognised his extreme prowess in meditation, such that even monks from the Thai Forest Tradition come to pay their respects to him.

Laung pu Opart is deemed to be a living bodhisattva who aims to attain buddhahood


Human life is short but precious

It does not matter how big or small our body is; the most important factor is the mind. Human beings do not live very long. Fifty years in the human realm are equal to one day in the lowest realm of the heavens (Catummaharajika). So if you can live as long as a hundred years as a human being, it only equals two days in the heaven realm. You should ponder on how short our life is. We should only pursue good and wholesome acts. If not now, then when? Time is short and out life is short.

Human beings are considered the highest of all beings. We are capable of attaining enlightenment to become a stream-enterer, a once-returner, a non-returner, an arahant, a Paccekabuddha, or a Sammasambuddha. Human beings can become anything at any level- a monk, a member of royalty, extremely wealthy, a vendor, or a farmer; thus, taking rebirth as a human being is considered the highest kind. But as our life is relatively short in comparison to that of celestial beings, we must be diligent in cultivating acts of goodness.

- Adapted from 'Ovada - The Exhortations of Luang Pu Opart'.

The mind is the master

"ใจเราเป็นตัวสั่งให้ยิ้ม ให้โกรธ ใจสะอาดก็ยิ้ม ใจสกปรกก็หน้าโกรธ"

"The mind is the one that orders that person to smile or be angry. If the mind is clean, then one smiles, but if the mind is dirty, then one face becomes angry."

หลวงปู่โอภาส วัดจองคำ

Lunagpu Opart, Wat Chongkham



  “以我所行此功德的力量,我想請求天界轉世為 tewada天人 或成為 maha setthi(百萬富翁)。”

  不應該鼓勵這樣的 Adithaning。 如果我們修行和表現良好,或鼓起功德,那就是完善我們的波羅蜜、nekkhamma 波羅蜜、戒波羅蜜、布施波羅蜜和慈波羅蜜。

  但我們大多數人根本不重視涅槃,也沒有想過完善我們的波羅蜜。 我們所希望的只是成為富有的百萬富翁,進而獲得更多的煩惱(煩惱)。

  我們想捲入貪、瞋、痴。 或想成為男神或女神。

  這樣的願望無助於解決煩惱的問題。 如果我們能解決煩惱的問題,我們就會成為帕阿羅漢並證悟涅槃。

  我們的願望或願望必須是證悟涅槃和證悟。 這樣一來,可不可以考慮完善你的波羅蜜。


  我們所有人都需要明白,最重要的是慈心。 慈心會導致大量的無相。  Metta是最優秀的。


  Wat Chong Kham, 



luang por opart: 去問佛陀咯。你拿到什麼方法,你覺得喜歡、適合你的話,就用那個方法。




打坐的目的 |持戒的重要

laung por opart (傳聞的菩薩道行者)












大家要持好五戒,有戒就不會墮落到惡道。這個年代光是持好五戒不夠,還需要修行,當穩重(?),就能成為初果。 如果家外骯髒,人家自然不會來。如果家外乾淨,人們看到就高興。持戒就好像乾淨,保持乾淨